
2,040 items found, displaying 801 to 900.[First/Prev] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
801 The vegetation of Ireland. A catalogue raisonné. In Studies on Irish vegetation: 289-368, Dublin. White, J. and G. Doyle. 1982
802 An introduction to tropical rain forests. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Whitmore, T. C. 1992
803 The Penguin dictionary of geology. London, Penguin Books. Whitten, D. G. A. and J. R. V. Brooks. 1972
804 Espana insular, 2: Las Canarias in Peinado Lorca, M. and S. Rivas-Martinez, editors. 1987. La vegetacion de Espana. Alcala de Henares, Universidad de Alcala de Henares. Wildpret de la Torre, W. and M. del Arco Aquilar. 1987
805 Scheuchzeria palustris L. in 1974 gevonden in de oostelijke Belgische Kempen. Dumortiera 3: 1-7. Willems, J.H., A.M.F.C. Van Pruissen and M.J.P.W. Van Sambeek. 1975
806 The halophilous vegetation of the lagoons of Mesolonghi, Greece. Vegetatio acta geobotanica 16: 95-134. Wolff, W. J. 1968
807 Analyse de la végétation aquatique et de la végétation riveraine de la Haute-Sûre en fonction de perturbations du milieu. Bull. Soc. Nat Luxemb. 87: 1-52. Wolff, C. 1987
808 Dry grasslands of Europe. Nature and environment series 21. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Wolkinger, F. and S. Plank. 1981
809 Sea life of Britain and Ireland. London, Immel. Wood, E. 1988
810 Pflanzengeographische stellung und Gliederung Sloweniens. Vegetatio: Acte geobotanico 17: 176-196. Wraber, M. 1969
811 Die Bodensauren Rotföhrenwälder des slowenischen pannonischen Randgebietes. Acta Botanica Croatica 28: 401-408. Wraber, M. 1969
812 Biotopes of significance for nature conservation. Unpublished report. Brussels, Commission of the European Community. Wyatt, B.K., D. Cabot, S. ten Houte de Lange, H. Koeppel, U. Pinborg, F. de Beaufort and J.P. Ribaut. 1982
813 Les forêts alluviales en Europe. Elément du patrimoine naturel international. Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe. Yon, D. and G. Tendron. 1981
814 Contributions à la flore et à la végétation de la Crète. 2. Végétation. Aix, Université de Provence. Zaffran, J. 1982
815 Etude sur la végétation des dunes anciennes en Petite Camargue. SIGMA communication no. 158. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 30: 377-610. Zarzycki, K. 1961
816 The vegetation of Egypt. London, Chapman and Hall. Zahran, M. A. and A. J. Willis. 1992
817 Ulmaceae in K. H. Rechinger, editor. Flora Iranica 142. Graz, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt. Zielinski, J. 1979
818 Klima-, Boden- und Vegetationszonen der Erde. Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 53: 1-111. Zienert, A. 1979
819 Atlas gefährdeter Farn- und Blütenpflanzen der Steiermark. Graz, Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung. Zimmermann, A., G. Kniely, H. Melzer, W. Maurer and R. Höllriegl. 1989
820 On the geobotanical structure of Iran. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section D, Botany, Supplement 11D: 1-114. Zohary, M. 1963
821 Geobotanical foundations of the Middle East. vol. 1 and 2. Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag and Amsterdam, Swets and Zeitlinger. Zohary, M. 1973
822 Rio de la Playa grasslands. Pp 367-407 [in] R. T. Coupland, editor. Ecosystems of the world 8A. Natural grasslands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Soriano, A., R.J.C. Leon, O.E. Sala, R.S. Lavado, V.A. Deregibus, M.A. Cauhepe, O.A. Scaglia, C.A. Velazquez and H.H. Lemcoff 1992
823 La flore et la végétation de l'Amérique tropicale. Vol. 2. Paris, Masson. Schnell, R. 1987
824 Plantas de Chile. Santiago, Editoro Nacional Quimantu. Decoing, A. 1973
825 Oceanic birds of South America. New York, American Museum of History. Murphy, R. C. 1936
826 Los bosques de Sudamérica. Eschborn, Instituto de Silvicultura de la Universidad Georgia Augusta de Gotinga. Hueck, K. 1978
827 Mapa de la vegetacion de America del Sur. Munich, Forstliche Forschungsanstalt. Hueck, K. and P. Seibert 1972
828 Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Oswestry and St.Louis, Anthony Nelson and Missouri Botanical Garden. Moore, D. M. 1983
829 Synökologische Studien an der Westseite der peruanischen Anden. Bonn, Ferd. Dümmlers Verlag. Koepcke, H.-W. 1961
830 Southern oceanic wet-heathlands (including Magellanic moorland). Pp 489-497 [in] R.L. Specht, editor. Ecosystems of the world 9A. Heathlands and related shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Moore, D. M. 1979
831 Comunidades vegetales del area del Fiordo Parry, Tierra del Fuego. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. 2, 1-2: 93-133. Pisano, E. 1971
832 The Magellanic tundra complex. Pp 295-329 [in] A.J.P. Gore, editor. Mires: swamp, bog, fen and moor. Ecosystems of the world 4B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Pisano, E. 1983
833 La region de le los bosques Andino-Patagonicos. Buenos Aires, INTA. Dimitri, M. J. 1972
834 Plantas de Chile. Santiago, Editora Nacional Quimantu. Ducoing, A. 1973
835 Pequena flora ilustrada de los parques nacionales Andino-Patagonicos. Buenos Aires, Servicio Nacional de Parques Nacionales. Dimitri, M. J. 1977
