
2,040 items found, displaying 1,701 to 1,800.[First/Prev] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
1372 Epiphytic lichen diversity on Salix caprea in old-growth southern and middle boreal forests of Finland. Kuusinen, M. 1994
1885 Readers Digest Universal Dictionary 1994
1374 Naturskogar i Norden. Tanninen, T., Storrank, B., Haugen, I., Moller, P.F., Löfgren, R. Thorsteinsson, I. & Ragnarsson, H. 1994
1378 Decidious forest vegetation in Boreo-nemoral Scandinavia. Diekmann, M. 1994
1123 Geografia de la Argentina. 4. Seventh edition. Buenos Aires, Ateneo. Sarrailh, E.E.O. de, M.A. Andina and E.J. Somoza 1994
883 Fitogeografia de la provincia de Corrientes. Corrientes, Argentina, Province of Corrientes and Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Carnevali, R. 1994
885 The botany of mangroves. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Tomlinson, P. B. 1994
1145 Atlas forestal de Chile. Publicacion CIREN-INFOR 103. Santiago de Chile, CIREN, INFOR. 146 pp. Coig, K., T. Galaguer, J.A. Bustamante, J.A. Prado, E. Zarate, I. Cerda and E., editors. Sanhueza 1994
890 El sistema nacional de areas naturales protegidas de la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Administracion de Parques Nacionales. Burkart, R., C.V. Ruiz, C. Daniele, C. Natenzon, F. Ardura, A. Balabusic and P. Cichero 1994
1146 Flora de San Juan, republica Argentina. Vol. 1. Pteridofitas, gimnospermas, dicotiledoneas diplipetalas (salicaceas a leguminoseas). Buenos Aires, Vazquez-Mazzini. Kiesling, R. 1994
891 La conservacion de los recursos naturales y el hombre en la selva paranaense. Buenos Aires, Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina and World Wildlife Fund/US. Laclan, P. 1994
1148 Sensibilidad de los medios naturales de la cuenca superior del Rio Mapocho, Andes de Chile centrale. Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas 24 (106): 1-51, map. Quintanilla, V. 1994
897 Los que se van. Buenos Aires, Albatros. 604 pp. Chebez, J.C. 1994
898 La conservacion de los recursos naturales y el hombre en la selva paranaense. Buenos Aires, Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina. 135 pp. Laclau, P. 1994
901 La vegetacion natural de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria. Gajardo, R. 1994
1414 Oulangan kansallispuiston tulvaniityt. Hanhela, P. 1994
906 Exkursionsflora von Österreich. Stuttgart, Vienna, Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Adler, W., K. Oswald and R. Eischer 1994
907 Pflanzensoziologie. Grundlagen und Methoden. Stuttgart, Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Dierschke, H. 1994
1168 Introduction to tropical alpine vegetation. Pp 1-19 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Smith, A.P. 1994
2448 Annex I: Bat species occurring in Europe to which this Agreement applies. CMS-EUROBATS 1994
1169 Paramo microclimate and leaf thermal balance of Andean giant rosette plants. Pp 45-59 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Meinzer, F.C., G. Goldstein and P.W. Rundel 1994
2449 Annex I: Indicative list of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area to which this Agreement applies CMS-ACCOBAMS 1994
1170 Environmental biology of a tropical treeline species, [Polylepis sericea]. Pp 129-149 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Goldstein, G., F.C. Meinzer and F. Rada 1994
2450 Annex: Conservation, research, and management measures that shall be applied to all species, subspecies or population of toothed whales, Odontoceti, except the sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, found within the area of the agreement CMS-ASCOBANS 1994
1171 Morphological and physiological radiation in paramo [Draba]. Pp 151-165 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Pfitsch, W.A. 1994
1172 Sediment-based carbon nutrition in tropical alpine [Isoetes]. Pp 167-194 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Keeley, J.E., D.A. DeMason, R. Gonzalez and K.R. Markham 1994
1173 Functional significance of inforescence pubescence in tropical alpine species of [Puya]. Pp 195-213 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Miller, G.A. 1994
1174 An overview of the reproductive biology of [Espeletia] (Asteraceae) in the Venezuelan Andes. Pp 229-249 [in] PW. Rundel, A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Berry, P.E. and R.N. Calvo 1994
1178 The birds of South America. Vol. 2. The suboscine passerines. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 814 pp. Ridgely, R.S. and G. Tudor 1994
1181 Les paysages végétaux du globe. Second edition. Paris, Masson. Huetz de Lemps, A. 1994
1697 The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. VIII. Crows to Finches Cramp, S. & Perrins, C.M. 1994
1698 The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. IX. Buntings and New World Warblers Cramp, S. & Perrins, C.M. 1994
939 Flora de San Juan, Republica Argentina. Vol. 1. Buenos Aires, Vazquez Mazzini Editores. Kiesling, R., M.E. Mulgura and E.A. Ulibarri 1994
