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Statistical information for: Germany

Country information

Original country name: Deutschland Capital: Berlin
English country name: Germany Surface(km2): 356840
ISO Three Letter Code: DEU Population number: 81751602
ISO Two Letter Code: DE Population density:  

Biogeographic regions:

Biogeographic region name Percentage(%)
Alpine 1
Atlantic 20
Continental 79

Total number of sites: 23011

Source data set CDDA National European diploma Natura 2000
No. of sites17803   8   5200   
No. of species0   0   3949   
No. of habitat types100   0   92   
No. of sites/km20.040.000.01
Percent number of sites with surface data available99.97100.0 100.0 
Total area (ha)13998551.30145529.0 11304271.94
Average area(ha)786.5218191.122173.89
Standard deviation for sites area11450.1525046.4015532.27
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100