EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MH : Pelagic water column
MJ : Ice-associated marine habitats
N : Coastal habitats
R : Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
S : Heathland, scrub and tundra
S1 : Tundra
S2 : Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub
S3 : Temperate and mediterranean-montane scrub
S4 : Temperate shrub heathland
S5 : Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean scrub
S6 : Garrigue
S7 : Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation)
S8 : Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic scrub
S81 : Canarian xerophytic scrub
S811 : Western Canary Island Euphorbia communities
S812 : Western Canary Island saxicolous formations
S813 : Eastern Canary Island xerophytic communities
S814 : Canary Island Launaea scrub

![Po terrace [Pinus sylvestris] forests](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Ponto-Caucasian [Pinus sylvestris] forests](images/img_bullet.gif)
![Supra-Mediterranean [Pinus sylvestris] forests](images/img_bullet.gif)

![[Pinus sylvestris] forest on chalk in the steppe zone](images/img_bullet.gif)
![[Pinus nigra] reforestation](images/img_bullet.gif)