1198 The Tambopata-Candamo Reserved Zone of southeastern Peru: a biological assissment. RAP Working Papers 6. Washington, D.C., Conservation International. 184 pp. Foster, R., J.L. Carr and A.B., editors Forsyth 1994
1460 Zur Nomenklatur der Hainbuchenwälder des Erythronio-Carpinion. Marinecek, L. 1994
1225 Conservation and population status of the brown howling monkey ([Alouatta fusca clamitans]) in Argentina. Neotropical Primates 2: 1-4. Di Bitetti, M.S., G. Placci, A.D. Brown and D.I. Rode 1994
1226 Nuevos aportes para el conocimiento de la mastofauna del Parque Nacional Calilegua (Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina). Mastozoologia Neotropical 1: 51-60. Heinonen, S. and A. Boso 1994
1487 Rote Liste der gefährdeten Wirbeltiere in Deutschland Nowak E. and al. 1994
1497 Handbook of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic. Cramp S., Perrins C M., et al 1994
1248 Proyecto de creacion del Parque Nacional Aconquija (Tucuman - Argentina). Informe No. 4. Serie Conservacion de la Naturaleza 9: 1-55. San Miguel de Tucuman, Fundacion Miguel Lillo. Halloy, S., J.A. Gonzalez and A. Grau 1994
1010 Ökologie und Umwelt. Westermann Lexikon. Braunschweig, Georg Westermann Verlag. Leser, H., ed. 1994
1039 Distribution and conservation of Peru's montane forests: Interactions between the biota and human society. Pp 79-106 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verla Young, K.R. and B. Leon 1995
1040 The montane cloud forest of southern Brazil. Pp 138-149 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. de Barcellos Falkenberg, D. and J. Voltolini 1995
1041 Human impact on the cloud forests of the upper Guayllabamba River basin, Ecuador, and suggested management responses. Pp 284-295 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Sp Sarmiento, F.O. 1995
1042 Ecology and conservation of the Argentinian montane forest. Pp 107-115 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Brown, A.D. 1995
1043 Reforestation with the native tree [Alnus acuminata]: Effects on phytodiversity and species richness in an upper montane rain forest area of Colombia. Pp 125-137 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Eco Cavelier, J. 1995
1044 The importance of tropical montane cloud forest for preserving vertebrate endemism in Peru: The Rio Abiseo National Park as a case study. Pp 198-211 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studi Leo, M. 1995
1045 Key areas for threatened birds in the Neotropics. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 5. Cambridge, BirdLife International. Wege, D. and A. Long 1995
1559 Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 april 1979 on the conservation of wild birds - consolidated version 31.05.95 European Council 1995
1560 Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 april 1979 on the conservation of wild birds - consolidated version 31.05.95 - Annex I European Council 1995
1561 Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 april 1979 on the conservation of wild birds - consolidated version 31.05.95 - Annex II European Council 1995
1562 Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 april 1979 on the conservation of wild birds - consolidated version 31.05.95 - Annex III European Council 1995
1818 Annex II: Endangered or threatened species that the Parties shall manage with the aim of maintaining them in a favourable state of conservation. They shall ensure their maximum possible protection and recovery. Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
1819 Annex III of Barcelona Convention Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (Species whose exploitation is regulated) Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
1820 Barcelona Convention Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
1057 Swifts. A guide to the swifts and treeswifts of the world. Sussex, Pica Press. 237 pp. Chantler, P. and G. Driessens 1995
1065 Flora of the Pico das Almas (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil). Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens. 853 pp. Stannard, B.L., Y.B. Harvey and R.M., editors. Harley 1995
1578 CORINE-Biotopes Database EC-DGXI 1995
1580 Rödlistade växter i Sverige 1995 ArtDatabanken 1995
1072 Mayacaceae. Pp 724-725 [in] B.L Stannard, Y.B. Harvey, B.M. Harley, editors. Flora of the Pico das Almas, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens. Giulietti, A.M. and M.G.L. Wanderley 1995
1328 Topographic, altitudinal and regional patterns in continental and suboceanic heath vegetation of northern Fennoscandia. Oksanen, L. & Virtanen, R. 1995
1584 The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece Phitos, D., Strid, A., Snogerup, S. & Greuter, W. 1995
1585 Livre rouge de la flore menacée de France, Tome I : Espèces prioritaires Olivier, L., Galland, J.-P. & Maurin, H. 1995
1593 Bedreigde en kwetsbare dagvlinders in Nederland - Toelichting op de Rode Lijst van Ommering, G., van Halder, I., van Swaay, C.A.M. & Wynhoff, I. 1995
