EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MH : Pelagic water column
MJ : Ice-associated marine habitats
N : Coastal habitats
R : Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
S : Heathland, scrub and tundra
T : Forest and other wooded land
U : Inland habitats with no or little soil and mostly with sparse vegetation
U1 : Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies
U2 : Screes
U3 : Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops
U31 : Boreal and arctic siliceous inland cliff
U32 : Temperate high-mountain siliceous inland cliff
U33 : Temperate, lowland to montane siliceous inland cliff
U331 : Middle European lowland to montane siliceous cliffs
U332 : Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic Silene siliceous cliffs
U333 : Lowland northern- and middle-European siliceous cliffs
U334 : Bare temperate lowland to montane siliceous inland cliff
U335 : Temperate lowland to montane disused siliceous quarries