Bullerö and Långviksskär Nature Reserve
Quick facts
- European Diploma of Protected Areas (code SE940004)
- Since 1988
- Country: Sweden
- Administrative region: Not available
- Surface area: 82 km2 (8200.00 ha)
- Marine area: Not available
Source and more information: Council of Europe
Site contact authorities
Manager | The Stockholm Archipelago Foundation Box 7669 S- 1 0394 Stockholm |
Information | Park Administration: The Stockholm Archipelago Foundation Box 7669 S- 1 0394 Stockholm The Stockholm County Administration Länsstryrelsen i Stockholms län Miljövärdsenneten Box 220 67 S-1 0422 Stockholm |
Official contact international | |
Official contact national | |
Official contact regional | |
Official contact local |
General character of the site | Bullerö and Langvikssär form part of the outer Schären archipelago 50 km south-east of Stockholm. The protected area encompasses about 1200 rugged islands formed primarily of gneiss and covered with birches, pines and heather, but also featuring small peat bogs. Reedbeds flourish because of the low salinity of the water. In former times the largest islands were under cultivation and inhabited all the year round. |
Quality | |
Vulnerability | Water pollution by PCBs and other chemicals; numerous visitors to keep under control: angling and camping are permitted for two days at a time. |
Designation | |
Owner | Bullerö is state-owned; eight-ninths of Langvikssär belong to the Stockholm Archipelago Foundation and the remaining one-ninth to the only fisherman living on the island. |
Documentation | Council of Europe - Europa Diploma Series (1988), Bullerö and Langviksskär Nature Reserves-Sweden, Strasbourg, 15 p. |
Habitat types | |
Flora | |
Fauna | |
Potential vegetation | |
Geomorphology | |
Educational interest | |
Cultural heritage | Unlike the other Schären islands, Bullerö and Langviksskär have never been densely populated; the earliest settlers were fishermen cultivating small plots to supplement their main incomes. All the buildings retain their original turn-of-the-century appearance. |
Justification | |
Methodology | |
Budget | |
Management plan | |
URL official | http://www.environ.se/index.php3?main=/dokument/friluft/naturum/natrmlnk.html |
URL interesting | http://www.archipelago.nu/SKARGARD/SVENSKA/STOCKHOLM/BULLERO.HTM |