Designation type: Pejsazh i Mbrojtur

General information

Code AL05
Source data set Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA)
Geographical coverage Albania
Designation name in original language Pejsazh i Mbrojtur
Designation name in English Protected Landscape (category V IUCN)
Designation abbreviation AL05
CDDA sites No
Area reference (ha)
Total area(ha) 95864.4

National information

National Law Ligji "Per Zonat e Mbrojtura",Nr. 8906, date 06.06.2002, art.4
National Category A
Reference for National Law Fletore Zyrtare Nr.29, published 26.06.2002 -
National Law Agency Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration


Number of reference
Reference date
Remark Due to the institutional changes, since of february 2015 the Protected Areas Management is done by the newly established National Agency of Protected Areas.
Source remark
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100