Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Procellariiformes > Family: Procellariidae > Genus: Puffinus > Species: Puffinus mauretanicus

Manx Shearwater (Balearic subspecies) - Puffinus mauretanicus Lowe 1921

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Critically Endangered (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 6 other international agreements
Natura 2000 sites 143 are designated for this species
Natura 2000 species code A693


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
ES0000001 Spain Illas Cíes Map
ES0000019 Spain Aiguamolls de l'Alt Empordà Map
ES0000020 Spain Delta de l'Ebre Map
ES0000024 Spain Doñana Map
ES0000025 Spain Marismas del Odiel Map
ES0000074 Spain Cap de cala Figuera Map
ES0000078 Spain Es Vedrà - Es Vedranell Map
ES0000081 Spain Cap Enderrocat - Cap Blanc Map
ES0000082 Spain Tagomago Map
ES0000083 Spain Arxipèlag de Cabrera Map
ES0000084 Spain Ses Salines d'Eivissa i Formentera Map
ES0000144 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasadarra / Ría de Urdaibai Map
ES0000146 Spain Delta del Llobregat Map
ES0000200 Spain Isla Grosa Map
ES0000214 Spain Espacio marino de Tabarca Map
ES0000221 Spain Sa Dragonera Map
ES0000222 Spain La Trapa Map
ES0000231 Spain Dels Alocs a Fornells Map
ES0000232 Spain La Mola i s'Albufera de Fornells Map
ES0000235 Spain De s'Albufera a la Mola Map
ES0000236 Spain Illa de l'Aire Map
ES0000254 Spain Illa de Ons Map
ES0000317 Spain Penarronda-Barayo Map
ES0000318 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES1110005 Spain Costa da Morte Map
ES1140004 Spain Complexo Ons - O Grove Map
ES2130005 Spain Gaztelugatxeko Doniene / San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Map
ES2130007 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasertzak eta padurak / Zonas litorales y marismas de Urdaibai Map
ES5120007 Spain Cap de Creus Map
ES5120015 Spain Litoral del Baix Empordà Map
ES5120016 Spain El Montgrí- Les Medes - El Baix Ter Map
ES5310023 Spain Illots de Ponent d'Eivissa Map
ES5310024 Spain La Mola Map
ES5310025 Spain Cap de Barbaria Map
FR2310045 France Littoral seino-marin Map
FR2510037 France Chausey Map
FR2510048 France Baie du Mont Saint Michel Map
FR5210090 France Marais salants de Guérande, traicts du Croisic, dunes de Pen Bron Map
FR5310011 France Cote de Granit Rose-Sept Iles Map
FR5310050 France Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Est Map
FR5310056 France Baie d'Audierne Map
FR5310057 France Archipel de Glenan Map
FR5310070 France Tregor Goëlo Map
FR5310071 France Rade de Brest : Baie de Daoulas, Anse de Poulmic Map
FR5310072 France Ouessant-Molène Map
FR5310073 France Baie de Morlaix Map
FR5310074 France Baie de Vilaine Map
FR5310092 France Rivière de Pénerf Map
FR5310095 France Cap d'Erquy-Cap Fréhel Map
FR5412012 France Bonne Anse, marais de Bréjat et de Saint Augustin Map
FR7210031 France Courant d'Huchet Map
FR9310019 France Camargue Map
FR9310020 France Iles d'Hyères Map
FR9312007 France Iles Marseillaises - Cassidaigne Map
PTZPE0009 Portugal Ilhas Berlengas Map
PTZPE0015 Portugal Costa Sudoeste Map
PTZPE0050 Portugal Cabo Espichel Map
ES5310082 Spain S'Estaca - Punta de Deià Map
ES5120013 Spain Massís de les Cadiretes Map
ES5110007 Spain Riu i Estanys de Tordera Map
ES6140014 Spain Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de Calahonda-Castell de Ferro Map
ES6200029 Spain Franja Litoral Sumergida de la Región de Murcia Map
FR7212002 France Rochers de Biarritz : le Bouccalot et la Roche ronde Map
ES5310105 Spain Es Amunts d'Eivissa Map
ES5212005 Spain L'Almadrava Map
FR9112013 France Petite Camargue laguno-marine Map
ES5140007 Spain Costes del Tarragonès Map
ES5310096 Spain Punta de n'Amer Map
ES6320001 Spain Zona marítimo terrestre de los acantilados de Aguadú Map
ES5310112 Spain Nord de Sant Joan Map
ES5310087 Spain Bàlitx Map
ES6110015 Spain Alborán Map
ES6140013 Spain Acantilados y Fondos Marinos Tesorillo-Salobreña Map
FR5212007 France Marais du Mès, baie et dunes de Pont-Mahé, étang du Pont de Fer Map
ES5310005 Spain Badies de Pollença i Alcúdia Map
ES6120032 Spain Estrecho Oriental Map
ES6140016 Spain Acantilados y Fondos Marinos de La Punta de La Mona Map
PTCON0008 Portugal Sintra / Cascais Map
ES6150028 Spain Estuario del Río Piedras Map
FR5212009 France Marais Breton, baie de Bourgneuf, île de Noirmoutier et forêt de Monts Map
ES5110020 Spain Costes del Garraf Map
ES5310081 Spain Port des Canonge Map
ES5140001 Spain Litoral meridional tarragoní Map
ES6200007 Spain Islas e Islotes del Litoral Mediterráneo Map
FR5312010 France Dunes et côtes de Trévignon Map
FR5212014 France Estuaire de la Loire - Baie de Bourgneuf Map
FR7212016 France Panache de la Gironde Map
FR9112035 France Côte languedocienne Map
FR9112034 France Cap Bear- cap Cerbère Map
FR7212019 France Tête de Canyon du Cap Ferret Map
FR5312009 France Roches de Penmarc'h Map
FR5212015 France Secteur marin de l'île d'Yeu jusqu'au continent Map
FR5312011 France Iles Houat-Hoedic Map
FR5212013 France Mor Braz Map
FR5412026 France Pertuis charentais - Rochebonne Map
ES0000447 Spain Espacio marino de Orpesa y Benicàssim Map
ES90ATL01 Spain El Cachucho Map
ES0000454 Spain Montgó-Cap de Sant Antoni Map
ES0000444 Spain Serra d'Irta (ZEPA) Map
FR7212018 France Bassin d'Arcachon et banc d'Arguin Map
FR7212017 France Au droit de l'étang d'Hourtin-Carcans Map
ES1200055 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES5310128 Spain Cap Enderrocat i cap Blanc Map
ESZZ16007 Spain Espacio marino de la Marina Alta Map
ES0000497 Spain Espacio marino de la Costa da Morte Map
ES0000492 Spain Espacio marino de los Islotes de Portios-Isla Conejera-Isla de Mouro Map
ES0000513 Spain Espacio marino del Baix Llobregat-Garraf Map
ES0000504 Spain Bahía de Málaga-Cerro Gordo Map
ES0000519 Spain Espacio marino del poniente de Mallorca Map
ES0000516 Spain Espacio marino del poniente y norte de Ibiza Map
ES0000512 Spain Espacio marino del Delta de l'Ebre-Illes Columbretes Map
ES0000495 Spain Espacio marino de Punta de Candelaria-Ría de Ortigueira-Estaca de Bares Map
ES0000494 Spain Espacio marino de Cabo Peñas Map
ES0000521 Spain Espacio marino del norte y oeste de Menorca Map
ES0000507 Spain Espacio marino de los Islotes Litorales de Murcia y Almería Map
ES0000490 Spain Espacio marino de la Ría de Mundaka-Cabo de Ogoño Map
ES0000499 Spain Espacio marino de las Rías Baixas de Galicia Map
ESZZ16006 Spain Espacio marino de Ifac Map
ESZZ16009 Spain Espacio marino de Cabo Roig Map
ES0000518 Spain Espacio marino del sur de Mallorca y Cabrera Map
ES0000522 Spain Espacio marino del sureste de Menorca Map
ESZZ16010 Spain Espacio marino del entorno de Illes Columbretes Map
ESZZ16002 Spain Canal de Menorca Map
ES0000515 Spain Espacio marino de Formentera y del sur de Ibiza Map
ES0000501 Spain Espacio marino del Tinto y del Odiel Map
ES0000508 Spain Espacio marino de Tabarca-Cabo de Palos Map
ES0000506 Spain Bahía de Almería Map
ES0000538 Spain ZEPA Espacio marino de Ifac Map
ES0000517 Spain Espacio marino del levante de Ibiza Map
ES0000505 Spain Espacio marino de la Isla de Alborán Map
ES0000510 Spain Plataforma-talud marinos del Cabo de la Nao Map
ES0000496 Spain Espacio marino de la Costa de Ferrolterra-Valdoviño Map
ES0000500 Spain Golfo de Cádiz Map
ESZZ12003 Spain Sistema de cañones submarinos de Avilés Map
ES0000502 Spain Espacio marino de la Bahía de Cádiz Map
ES0000514 Spain Espacio marino de l'Empordà Map
ES0000520 Spain Espacio marino del norte de Mallorca Map
PTZPE0060 Portugal Aveiro/ Nazaré Map
PTZPE0061 Portugal Cabo Raso Map
FR2512005 France Nord Bretagne DO Map
FR5212016 France Mers Celtiques - Talus du golfe de Gascogne Map
ES0000549 Spain Punta Prima Map
FR9112038 France Oiseaux marins sud golfe du Lion Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Legal status

