
2,040 items found, displaying 1 to 100.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
1305 [Pyrola rotundifolia] L. in Co. Wexford (H12). Cotton, J. 1974
1029 [Podiceps taczanowskii] (Aves, Podicipedidae), the endemic grebe of Lake Junin, Peru. A review. Steenstrupia 7: 237-259. Fjeldsa, J. 1981
967 [Pluvianellus socialis]: biology, ecology, and relationships of an enigmatic Patagonian shorebird. Transactions San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 18: 29-73. Jehl, J.R., Jr. 1975
1070 [Panicum]. Pp 277-324 [in] A. Burkart, editor. Flora ilustrada de Entre Rios (Argentina). 2. Gramineas. Colleccion Cientifica del INTA 6, 2: Buenos Aires, INTA. 551 pp. Palacios, R.A. and A. Burkart 1969
1309 [Juniperus] L. -- Flora Iberica Franco, A.J. 1986
1071 [Echinochloa]. Pp 336-348 [in] A. Burkart, editor. Flora ilustrada de Entre Rios (Argentina). 2. Gramineas. Colleccion Cientifica del INTA 6, 2: Buenos Aires, INTA. 551 pp. Sanchez, E. and A. Burkart 1969
352 Zwei neue Buschwaldassoziationen des Westbalkans (Albanien). Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 421-439. Jakucs, P. 1973
792 Zur Vegetationsgliederung Südosteuropas. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 95: 245-286. Wendelberger, G. 1965
86 Zur Vegetation der Nordbündnerischen Föhrentäler. SIGMA communication no. 140: 235-249. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1959
1714 Zur Systematik und Verbreitung ostanatolischer Zwergnattern; mit eschreibung von Eirenis hakkariensis n. sp. Schmidtler J F and Eiselt J. 1991
1306 Zur Systematik der Kiefernwälder Fennoscandiensis. Kielland-Lund. J. 1967
1369 Zur systematik der Kiefenfelder Fennoscandiens. Kielland-Lund, J. 1967
196 Zur syntaxonomischen stellung und gliedering der uferund Auenwälder südeuropas. Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 115-129. Dierschke, H. 1980
564 Zur Soziologie und Okologie der Zwergbinsen-Gesellschaften ungarns (Klasse Isoëto-Nanojuncetea BR.-BL. et TX. 1943). Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, 19: 269-288. Pietsch, W. 1973
1423 Zur ökologie der Laubwelder, insbesondere der Grauerlenwälder, an der Kuste der Bottenwiek. Havas, P. 1967
1460 Zur Nomenklatur der Hainbuchenwälder des Erythronio-Carpinion. Marinecek, L. 1994
848 Zur Kenntnis der Erdkakteen in Chile. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 80: 331-338. Weisser, P. 1967
793 Zum Problem der pannonischen Waldsteppen. Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 404-405. Wendelberger, G. 1973
1359 Züge aus der flora un vegetation der rapakivifelsen im sudöstlichen teil des rapakivigebietes von Laitila in Südwestfinnland. Kallio, P. 1954
739 Zosteraceae in Tutin et al., editors. Flora europaea. Vol. 5. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Tutin, T.G. 1980
973 Zoogeography, behavior and ecology of coral-reef fishes. Pp 329-364 [in] Z. Dubinsky, editor. Coral reefs. Ecosystems of the world. 25. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Montgomery, W. L. 1990
1618 Zoogeographic support for the Spanish Imperial Eagle as a distinct species. González L M, Hiraldo F, Delibes M and Calderón J. 1989
2360 Zoobenthic communities along Bulgarian Black Sea Coast - indicator of the Ecosystem State and Evolution. Chapter I. Black Sea Coastal Region, Bulgaria. Ecological and Socio-economic Indicators Todorova, V.
1425 Zonation of the mountain birch forests in northernmost Fennoscandia. Hämet-Ahti, L. 1963
569 Zbiorowiska na wydmach Mierzei Wislanej i ich antropogeniczne przemiany (The plant communities on the dunes of the Vistula Spit and their anthropogenic changes). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 28,2:..-180. Piotrowska, H. and J. Stasiak, 1982
1675 Xestia brunneopicta (Matsumura) new to Europe (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Mikkola K, Sinervirta M and Vaalamo K. 1989
2390 World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) web application VLIZ 2010
2415 World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) World Register of Marine Species webservices (simplified taxonony) 2012
1707 World Fishes Important to North Americans Robins C R. 1991
667 Woodland birds. London, Bloomsbury Books. Simms, E. 1971
10 Wintering waders on the Banc d'Arguin.`Report of the Netherlands Ornithological Mauritanian Expedition 1980 (NOME). Wadden Sea Working Group Communication 6: 1-283. Altenburg, W., M. Engelmoer, R. Mes and T. Piersma. 1982
1715 Wild Sheep and Goats and their relatives. Status Suvery and Conservation Action Plan for Caprinae Shackleton D M. 1997
701 Wild orchids of Britain. London, Collins. Summerhayes, V.S. 1976
696 Wild flowers of Mount Olympus. Kifissia, The Goulandris Natural History Museum. Strid, A. 1980
663 Wild flowers of Crete. Athens, Efstathiadis Group. Sfikas, G. 1987
256 Wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe. London, Collins. Fitter, R. and A. Fitter. 1974
2386 Wikipedia Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2001
1021 Wetlands of tropical South America. Pp 679-739 in D. Whigham, D. Dykyjova and S. Hejny, editors, Wetlands of the world: inventory, ecology and management. vol. 1. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Junk, W.J. 1993
