Szénás Hills

Quick facts

  • European Diploma of Protected Areas (code HU940002)
  • Since 1995
  • Country: Hungary
  • Administrative region: Not available
  • Surface area: 12 km2 (1182.00 ha)
  • Marine area: Not available

Source and more information: Council of Europe


Site contact authorities

Manager Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate) H-1525 BUDAPEST Pf. 86 Húvösvölgyi út 52
Official contact international  
Official contact national  
Official contact regional  
Official contact local  


General character of the site Dolomite mountains - important natural genetic resources - extremely rich in unique endemic and relict species (floral richness - original absence of forest) - unique and specific area even at European level both from scientific and educational viewpoints 
Vulnerability Human influences (deforestation, grazing, devastation, plantation of black pine) have damaged this equilibrium state so much that even reconstruction of it is possible only by human intervention. 
Owner Owner: Hungaria Republic 
Documentation Full bibliography or detailed monography upon the area is not available yet.Council of Europe - Application for the European Diploma (1994), Szénás Hills (Buda Protected Landscape Area), Strasbourg, 10 p. 
Habitat types  
Potential vegetation  
Geomorphology The concerned area lies predominantly on Triassic dolomite and in a smaller extent on Dachstein limestone ground, bordered everywhere by tertiary sediments. These sediments also occupy the surrounding basins, and mostly they are covered by quaternary loess and sand layers, or even by recent sand. The original Triassic mountain is to be divided into two parts by the main rifts. The border of them is the watershed connecting the Nagyszénás-Kisszénás hills. 
Educational interest The area is right at the border of Budapest. It means that schoolchildren from the capital can reach the unique natural values even by public transport quite easily. 
Cultural heritage  
Management plan  
URL official  
URL interesting  

European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100