The Puerto Rico tropical cloud forest symposium: Introduction and workshop synthesis. Ecology and conservation of the Argentinian montane forest. Pp 1-23 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological

Reference information

Title The Puerto Rico tropical cloud forest symposium: Introduction and workshop synthesis. Ecology and conservation of the Argentinian montane forest. Pp 1-23 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological
Alternative title
Source Hamilton, L.S., J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena
Journal Title
Book Title
Journal Issue
Created 1995-01-01
Language English
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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