EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MA1 : Littoral rock
MA2 : Littoral biogenic habitat
MA21 : Arctic Littoral biogenic habitat
MA22 : Atlantic littoral biogenic habitat
MA221 : Atlantic saltmarsh driftlines
MA222 : Atlantic upper saltmarshes
MA223 : Atlantic upper-mid saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge beds
MA224 : Atlantic mid-low saltmarshes
MA225 : Atlantic pioneer saltmarshes
MA226 : Sabellaria reefs in the Atlantic littoral zone
MA227 : Bivalve reefs in the Atlantic littoral zone
MA228 : Atlantic littoral Cyperaceae beds