EUNIS habitat classification 2017 > S - Heathland, scrub and tundra > S6 - Garrigue > S63 - Eastern garrigue > S63Z - Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean garrigues > S63Z1 - Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean shrub garrigues

Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean shrub garrigues

Description (English)

Formations of the supra-Mediterranean level and sub-Mediterranean areas of the Balkan peninsula dominated by sclerophyllous shrubs, impoverished irradiations of the communities of units S51C and F6.2 (of EUNIS 2012 now overlapping with S63), in particular unit S631. Included are, notably, the Phillyrea latifolia and Quercus coccifera thickets or scrubs of the middle Struma-Strimon and Mesta-Nestos valleys of Bulgaria, when monodominated by these species, as well as some Buxus sempervirens- or Juniperus oxycedrus-dominated formations of the supra-Mediterranean Ostryo-Carpinion aegeicum region of northern Greece, southern Albania and the southern North Macedonia; most of the communities that include them also comprise, however, a substantial admixture of deciduous species and thus belong to unit S52.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code S63Z1

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Conifers Juniperus oxycedrus
Flowering Plants Buxus sempervirens
Flowering Plants Phillyrea latifolia
Flowering Plants Quercus coccifera
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Juniperus oxycedrus Conifers
Buxus sempervirens Flowering Plants
Phillyrea latifolia Flowering Plants
Quercus coccifera Flowering Plants

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 2007 (revised descriptions 2012) F6.661 Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean shrub garrigues same
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type Comment
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 F6.661 Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean shrub garrigues same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 F6.661 Balkan peninsula supramediterranean shrub garrigues same
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