
2,040 items found, displaying 201 to 300.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
264 Aperçu phytosociologique sur les prairies hygrophiles du Pays de Bray (Seine-Maritime et Oise - France). Colloques phytosociologiques 5: 303-319. Frileux, P.N. 1976
168 Aperçu phytosociologique sur les prairies hygrophiles. Colloques phytosociologiques 5: 51-56. Delpech, R. and P.-N. Frileux. 1976
276 Aperçu sur les chênaies-hêtraies acidiphiles du sud de l'Angleterre, l'exemple de la New Forest. Colloques phytosociologiques 3: 133-140. Géhu, J.-M. 1974
609 Aportaciones a la fitosociologia hispanica. II. Communidades gypsofitas fructicosas del Centro y Sudeste de Espana. Anales Inst. Bot. A.J. Cavanilles 14: 435-499. Rivas-Goday, S. 1955
132 Apport à l'écologie de la végétation des zones salées des rives de la Giguela (Ciudad Real, Espagne). Coll. phytosoc. 4: 46-139. Castroviejo, S. and J. Porta. 1975
283 Apport à la connaissance phytosociologique des prairies salées de l'Angleterre. Colloque phytosociologique 4: 227-647. Géhu, J.M. and C. Delzenne. 1975
165 Apport à la phytosociologie de quelques forêts thermo-acidiphiles ligérien&nes et de leurs stades d'altération. Colloques Phytosociologuques 3: 141-159. Delelis-Dusollier, A. and J.-M. Géhu. 1974
1490 Aquatic Oligochaetes. Brinkhurst R O. 1963
899 Arboles autoctonos Argentinos. Buenos Aires, Tipografica Editora Argentina. 232 pp. Santos Biloni, J. 1990
926 Arboles indigenas del noroeste argentino (Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, Santiego del Estero y Catamarca). Tucuman, Opera Lilloana 34. Legname, P.R. 1982
1137 Arbres et agricultures multiétagées d'Afrique. Nivelles, Terres et vie and CTA. 280 pp. Dupriez, H. and Ph. De Leener 1993
350 Arbres et forêts de Lorraine. Colmar, Editions S.A.E.P. Ingersheim. Jacamon, M. 1983
51 Arctic heathlands in R. L. Specht, editor, Ecosystems of the world 9A. Heathlands and related shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Bliss, L. C. 1979
1735 Artenliste der Moose Makaronesiens Eggers J. 1982
1015 Article "Oilbird". P 406 [in] B. Campbell and E. Lack, editors. A dictionary of birds. Calton, British Ornithologists' Union and Poyser. Snow, D.W. 1985
665 Arvores florestais (Resinosas). Vol. 1. Pinheiro bravo e pinheiro manso. Lisbon, Livraria Popular Francisco Franco. Silveira da Costa, M. 1984
666 Arvores florestais (Resinosas). Vol. 2. Arvores e arbustos florestais. Lisbon, Livraria Popular Francisco Franco. Silveira da Costa, M. 1985
660 Asociatiile halofite din cimpia Romana. Bucurest, Comitetul Geologic, Institutul Geologic, Studii Tehnice si Economice, Pedologie, Ser. C: 15. Serbanescu, I. 1965
448 Aspectos autoecologicos de Quercus pyrenaica Willd.: distribucion y climatologia. Boletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia 12: 25-33. Meson, M.L. 1983
1260 Aspectos da vegetaçao do Brasil. IRGE-Diretoria Técnica, Departamento de Documentacao e Divulgacao Geografica e Cartografica. 60 pp. Romariz, D. de A. 1974
1018 Aspects écologiques de la zonation intertidale sur les côtes rocheuses des îles Galapagos. Contribution No. 164, the Charles Darwin Foundation. Marine Biology 26: 135-152. Houvenaghel, G.T. and N. Houvenaghel 1974
169 Aspects végétaux de la Corse. Nat. Belges 34: 234-248. Delvosalle, L. 1953
170 Aspects végétaux des îles Canaries. Nat. Belges 45: 161-197. Delvosalle, L. 1964
311 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia centrale. Rome, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Collana verde 55: 1-319. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1981
312 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia Meridionale e insulare. Collana verde 65: 1-309. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1983
310 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia settentrionale. Rome, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Collana verde 52: 1-314. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1980
1477 Assessment of EUNIS habitat distributions to level 3 by country and biogeographic region Moss, D. 2005
193 Asturias y Cantabria in Peinado Lorca, M. and S. Rivas-Martinez, editors. 1987. La vegetacion de Espana. Alcala de Henares, Universidad de Alcala de Henares. Diaz Gonzalez, T.E. and J.A. Fernandez Prieto, 1987
