Muddus National Park

Quick facts

  • European Diploma of Protected Areas (code SE940001)
  • Since 1967
  • Country: Sweden
  • Administrative region: Not available
  • Surface area: 504 km2 (50350.00 ha)
  • Marine area: Not available

Source and more information: Council of Europe


Site contact authorities

Manager Fjällenheten i Norbottens lân Åsgatan 20 S-96040 Jokkmokk
Information Fjällenheten i Norbottens lân Åsgatan 20 S-96040 Jokkmokk Swedish environmental protection agency S-106 48 Stockolm
Official contact international  
Official contact national  
Official contact regional  
Official contact local  


General character of the site Muddus is an unbroken assemblage of virtually primeval forests and peatlands on moraine-covered granite. It is situated just inside the Arctic circle in the area of Gällivare in Swedish Lapland. Lake Muddusjaure lies in flat ground gorges in the southern part of the park; the Muddusjokk has a waterfall with a 42-metre drop. 
Vulnerability The only problem has been the theft of eggs at one of the most northerly breeding sites of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). 
Owner The park is state-owned. 
Documentation Council of Europe - European Diploma Series (1968), Muddus National Park Sweden, Strasbourg 
Habitat types  
Potential vegetation  
Geomorphology Granites form the main part of the bedrock. The gorges to the south are one of the most remarkable sights of the National Park. It is likely that these came about in the Ice Age, perhaps during the catastrophic drainage during the final stage of that epoch. Other characteristic features of this landscape are the drumlins or low ridges of glacial drift, which stretch from the north-west to the south-west and indicate the course taken by the inland-ice. 
Educational interest  
Cultural heritage The right of the Lapp population to hunt, fish and raise reindeer is enshrined in the law. The park is used for reindeer herding during winter, for migrating across Muddus and for grazing of lichens. 
Management plan  
URL official 
URL interesting  

European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100