EUNIS habitat classification 2012 amended 2019 > G - Woodland, forest and other wooded land > G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland > G4.B - Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland

Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland

English name: Mixed mediterranean pine - thermophilous oak woodland

Description (English)

Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic forests of thermophilous pines (G3.7) in combination with deciduous or semideciduous thermophilous Quercus species or by other southern trees such as Carpinus orientalis, Castanea sativa or Ostrya carpinifolia (G1.7).

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code G4.B

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Flowering Plants Carpinus orientalis
Flowering Plants Castanea sativa
Flowering Plants Ostrya carpinifolia
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Carpinus orientalis Flowering Plants
Castanea sativa Flowering Plants
Ostrya carpinifolia Flowering Plants

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
CORINE Land Cover 3.1.3. Mixed forest n/a
BEAR Forest Types for Biodiversity Assessment 14 Mediterranean and Submediterranean mixed oak forest wider
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 G4.B Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 G4.B Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 G4.B Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 G4.B Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland same
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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Phone: +45 3336 7100