
Quick facts

  • European Diploma of Protected Areas (code PL940002)
  • Since 1998
  • Country: Poland
  • Administrative region: Not available
  • Surface area: 271 km2 (27064.00 ha)
  • Marine area: Not available

Source and more information: Council of Europe


Site contact authorities

Manager The Bieszczady Mountain National Park Administration Center Ustrzyki Górne 38-715 Ustrzyki Górne
Official contact international  
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General character of the site The Bieszczady Mt National Park covers 270 km² of the easternmost part of the Carpathian range in Poland. The typical landscape are medium height mountains with gentle slopes. The area elevation ranges between 650 and 1346 m a.s.l. with six peaks rising above 1300 m. Most of the area is covered by deciduous forest. Above 1150 m a.s.l. there are grasslands which used to be exploited for grazing. Also the areas in lower zones of stream valleys are covered by meadows. The climate is fairly continental with strong influence of the warm and dry winds from Southern Europe. Before World War II the Bieszczady was relatively densely populated. The inhabitants lived from cattle and sheep grazing and forest exploitation. After the war, in order to cripple the Ukrainian underground army, Soviet and Polish communist authorities displaced almost all the native people from the Bieszczady. Most of the villages were burnt to the ground. The present settlement within the Bieszczady National Park borders is limited to three small localities, which are inhabited mostly by the park employees. The total number of inhabitants equals to 130 (0.5 person/km²). Consequently the anthropogenic pressure is minimal. Since 1992 the Bieszczady Mt National Park has been a part of the International Biosphere Reserve MaB "The East Carpathians" divided in three units, Polish, Slovak and Ukrainian. 
Vulnerability Public admission to the park is controlled. Hiking is allowed only along marked tourist trails. The visitors who depart for a hike are obligated to buy admission tickets. Each ticket is accompanied by an extract of the most important park regulations.The protection against illegal procedures such as pouching, camping or hiking in prohibited areas is performed by the field administration. The park is subdivided into a few gorestries. The staff of each one (appr. 3-4 people) is respnsible for regular patrolling of the area. In the summertime the field administration is supported by volunteers in the places most frequently visited by tourists. 
Owner The whole area of the Park belongs to the state 
Documentation BOBEK B., PERZANOWSKI K., SMIETANA W., 1992: The influence of snow cover on wolf (Canis lupus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Bieszczady Mountains. In: Global trends in wildlife management. B Bobek., K., Perzanowski and W., Regelin (eds.)Trans. 18th IUGB Congress, Kraków 1987. Swiat Press, Kraków - Warszawa. BUCHALCZYK T., MARKOWSKI J., 1979: Ssaki Bieszczadów Zachodnich. Mammals of the Western Bieszczady Mts. Ochrona Przyrody 42: 119 - 150. (in Polish with English summary)CICHON M., ZAJAC T., 1991: Avifauna of Bieszczady National Park (SE Poland) in 1987 and 1988 - quantitative and qualitative data. Acta zool. Cracov. 34: 497-517.DENISIUK Z., 1975: Zaslugujace na ochrone torfowiska wysokie w Bieszczadach Zachodnich. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz.31, 2: 13-22.DENISIUK Z., 1977: W obronie torfowisk wysokich nad górnym Sanem. Chroámy Przyr. Ojcz. 33, 4: 15-20.DENISIUK Z., 1990: Projektowany Miedzynarodowy Park w Bieszczadach. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz. 46, 6: 15-16.DENISIUK Z., STOJKO S.M., 1992: 0 powolanie Miedzynarodowego Rezerwatu Biosfery "Beskidy Wschodnie" w Karpatach. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz. 48, 2: 14-38.DENISIUK Z., 1993: Nowe polskie rezerwaty biosfery. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz. 49, 1. 73-74. DENISIUK Z., KORZENIAK J., 1993: Róznorodnosc nielesnych zespolów roslinnych kompleksu Wetlina w Bieszczadzkim Parku Narodowym. Zesz. Bieszcz. 2: (w druku). DENISIUK Z., STOJKO S.M., 1993: International Polish-Slovak-Ukrainian Biosphere Reserve "Eastern Carpathians". Ukrain. Bot. Zurn., 50,3: 95-113.DENISTUK Z., STOJKO S.M., TERREY J., 1994., Eastern Carpathians. In: Biosphere Reserves in Poland. A Breymeyer et al. (eds.). Warszawa 1994.GLANC K., TOBOLEWSKI Z., 1960: Porosty Bieszczadów Zachodnich. (Lichens of the Western Bieszezady). Prace Komis. Biol. Poznansk. Towarz. Przyjac. Nauk 21 (4): 1 - 107.GLOWACINSKI Z., 1969: Materialy do znajmosci awifauny Bieszezadów Zachodnich. Acta zool. Cracov. 