Biogeography of the desert flora, pp 23-78, in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Reference information

Title Biogeography of the desert flora, pp 23-78, in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Alternative title
Source Shmida, A.
Journal Title
Book Title
Journal Issue
Created 1985-01-01
Is part of Ecosystems of the World, 12A: Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A
Language English
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