Legal text Annex Conditions More information
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention) (All species of Birds not included in Appendix II)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. (Bonn Convention)
Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 april 1979 on the conservation of wild birds - consolidated version 01/05/2004 (EC Birds Directive) (Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus)
Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 November 2009, on the conservation of wild birds (EU Birds Directive) (Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus)
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention) (Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus)

Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Bern Convention lists the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures [and the designation of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs) forming for the Emerald network]
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - under Bonn Convention (ACAP)
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic ("OSPAR Convention") (OSPAR Convention)

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Balearische Unterart German EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Balearisk almindelig skråpe Danish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Berta minore (sottospecie delle Baleari) Italian EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Manx Shearwater (Balearic subspecies) English EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Pardela mediterránea balear Spanish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Pardela pichoneta balear Spanish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Pardela-sombria das Baleares Portuguese EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Puffin des Baléares French EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Schwarzschnabelsturmtaucher German EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Westmediterrane ondersoort Dutch EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC

Other resources

EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea search Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information

External data

Population distribution from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

3 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Min / Max (Units) Period Status Quality Source Published
Portugal Present/Present (individuals) 2002 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Spain 1650/2025 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom - Gibraltar 5/30 (individuals) 2000-2003 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Source: BirdLife International

Population trends from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

3 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Period Status Trend Quality Source Published
Portugal 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Spain 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 30% to 49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom - Gibraltar 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Source: BirdLife International
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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