13: 327-350. Polish with an English summary.GLOWACINSKI Z., WITKOWSKI Z., 1969: Fauna Bieszezadóaw Zachodnich i zagadninia jej ochrony. The fauna of the Western Bieszczady Mts., and problems of its conservation. Ochrona Przyrody 34: 127-157. Polish with an English summary.GRODZINSKI W., 1957: MATERIALY DO FAUNY KRFGOWCÓW BIESZCAD ZACHODNICH. ZESZYTYU NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLONSKIEGO 10. ZOOLOGIA Z. 1: 178-220.GRODZINSKI W., GÓRECKI A., JANAS K., MIGULA P., 1965: Effect of rodents on Primary Productivity of Alpine Meadows in the Bieszezady Mountains. Acta Theriologica 20:419 - 431.JASIEWICZ A., 1965: Rosliny naczyniowe Bieszezadów Zachodnich. (Vascular plants of the Western Bieszczady (East Carpathians)). Monogr. Bot. 20: 1 - 340.JENIK J., 1983: Succession on the Polonina Balds in the Western Bieszczady, the Eastern Carpathians. Tuexenia. 3. Gottingen: 207-216.KIMSA T., URBISZ A., HERZOG B., SKRZYPEK J., GRZONKA S., 1987: Roslinyrzadkie i chronione doliny Terebowca w Bieszczadzkim Parku Narodowym. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz. 42, 3: 62-64.KNAPP J.A., 1868: Przyczynek do flory obwodu jasielskiego i sanockiego. Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr. AU 3.:74 - 108.KOTULA B., 1883: Spis roslin naczyniowych z okolic górnego Strwiaza i Sanu z uwzglednieniem pionowego zasiegu gatunków.Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr. AU 17: 105 - 243.LISOWSKI S., 1965: Mchy Bieszczadów Zachodnich. Prace Kom. Biol. PTPN. 17, 3: 109-201.LESNIEWICZ K., PERZANOWSKI K., 1989: The Winter Diet of Wolves in Bieszezady Mountains.Acta theriol. 27: 373-380.MAREK S., PALCZYNSKI A., 1964: Torfowiska wysokie w Bieszczadach Zachodnich. (Raised peat-bogs of the Western Bieszczady). Zesz. Problern. Post. Nauk Roln. 34: 255 - 299.MICHALIK S., 1969: "Krzemieniec" - projektowany miedzynarodowy rezerwat przyrody w Bieszczadach Zachodnich. Chronmy Przyr. Ojcz. 25, 3: 14-25.MICHALIK S., 1978: Ochrona Bieszczadów Zachodnich w swietle waloryzacji przyrodniczej, Kosmos 4: 383-391.MICHALIK S. (red), 1987: System ochrony przyrody i krajobrazu województwa krosnienskiego. Studia Naturae ser. B. 32: 1-204.MICHALIK S., 1991: Miedzynarodowy program ochrony Bieszezadów Zachodnich, Parki Nar. i Rez. Przyr., 10, 1-2: 129-139.MICHALIK S., 1993a: Zbiorowiska lesne Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego, ich waloryzacja i problemy ochrony. Rocz. Bieszcz. 2: (w druku).MICHALIK S., 1993b: Miedzynarodowy Rezerwat Biosfery Karpaty Wschodnie. Kosmos43 (1): 117-128.MICHALIK S., SZARY A., 1993: Wschodniokarpacka jaworzyna zioloroslowa Aceri-Fagetum J. et M. Bartsch 1940 w Bieszczadzkim Parku Narodowym. Roez. Bieszez. 2: (w druku).MICHNA E., PACZOS S., 1972: Zarys klimatu Bieszczadów Zachodnich. Ossolineum, Wroclaw, Warszawa, Kraków, Gdansk.OKARMA H., 1989: Distribution and Numbers of Wolves in Poland. Acta theriol. 35-. 497-503.OKARMA H., 1984: The physical condition of red deer falling prey to the wolf and lynx and harvested in the Carpathian Mountains. Acta theriol., 23: 283~289.PALCZYNSKI A., 1962: Laki i pastwiska w Bieszczadach Zachodnich. (Meadows and pastures of the Western Bieszczady). Roczn. Nauk roln. 99-D. 1-128.PAWLUS M., 198 1: Stanowiska Alchemilla connivensis Bus. i A. turkulensis Pawl. w Polsee - Localites of A. connivensis Bus. i A. turkulensis Pawl. in Poland. Frag. Flor. et Geobot. 27,3:433-438.RALSKA-JASIEWICZOWA M., 1980: Late-Glacial and Holocene vegetation of the Bieszczady Mts. (Polish Eastern Carpathians). PWN, Warszawa-Kraków.RYMAROWICZ L., 1994: 0 poczltkach ochrony grodowiska w rejonie Bieszczadów Zachodnich. Plaj 8. : 73-82.SMIETANA W., KLIMEK A., 1993: Diet of wolves in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. Acta theriol. 38: 245-251.WINNICKI T., 1987: Rozmieszczenie Festuca sylvatica (Poll.) Vill. we wschodnici czesci Karpat Polskich. Zesz. Nauk. UJ, Prac. Bot. UJ, 15: 79-85.WINNICKI T., 1993: Przeglad zbiorowisk roslinnych bieszczadzkich polonin - klucz do prac kartograficznych wykonywanych w ramach planu ochrony BDPN. Roczn. Bieszcz. 2: (w druku).WINNICKI T., ZEMANEK B., 1987: Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm. i Ph 
Habitat types  
Potential vegetation  
Geomorphology All the massives are built of the Carpathian flysh - paralell layers of sandstones and shales. 
Educational interest  
Cultural heritage  
Management plan  
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European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
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