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Statistical information for: Czech Republic

You searched for EUNIS and ANNEX I Habitat types from all biogeoregions present in Czech Republic
Results found: 1111

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Country Biogeographic region Results are not sorted by this columnHabitat type name Results are not sorted by this columnHabitat type english name
Czech Republic Continental Sea ice Sea ice
Czech Republic Pannonian Sea ice Sea ice
Czech Republic Continental Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary
Czech Republic Continental Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
Czech Republic Pannonian Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
Czech Republic Continental Inland saltmarshes Inland saltmarshes
Czech Republic Biogeographic region not detailed in original data set Inland saltmarshes Inland saltmarshes
Czech Republic Pannonian Inland saltmarshes Inland saltmarshes
Czech Republic Continental Xero-halophile scrubs Xero-halophile scrubs
Czech Republic Pannonian Xero-halophile scrubs Xero-halophile scrubs
Country Biogeographic region Results are not sorted by this columnHabitat type name Results are not sorted by this columnHabitat type english name

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