1088 Los bosques templados costeros de Chili. Toulouse, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Terrestre, C.N.R.S. Quintanilla, V. 1995
1089 Guia de parques nacionales y otras areas protegidas de Chile. Santiago, Conaf. Campodonico, I. 1995
1603 Background information on Invertebrates of the Habitats Directive Helsdingen, P. J. and Willemse L. 1995
1103 Diversity and floristic composition of neotropical dry forests. Pp 146-194 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Gentry, A.H. 1995
849 Functional approaches to biodiversity in the Mediterranean-type ecosystems of central Chile, pp 185-232 in Davis, G. W. and D. M. Richardson, editors. Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Berlin, Springer Verlag. Fuentes, E. R., G. Montenegro, P. W. Rundel, M. T. K. Arroyo, R. Ginocchio and F. M. Jaksic 1995
851 Ecology of world vegetation. London, Chapman and Hall. Archibold, O. W. 1995
1366 Vers la conservation intégrée des habitats souterrains. De Broyer C. 1995
1373 Vegetationstyper I Norden. Påhlsson, L. et al. 1995
1633 Morphologic and genetic studies of the European plethodontid salamanders: taxonomic inferences (genus Hydromantes). Lanza B, Caputo V, Nascetti G and Bullini L. 1995
1122 Geografia argentina. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Santillana. Bertoncello, R. and P.A. Garcia 1995
1133 Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana. Volume 1; Venezuelan Guayana vegetation map. Saint Louis and Caracas, Missouri Botanical Garden and CVG Edelca. Huber, O. 1995
1135 Introduction. Pp 1-78 [in] B.L. Stannard, Y.B. Harvey and R.M. Harley, editors. Flora of the Pico das Almas (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil). Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens. 853 pp. Harley, R.M. 1995
1393 Meriotakilokki Korppoon Jurmossa. Syrjänen, K. 1995
2437 Emerald Network (in Bern Convention) Council of Europe 1995
1671 Freshwater fish of annexes II and IV of the EC Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Maitland P S. 1995
1164 The Puerto Rico tropical cloud forest symposium: Introduction and workshop synthesis. Ecology and conservation of the Argentinian montane forest. Pp 1-23 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Hamilton, L.S., J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena 1995
1676 Native and exotic freshwater fishes in Spanish river basins Elvira B. 1995
909 National parks of Argentina and other natural areas. Buenos Aires, INCAFO, Libreria-Editorial El Ateneo. Erize, F., M. Canevari, P. Canevari, G. Costa and M. Rumboll 1995
1165 The importance of tropical montane cloud forests for endemic and threatened birds. Pp 79-106 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Long, A.J. 1995
1166 Cloud forest, the Massenerhebung effect and ultraviolet insolation. Pp 150-155 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Flenley, J.R. 1995
1167 The montane cloud forest and its graditional changes in southeast Asia. Pp 254-265 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Ohsawa, M. 1995
1682 Chamaleons - bunte Juwelen der Natur. Necas P. 1995
2452 Annex II: Endangered or threatened species Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
2453 Annex III: Species whose exploitation is regulated Barcelona Convention : SPA and Biodiversity protocol 1995
1687 Redescripción de Gerardia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819) (Anthozoa: Zoantharia: Gerardiidae) Ocaña O, Brito A, Núñez J and Bacallado J-J. 1995
1187 Dry forests of Central America and the Caribbean. Pp 9-34 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Murphy, P.G. and A.E. Lugo 1995
1188 Overview of the Brazilian Caatinga. Pp 35-63 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Sampaio, E.V.S.B. 1995
1189 Vertebrate diversity, ecology, and conservation in neotropical dry forests. Pp 195-220 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Ceballos, G. 1995
1190 Diversity of life forms of higher plants in neotropical dry forests. Pp 221-242 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Medina, E. 1995
935 Biogéographie. Paris, Masson. Blondel, J. 1995
1191 Drought responses of neotropical dry forest trees. Pp 243-276 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Holbrook, N.M., J.L. Whitbeck and H.A. Mooney 1995
1712 Il genere Dendropoma (Gastropoda: Vermetidae) nel Mediterraneo. Scuderi D. 1995
1209 First nesting record of the tamarugo conebill (Conerostrum tamarugense). Auk 112: 797-800. Estades, C.F. and M.V. Lopez-Calleja 1995
1212 Tropical montane cloud forests: Conservation status and management issues. Pp 24-37 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Doumenge, C., D. Gilmour, M.R. Perez and J. Blockhus 1995
1727 Conservation Status of endemic freshwater fish in Spain Elvira B. 1995
1218 Forest above the forest. World Birdwatch 17: 11-15. Uribe, D. 1995
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