836 Die Vegetation der Erde. Vol. 2. Jena, Gustav Fischer Verlag. Walter, H. 1968
837 Manual de la flora de los alrededores de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Editorial Acme. Cabrera, A. L. and E. M. Zardini 1978
838 Annotated checklist of Peruvian birds. Vermillion, South Dakota, Buteo Books. Parker, T. A., S. A. Parker and M. A. Plenge 1982
839 Geografia de plantas y animales de Chile. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria. Hernandez, S. 1973
840 Flora of the Galapagos Islands. Stanford, Stanford University Press. Wiggins, I. L. and D. M. Porter 1971
841 Morphological differentiation and adaptation in the Galapagos finches. Brussels, Palais des Académies. Bowman, R. I. 1961
842 The birds of Chile. Buenos Aires, Platt Establecimientos Graficos. Johnson, A. W. 1965
843 The Peruvian-Chilean deserts, pp 239-267 in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Rauh, W. 1985
844 The matorral zone of central Chile, pp 175-201 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Rundel, P. W. 1981
845 Deciduous forests of southern South America, pp 557-578, in Röhrig, F., and R. Ulrich, editors. Ecosystems of the world 7. Temperate deciduous forests. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Schmaltz, J. 1991
846 The encyclopedia of cacti. Sherborne, Alphabooks. Cullmann, W., E. Götz and G. Gröner 1986
847 The cactaceae. Vol. 2. London, Constable. Second edition. Dover reprint, 1963. 241 pp. Britton, N.L. and J.N. Rose 1937
848 Zur Kenntnis der Erdkakteen in Chile. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 80: 331-338. Weisser, P. 1967
849 Functional approaches to biodiversity in the Mediterranean-type ecosystems of central Chile, pp 185-232 in Davis, G. W. and D. M. Richardson, editors. Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Berlin, Springer Verlag. Fuentes, E. R., G. Montenegro, P. W. Rundel, M. T. K. Arroyo, R. Ginocchio and F. M. Jaksic 1995
850 Convergence in the Mediterranean floras in central Chile and California: insights from comparative biogeography, pp 43-88 in Arroyo, M. T. K. Arroyo, P. H. Zedler and M. D. Fox, editors. Ecology and biogeography of Mediterranean ecosystems in Chile, Calif Arroyo, M. T. K., L. Cavieres, C. Marticorena and M. Munoz-Schick 1994
851 Ecology of world vegetation. London, Chapman and Hall. Archibold, O. W. 1995
852 Deserts and semi-deserts of Patagonia. Vegetation. Pp 440-454 in West, N. E., editor. Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Soriano, A., C. P. Movia and R. J. C. Leon 1983
853 Les milieux "naturels" du globe. Paris, Masson. Demangeot, J. 1994
854 Deserts and semi-deserts of Patagonia. Climate of Patagonia. Pp 432-435 in West, N. E., editor. Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box 1983
855 Deserts and semi-deserts of Patagonia. Introduction. Pp 423-425 in West, N. E., editor. Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Soriano, A. 1983
856 Birds of the high Andes. Copenhagen and Svendborg, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen and Apollo Books. Fjeldsa, J. and N. Krabbe 1990
857 The Monte desert and other subtropical semi-arid biomes of Argentina, with comments on their relation to North American arid areas, pp 203-238 in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shru Mares, M. A., J. Morello and G. Goldstein 1985
858 Deserts. The encroaching wilderness. London, IUCN and Mitchell Beazley International. Allan, T. and A. Warren 1993
859 Adaptations of plants and animals to the desert environment, pp 79-92 in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Evenari, M. 1985
860 Biogeography of the desert flora, pp 23-78, in Evenari, M., I. Nov-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors. Ecosystems of the world 12A. Hot deserts and arid shrublands, A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Shmida, A. 1985
861 Les régions naturelles du globe. Paris, Masson. Birot, P. 1970
862 Adaptive strategies in plants dominating Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Pp 309-316 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Margaris, N. S. 1981
863 California chaparral, pp 139-174 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Hanes, T. L. 1981
864 Problemas de la division fitogeografica en America Central. Pp 139-156 [in] C. Troll, editor. Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, 1966. Bonn, Dümmlers Verlag. Lauer, W. 1968
865 Ecologia vegetal de la Puna. Pp 91-116 in Troll, C., editor, Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, 1966. Bonn, Dümmlers Verlag. Cabrera, A. L. 1968
866 The Cordilleras of the Tropical Americas. Aspects of climatic, phytogeographical and agrarian ecology. Pp 15-56 [in] C. Troll, editor. Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, Troll, C. 1968
867 Paramo vegetation and its life forms. Pp 163-186 in Troll, C., editor, Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, 1966. Bonn, Dümmlers Verlag. Cuatrecasas, J. 1968
868 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de fotografias. Opera Lilloana 17: Photos 1-103. Kühnemann, O. 1970
869 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de fotografias. Opera Lilloana 17: 1-146. Kühnemann, O. 1969
