EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MH : Pelagic water column
MJ : Ice-associated marine habitats
N : Coastal habitats
N1 : Coastal dunes and sandy shores
N11 : Atlantic, Baltic and Arctic sand beach
N12 : Mediterranean and Black Sea sand beach
N13 : Atlantic and Baltic shifting coastal dune
N14 : Mediterranean, Macaronesian and Black Sea shifting coastal dune
N15 : Atlantic and Baltic coastal dune grassland (grey dune)
N16 : Mediterranean and Macaronesian coastal dune grassland (grey dune)
N17 : Black Sea coastal dune grassland (grey dune)
N18 : Atlantic and Baltic coastal Empetrum heath
N19 : Atlantic coastal Calluna and Ulex heath
N1A : Atlantic and Baltic coastal dune scrub
N1B : Mediterranean and Black Sea coastal dune scrub
N1C : Macaronesian coastal dune scrub
N1D : Atlantic and Baltic broad-leaved coastal dune forest
N1E : Black Sea broad-leaved coastal dune forest
N1F : Baltic coniferous coastal dune forest
N1G : Mediterranean coniferous coastal dune forest
N1H : Atlantic and Baltic moist and wet dune slack
N1J : Mediterranean and Black Sea moist and wet dune slack

![Western [Quercus coccifera] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Cistus] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)

![Western [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Lavandula] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Teucrium] and other labiate garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Genista] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Calicotome] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)

![Western [Erica] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Globularia] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Lithodora fruticosa] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Thymelaea] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Ononis fruticosa] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Anthyllis cytisoides] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Western [Dictamnus] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Lavandula angustifolia] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Genista cinerea] garrigues](images/img_bullet.gif)

![Supra-Mediterranean [Buxus sempervirens] scrub](images/img_bullet.gif)

![[Phoenix theophrasti] vegetation](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Phoenix canariensis] vegetation](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Ilex aquifolium] forest](images/img_bullet.gif)