248 Atlante degli alberi d'Italia. Second edition. Milano, Mondadori. Ferioli, E. 1989
721 Atlas de la vie souterraine, les animaux cavernicoles. Paris, Editions N. Boubée. Thinès, G. and R. Tercafs. 1972
409 Atlas des fleurs des Alpes. Paris, Nathan. Lippert,?. 1983
1598 Atlas européen - Noms français des Mammifères Aulagnier, S. 1997
1092 Atlas forestal de Chile. CIREN-INFOR publication 103. Santiago, CIREN-INFOR. Goic, P., T. Balaguer, J.A. Bustamante, J.A. Prado, E. Zarate, I. Cerda and E. Sanhueza 1994
1145 Atlas forestal de Chile. Publicacion CIREN-INFOR 103. Santiago de Chile, CIREN, INFOR. 146 pp. Coig, K., T. Galaguer, J.A. Bustamante, J.A. Prado, E. Zarate, I. Cerda and E., editors. Sanhueza 1994
819 Atlas gefährdeter Farn- und Blütenpflanzen der Steiermark. Graz, Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung. Zimmermann, A., G. Kniely, H. Melzer, W. Maurer and R. Höllriegl. 1989
1552 Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe Gasc J.P. and al. 1997
887 Atlas of the endemic plants in Bulgaria. Sofia, Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Velcev, V., S. Kozuharov and et al. 1992
1356 Autecology of cliff and scree plants in Sarek National Park, northern Sweden. Karlsson, L. 1973
641 Autökologische Studie der tschechoslowakischen Stipa-Arten. Prague, Academia Prag. Rychnovska, M. and B. Ulehlova. 1975
1097 Avian speciation in tropical South America. Cambridge, Mass., Nuttall Ornithological Club Publication 14. 389 pp. Haffer, J. 1974
1603 Background information on Invertebrates of the Habitats Directive Helsdingen, P. J. and Willemse L. 1995
392 Balia dal Collare - Ficedula albicollis in Brichetti, P. 1983. Atlante degli ucelli nidificanti sulle Alpe italiane, 2. Riv. ital. orn. 53: 101-144 (128-130). Lardelli, R. 1983
1820 Barcelona Convention Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
1194 Bats. Pp 786-809 [in] D. Macdonald, editor. The encyclopedia of mammals. London, George Allen & Unwin. Stebbings, R.E. 1984
1593 Bedreigde en kwetsbare dagvlinders in Nederland - Toelichting op de Rode Lijst van Ommering, G., van Halder, I., van Swaay, C.A.M. & Wynhoff, I. 1995
1550 Bedreigde en kwetsbare reptielen en amfibieën in Nederland - Toelichting op de Rode Lijst Hom C.C. and al. 1996
1551 Bedreigde en kwetsbare vogels in Nederland - Toelichting op de Rode Lijst Lina P.H.C. and al. 1996
1572 Bedreigde en kwetsbare zoetwatervissen in Nederland - Voorstel voor een Rode Lijst de Nie H.W. 1997
1549 Bedreigde en kwetsbare zoogdieren in Nederland - Toelichting op de Rode Lijst Lina P.H.C. and al. 1994
1376 Beech forest vegetation in Sweden - a survey. Lindgren, L. 1970
1629 Behavioral repertoire of the Abruzzo chamois, Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata Neumann, 1899 (Artiodactyla: Bovidae). Lovari S. 1985
514 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nordagaischen Kustenvegetation. Vegetatio 3,6: 329-348. Oberdorfer, E. 1952
1412 Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Vegetation der Alluvionen des Nördlichen Eurasiens. III. Die Alluvionen der Tornio- und Kemi -Thäler. Cajander, A. 1909
330 Benthic marine habitats and communities in Great Britain: the development of an MNCR classification. Marine Nature Conservation Review. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Hiscock, K. and D. W. Connor. 1991
2361 Benthos of soft bottom of the Black Sea. Kyseleva, M.I. 1981
740 Bericht über das Internationale Symposion für Vegetationskartierung, 23-26 March 1959 in Stolzenau, Weser. International Society for Plant Geography and Ecology; Weinheim, Verlag von J. Cramer. Tüxen, R. 1963
1429 Besondere Züge der Vegetation und Flora auf der Osen. Jalas, J. 1961
120 Betulaceae in: K. H. Rechinger, editor, Flora Iranica 96. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt. Browicz, K. 1972
632 Bijdrage tot een nieuwe indeling van het Melico-Fagetum steunend op humuskwaliteit en bodemvochtigheid van sub-assaciaties (sic) en varianten. Proefstation van Waters en Bossen Groenendael-Hoeilaart (België). Werken A 26: 1-24. Rogister, J.E. 1981
1440 Biodiversity Evaluation Tools for European Forests Larsson, T.-B. et al 2001
