Species-rich helophyte beds
Description (English)
Water-fringing stands of vegetation by lakes, rivers and streams, with mixed species composition.
Source: EUNIS habitat classification
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code C3.1 |
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Name | Definition | Alternatives | Reftext |
Eleocharito palustris-Sagittarion sagittifoliae Passarge 1964 | Vegetation of emergent helophytes on muddy soils of shallows streams and ponds with fluctuating water table of temperate and boreal Eurasia | Oenanthion aquaticae Hejný 1948; Phalarido-Glycerion Passarge 1964 p.p.; Mentho arvensis-Eleocharition palustris de Foucault in de Foucault et Catteau 2012; Cirsio brachycephali-Bolboschoenion Passarge ex Mucina in Balátová-Tulácková et al. 1993; Oenanthion aquaticae sensu auct., non Hejný ex Neuhäusl 1959 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Carici-Rumicion hydrolapathi Passarge 1964 | Herbland vegetation of unstabilized organic substrates in mesotrophic waters of boreal and temperate Eurasia | Cicution virosae Hejný 1960; Cicution virosae Hejný ex Succow 1974; Oenanthion aquaticae Hejný ex Balátová-Tuláckova et al. 1993; Oenanthion aquaticae Neuhäusl 1959; Cicution virosae Hejný ex Segal in Westhoff et Den Held 1969 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Alopecuro-Glycerion spicatae S. Brullo et al. 1994 | Vegetation of hygrophilous herblands of shallow montane pools characterised by large water-depth fluctuations at high altitudes of Sicily | Schaminee et al, 2012 | |
Glycerio-Sparganion Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Boer 1942 | Herbland vegetation along small freshwater streams and in shallow water bodies of temperate Europe | Rorippion nasturtii-aquatici Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1987 nom. mut. propos.; Apion nodiflori Segal in Westhoff et Den Held 1969; Glycerion Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943; Glycerion fluitantis Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1987; Nasturtio-Veronicion beccabungae Borhidi 2001; Nasturtion officinalis Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1987; Phalarido-Glycerion maximae Passarge 1964 p.p.; Sparganio-Glycerion Br.-Bl. et Sissingh in Boer 1942 nom. invers. propos. | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Species mentioned in habitat description
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
CORINE Land Cover | 4.1.1. | Inland marshes | n/a |
Ramsar Wetland Types | Tp | Permanent freshwater marshes/pools | wider |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | F21 | Marginal/inundation: marginal | wider |
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 | 2.1.4 | Végétation des rives d'eau courante | not defined |
Biotopes of the Czech Republic 2001 | M1.5 | POBŘEŽNÍ VEGETACE POTOKŮ (Reed vegetation of brooks) | narrower |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 | C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | same |