Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies

English name: Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies

Description (English)

Lake-bottom animal, green algal or lower algal communities.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code C1.11
Bern Convention Included in a Resolution 4 habitat type at a higher level (C1.1)

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 22.16 Lacustrine benthic communities wider
CORINE Land Cover 5.1.2. Water bodies n/a
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 Eau profonde (zone limnétique) wider
Biotopes of the Czech Republic 2001 V3 MAKROFYTNÍ VEGETACE OLIGOTROFNÍCH JEZÍREK A TŮNÍ (Macrophyte vegetation of oligotrophic lakes and pools) wider
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 8264000 Rašelinné tône n/a
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 C1.11 Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 C1.11 Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 C1.11 Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 C1.11 Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 22.16 Lacustrine benthic communities wider
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 22.16 Lacustrine benthic communities wider
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 22.16   wider
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 22.16   wider
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100