880 Biogeografia de America Latina. Second edtion. Washington D.C., Organization of American States. Cabrera, A. L. and A. Willink 1980
933 Biogéographie et écologie. Paris, Masson. Blondel, J. 1979
934 Biogéographie évolutive. Paris, Masson. Blondel, J. 1986
935 Biogéographie. Paris, Masson. Blondel, J. 1995
860 Biogeography of the desert flora, pp 23-78, in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Shmida, A. 1985
1450 Biologia si ecologia plantei Nymphaea lotus L. var.thermalis (DC.) Olteanu-Cozma, C. 1959
2368 Biological Diversity in the Black Sea: a study of change and decline. Zaitsev, U. & Mamaev, V. 1997
233 Biomasse, productivité et phytogéochimie de la végétation riveraine d'un ruisseau ardennais I. Aperçu sur les sols, la végétation et la biomasse de la strate au sol. Bull. Soc. royale Bot. Belg. 103: 355-382. Duvigneaud, P. and S. Denayer-De Smet. 1970
812 Biotopes of significance for nature conservation. Unpublished report. Brussels, Commission of the European Community. Wyatt, B.K., D. Cabot, S. ten Houte de Lange, H. Koeppel, U. Pinborg, F. de Beaufort and J.P. Ribaut. 1982
1388 Biotopy Slovenska. Prírucka k mapovaniu a katalóg biotopov. Ruzicková, H., Halada, L., Jedlicka, L., Kalivodová, E. 1996
266 Bird habitats in Britain. Colton, T. and A. D. Poyser. Fuller, R.J. 1982
1098 Birds in Brazil. Princeton, Princeton University Press. 703 pp, 47 plates. Sick, H. 1993
1850 Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International 2004
1570 Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status Tucker, G.M. and al. 1994
1179 Birds of Isla Grande (Tierra del Fuego). Preliminary Smithsonian Manual. Lawrence, Kansas, Smithsonian Institution and University of Kansas Museum of Natural History. Humphrey, P.S., D. Bridge, P.W. Reynolds and R.T. Peterson 1970
24 Birds of the Atlantic Islands. Volume 1. Edinburough and London, Oliver and Boyd. Bannerman, D.A. 1963
856 Birds of the high Andes. Copenhagen and Svendborg, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen and Apollo Books. Fjeldsa, J. and N. Krabbe 1990
1229 Birds of the Netherlands Antilles. Huizen, Foundation for Scientific Research in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles. 327 pp. Voous, K.H. 1983
267 Birds of the Outer Hebrides: the waders. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinbourgh, 77B: 419-430. Fuller, R.J., J.R. Wilson and P. Coxon. 1979
1493 Birds of the World: a Checklist. Clements J. 1981
2359 Black Sea Biological Diversity Zaitsev Y.P. & Alexandrov, B.G. 1988
2356 Black Sea Marine Habitat Classification Workshop, May 2007 Black Sea Commission / EEA 2007
1234 Black-hooded antwren [Formicivora (Myrmotherula) erythronotos] re-discovered in Brazil. Bull. B.O.C. 108: 179-182. Pacheco, F. 1988
34 Boschi e fiori dell'Appennino. Florence, Giunti Barbèra. Bassani, P. 1987
1317 Botanical lake types in Finnish Lappland. Rintanen, T. 1982
668 Botaniseren in Westfalen. De Levende Natuur 82: 105-108. Sipkes, C. 1980
1760 Brassica sect. Brassica (Brassicaceae). I. Taxonomy and variation Snogerup S, Gustafsson M and von Bothmer R. 1990
2381 Brassicaceae species checklist and database 2009
2399 Brassicaceae species checklist and database S.I. Warwick, A. Francis & I.A. Al-Shehbaz 2009
1261 Brazilian ecosystems. Index editora. 159 pp. Rizzini, C.T., A.F. Coimbra-Filho and A. Houaiss 1991
654 Bref aperçu des groupements végétaux des fonds de vallées inondables en Haute Ardenne orientale. Colloques Phytosociologiques 5: 249-258. Schumacker, R. 1976
618 Brezales y jarales de Europa occidental (Revision fitosociologica de las clases Calluno - Ulicetea y Cisto - Lavanduletea). Lazaroa 1: 5-127. Rivas-Martinez, S. 1979
1526 British Ascidians. Millar R H. 1970
1534 British Bivalve Seashells. A Handbook for Identification. Tebble N. 1966
2081 British Fens, a review. In European Mires Wheeler B.D 1984
1501 British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. Ellis A E. 1978
1527 British Marine Isopods. Naylor E. 1972
1541 British Mosses and Liverworts. Watson E V. 1968
1535 British Opisthobranch Molluscs. Thompson T E. and Brown G H. 1976
629 British plant communities. Vol. 1. Woodlands and scrub. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Rodwell, J. S., editor. 1991
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