EUNIS habitat classification descriptions

Reference information

Title EUNIS habitat classification descriptions
Alternative title
Source Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E.
Journal Title
Book Title
Journal Issue
Created 2001-01-01
Publisher European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and Biodiversity, Paris
Has Version EUNIS Habitat Classification 2012 - a revision of the habitat classification descriptions.

Habitats related to this reference

A Marine habitats
A2.5 Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
A2.51 Saltmarsh driftlines
A2.52 Upper saltmarshes
A2.53 Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge beds
A2.54 Low-mid saltmarshes
A2.55 Pioneer saltmarshes
A2.6 Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms
A2.61 Seagrass beds on littoral sediments
A2.62 Marine Cyperaceae beds
A2.8 Features of littoral sediment
A3.4 Baltic exposed infralittoral rock
A3.5 Baltic moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.6 Baltic sheltered infralittoral rock
A4.4 Baltic exposed circalittoral rock
A4.5 Baltic moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A4.6 Baltic sheltered circalittoral rock
A5.53 Sublittoral seagrass beds
A5.54 Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity
A5.7 Features of sublittoral sediments
A6 Deep-sea bed
A6.1 Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrata
A6.2 Deep-sea mixed substrata
A6.3 Deep-sea sand
A6.4 Deep-sea muddy sand
A6.5 Deep-sea mud
A6.6 Deep-sea bioherms
A6.7 Raised features of the deep-sea bed
A6.8 Deep-sea trenches and canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope
A6.9 Vents, seeps, hypoxic and anoxic habitats of the deep sea
A7 Pelagic water column
A7.1 Neuston
A7.2 Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity
A7.3 Completely mixed water column with full salinity
A7.4 Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time
A7.5 Unstratified water column with reduced salinity
A7.6 Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity
A7.7 Fronts in reduced salinity water column
A7.8 Unstratified water column with full salinity
A7.9 Vertically stratified water column with full salinity
A7.A Fronts in full salinity water column
A8 Ice-associated marine habitats
A8.3 Brine channels
A8.4 Under-ice habitat
B Coastal habitats
B1.5 Coastal dune heaths
B1.6 Coastal dune scrub
B1.9 Machair
B2.2 Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline
C Inland surface waters
C1.1 Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
C2 Surface running waters
C2.6 Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins
C3 Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies
C3.1 Species-rich helophyte beds
C3.4 Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation
C3.6 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments
C3.7 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates
C3.8 Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats
D Mires, bogs and fens
D1 Raised and blanket bogs
D2.1 Valley mires
D2.3 Transition mires and quaking bogs
D5 Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water
D5.2 Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water
D6 Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds
D6.2 Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water
E Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
E1 Dry grasslands
E1.2 Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes
E1.8 Closed Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
E1.9 Open non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland, including inland dune grassland
E1.A Open Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
E2.7 Unmanaged mesic grassland
E3.4 Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland
E4.2 Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes
E5 Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb stands
E5.1 Anthropogenic herb stands
E6 Inland salt steppes
E7 Sparsely wooded grasslands
E7.2 Sub-continental parkland
F Heathland, scrub and tundra
F2 Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub
F5.2 Maquis
F6.5 Macaronesian garrigues
F7 Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation)
F7.1 West Mediterranean spiny heaths
F7.2 Central Mediterranean spiny heaths
F7.3 East Mediterranean phrygana
F8.1 Canary Island xerophytic scrub
F8.2 Madeiran xerophytic scrub
F9 Riverine and fen scrubs
F9.1 Riverine scrub
FA.1 Hedgerows of non-native species
FA.2 Highly-managed hedgerows of native species
FA.3 Species-rich hedgerows of native species
FA.4 Species-poor hedgerows of native species
FB.1 Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting
FB.2 Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest
FB.3 Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards
G Woodland, forest and other wooded land
G1 Broadleaved deciduous woodland
G1.1 Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant Alnus, Betula, Populus or Salix
G1.2 Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodland
G1.3 Mediterranean riparian woodland
G1.4 Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat
G1.5 Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat
G1.9 Non-riverine woodland with Betula, Populus tremula or Sorbus aucuparia
G1.A Meso- and eutrophic Quercus, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Acer, Tilia, Ulmus and related woodland
G2.1 Mediterranean evergreen Quercus woodland
G2.9 Evergreen orchards and groves
G3 Coniferous woodland
G3.1 Abies and Picea woodland
G4.1 Mixed swamp woodland
G4.2 Mixed taiga woodland with Betula
G4.3 Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous Quercus
G4.4 Mixed Pinus sylvestris - Betula woodland
G4.5 Mixed Pinus sylvestris - Fagus woodland
G4.7 Mixed Pinus sylvestris - acidophilous Quercus woodland
G4.8 Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland
G4.9 Mixed deciduous woodland with Cupressaceae or Taxaceae
G4.A Mixed woodland with Cupressaceae, Taxaceae and evergreen oak
G4.B Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland
G4.D Mixed Pinus nigra - evergreen Quercus woodland
G4.E Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland
G4.F Mixed forestry plantations
G5 Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice
G5.2 Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.3 Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands
G5.4 Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.5 Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.6 Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth
G5.7 Coppice and early-stage plantations
H Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats
H1.1 Cave entrances
H1.2 Cave interiors
H1.3 Dark underground passages
H1.5 Underground standing waterbodies
H1.6 Underground running waterbodies
H2.6 Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures
H4.2 Ice caps and true glaciers
H4.3 Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines
H5.1 Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.2 Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.4 Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.5 Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.6 Trampled areas
H6.2 Inactive recent volcanic features
I Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats
I2 Cultivated areas of gardens and parks
I2.2 Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas
I2.3 Recently abandoned garden areas
J Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats
J1 Buildings of cities, towns and villages
J1.2 Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries
J1.3 Urban and suburban public buildings
J1.4 Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use
J1.5 Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages
J1.6 Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites
J1.7 High density temporary residential units
J2 Low density buildings
J2.1 Scattered residential buildings
J2.2 Rural public buildings
J2.3 Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use
J2.5 Constructed boundaries
J2.6 Disused rural constructions
J2.7 Rural construction and demolition sites
J3 Extractive industrial sites
J3.3 Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites
J4 Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
J4.1 Disused road, rail and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
J4.2 Road networks
J4.3 Rail networks
J4.4 Airport runways and aprons
J4.5 Hard-surfaced areas of ports
J4.6 Pavements and recreation areas
J4.7 Constructed parts of cemeteries
J5 Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures
J5.1 Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters
J5.2 Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters
J5.5 Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades
J6 Waste deposits
J6.1 Waste resulting from building construction or demolition
J6.2 Household waste and landfill sites
J6.3 Non-agricultural organic waste
J6.4 Agricultural and horticultural waste
X Habitat complexes
X03 Brackish coastal lagoons
X04 Raised bog complexes
X09 Pasture woods (with a tree layer overlying pasture)
X13 Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved deciduous trees
X14 Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved evergreen trees
X15 Land sparsely wooded with coniferous trees
X16 Land sparsely wooded with mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees
X23 Large non-domestic gardens
X24 Domestic gardens of city and town centres
X25 Domestic gardens of villages and urban peripheries
X27 Machair complexes
X28 Blanket bog complexes
X30 Bentho-pelagic habitats
X31 Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the littoral zone
X32 Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone
X33 Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the circalittoral zone
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