870 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de laminas y perfiles. Opera Lilloana 17: Photos 1-103. Kühnemann, O. 1970
871 Ecosystems of the world, 24: Intertidal and littoral ecosystems Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis 1991
872 Physical characteristics of littoral ecosystems, with special reference to marine plants. Pp 7-26 in Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Lüning, K. and R. Asmus 1991
873 The tropical western Atlantic including the Caribbean Sea. Pp 215-234 in Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Dawes, C. J., E. D. McCoy and K. L. Heck Jr. 1991
874 Littoral and sublittoral communities of continental Chile. Pp 347-369 [in] Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world. 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Santelices, B. 1991
875 Dry coastal ecosystems of the tropical Brazilian coast. Pp 477-493 in van der Maarel, E. Dry coastal ecosystems: Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. Ecosystems of the world 2B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. De Lacerda, L. D., D. S. D. De Araujo and N. C. Maciel 1993
876 American tropical forests. Pp 99-132 in Lieth, H. and J. A. Werger, editors. Tropical rain forest ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 14B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Prance, G.T. 1989
877 Dry coastal ecosystems of the West Indies. Pp 407-422 in van der Maarel, E., editor. Dry coastal ecosystems: Africa, America, Asia and Oceania Ecosystems of the world 2B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Stoffers, A. L. 1993
878 Seagrass ecosystems in the tropical west Pacific. Pp 371-390 in Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Brouns, J. J. W. M. and F. M. L. Heijs 1991
879 Southern California rocky intertidal ecosystems. Pp 273-296 in Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Littler, M. M., D. S. Littler, S. N. Murray and R. S. Seapy 1991
880 Biogeografia de America Latina. Second edtion. Washington D.C., Organization of American States. Cabrera, A. L. and A. Willink 1980
881 La vegetacion de la Republica Argentina. 7. Las comunidades vegetales de la depresion del Salado (Provincia de Buenos Aires). Buenos Aires, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Botanica Agricola, serie Fitogeografica 7. Vervoorst, F.B. 1967
882 Evolution of grasses and grasslands in South America. Taxon 24: 53-66. Burkart, A. 1975
883 Fitogeografia de la provincia de Corrientes. Corrientes, Argentina, Province of Corrientes and Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Carnevali, R. 1994
884 Relevamiento fitosociologico del pastizal del norte de la depresion del Salado. La vegetacion de la Republica Argentina. Serie Fitogeografica 17. Buenos Aires, Centro de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria Leon, R. J. C., S. E. Burkart and C. P. Movia 1979
885 The botany of mangroves. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Tomlinson, P. B. 1994
886 The vegetation of Bulgaria. Map 1.600 000 with explanatory text. Sofia, St.Kliment Ohridski University Press. Bondev, I. 1991
887 Atlas of the endemic plants in Bulgaria. Sofia, Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Velcev, V., S. Kozuharov and et al. 1992
888 Opredelitel na vischite rasteniya v Bulgariya. (Flora of Bulgaria, in Bulgarian.) Sofia, Nauka y Yzkustvo. Andreev, N., M. Anchev, T. Kozhuharov, M. Markova, D. Peev and A. Petrova 1992
889 The tropical rain forest. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Richards, P. W. 1952
890 El sistema nacional de areas naturales protegidas de la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Administracion de Parques Nacionales. Burkart, R., C.V. Ruiz, C. Daniele, C. Natenzon, F. Ardura, A. Balabusic and P. Cichero 1994
891 La conservacion de los recursos naturales y el hombre en la selva paranaense. Buenos Aires, Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina and World Wildlife Fund/US. Laclan, P. 1994
892 Situacion ambiental de la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Fundacion vida Silvestre Argentina. Vila, A.R. and C. Bertonatti 1993
893 Las plantas acuaticas. Buenos Aires, Editorial Universitaria. Cabrera, A.L. 1964
894 Esquema fitogeografico de la provincia de Misiones. Bonplandia 1: 171-223. Martinez-Crovetto, R. 1963
895 Mammals of the neotropics. Vol. 2. The southern cone. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 430 pp. Redford, K.H. and J.F. Eisenberg 1992
896 Ciervos autoctonos de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires, Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina. Moreno, D.I. 1993
897 Los que se van. Buenos Aires, Albatros. 604 pp. Chebez, J.C. 1994
898 La conservacion de los recursos naturales y el hombre en la selva paranaense. Buenos Aires, Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina. 135 pp. Laclau, P. 1994
899 Arboles autoctonos Argentinos. Buenos Aires, Tipografica Editora Argentina. 232 pp. Santos Biloni, J. 1990
900 La flora arborea del Parque Nacional Iguazu. Buenos Aires, Anales de Parques Nacionales 12: 1-179. Dimitri, M.J. 1974
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