119 Wetlands of southern Europe and North Africa: Mediterranean wetlands in D. Whigham, D. Dykyjova and S. Hejny, editors, Wetlands of the world: inventory, ecology and management. vol. 1. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Britton, R. H. and A. J. Crivelli. 1993
176 Wetlands of Africa: Introduction. in D. Whigham, D. Dykyjova and S. Hejny, editors, Wetlands of the world: inventory, ecology and management. vol. 1. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Denny, P. 1993
1794 Wetlands Biodiversity indicators and Monitoring. Annex 5: report of EBCC under subcontract to Wetlands International: Habitat relations of european breeding birds (mainly agricultural and woodland birds). Ward Hagemeijer on the behalf of Wetlands International 2003
204 Western blanket bog (Pleurozio Purpureae-Ericetum tetralicis) in Ireland and Great Britain. Colloques phytosologiques 7: 214-223. Doyle, G.-J. and J.-J. Moore. 1978
1347 Western blanket bog (Pleurozio purpureae-Ericetum tetralicis) in Ireland and Great Britain. Doyle, G.J. & Moore,J.J. 1980
1734 Weitere Nachweise der Reiterkrabbe Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus 1758) im ostlichen Mittelmeer (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae). Ziese M. 1985
1658 Weichtiere. Europäische Meeres und Binnenmollusken Fechter,R. & Falkner,G 1990
1058 Water chemestry of the Amazon basin: The distribution of chemical elements among freshwaters. Pp 167-200 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Furch, K. 1984
1367 Waldvegetationszonen Finnlands und ihre klimatischen paralelltypen. Kalela, A. 1961
241 Waldgesellschaften der Strazov - Berggruppe (Nordteil des Gebirges Strazovska bornatina). Acta facultatis rerum naturalium universitatis comenianae botanica 26: 87-103. Fajmonova, E. 1978
7 Waddenzee. Haarlingen and 's Graveland, Landelijke Vereniging tot Behoud van de Waddenzee en Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland. Abrahamse, J., W. Joenge and N. van Leeuwen-Seelt, editors. 1976
1689 W3TROPICOS Nomenclatural Data Base Missouri Botanical Garden 1997
1451 Vörös Könyv Magyarország növénytársulásairól. 1-2. (Red Book of Hungarian Plant Communities.Vols. 1-2). Borhidi, A. & Sánta, A. (eds.) 1999
308 Vochtige graslanden aan de voet van de beboste Maasdalhelling tussen Elsloo en Geulle. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 72: 116-122. Gorissen, M.M.J., W.M.J. Evers and V. Westhoff. 1983
1502 Vocabularium Nominum Animalium Europae Septem Linguis Redactum. Gozmány L. 1979
1721 Vipera pontica sp. n., a new viper species in the kaznakovi group (Reptilia, Viperidae) from Northeastern Turkey and adjacent Transcaucasia. Billing H Nilson G and Sattler U. 1990
1685 Vipera albizona, a new mountain viper from central Turkey, with comments on isolating effects of the Anatolian 'Diagonal'. Nilson G, Andren C. and Flardh B. 1990
1189 Vertebrate diversity, ecology, and conservation in neotropical dry forests. Pp 195-220 [in] S.H. Bullock, H.A. Mooney and F. Medina, editors. Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Ceballos, G. 1995
572 Versuch eines Vergleiches der mitteleuropäischen und der russisch-sibirischen Steppe. Berichte der Sch. Bod. beseltschaft 46: 71-79. Podpera, J. 1936
15 Vers une caractérisation phytosociologique de la série méditerranéenne du chêne pubescent. Ann. faculté des Sciences. Marseille, 44:17-42. Archiloque, A., L. Borel, J.-P. Devaux, A. Lavagne, P. Moutte and H. Weiss. 1970
1366 Vers la conservation intégrée des habitats souterrains. De Broyer C. 1995
1281 Verbreitung und Ökologie der höheren Wasserpflanzen im Brackwasser der Ekenäs-Gegend in Süd-Finnland. I. Allgemeiner Teil. II Spezieller Teill. Luther 1951
1396 Veränderungen in der Gefässpflanzenflora der Meeresfelsen von Tvärminne. Luther, H. 1961
1132 Venezuela's islands in time. National Geographic 175: 526-561. George, U. 1989
1464 Vegetationsuntersuchungen im Zempléner Gebirge. Simon, T. 1979
513 Vegetationstyper i Norden. Nordiska ministerradet,. 1984
1373 Vegetationstyper I Norden. Påhlsson, L. et al. 1995
3 Vegetationstyper i Norden Nordisk Ministerråd 1994
1463 Vegetationsstudien in Őrség (Ungarisches Ostalpenvorland). Pócs, T., Domokos, É., Pócs-Gelencsér, I. & Vida, G. 1958
89 Vegetationsskizzen aus dem Baskenland mit Ausblicken auf das weitere Ibero-Atlantikum. 2. SIGMA communication no. 174: 1-126. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1967
368 Vegetationskundliche Beobachtungen im Donaudelta. Limnologica (Berlin) 3: 271-313. Krausch, H.-D. 1965
941 Vegetationskarte von Südamerika. Mapa de la vegetacion de America del Sur. Second edition. Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag. Hueck, K. and P. Seibert 1981
1276 Vegetations- und Standortsuntersuchungen in den Strandwiesen der schwedischen Westküste. Gillner, W. 1960
1408 Vegetationförhållanden i kraftverksälvar Nilsson, Ch. 1979
1406 Vegetationens överlevnadsekologi på Gardikens regleringsstränder - en problemorientering. Nilsson, Ch. 1978
1392 Vegetationen på Vidskär och Jurmo (Ab Korpo). Eklund, O. 1921
336 Vegetation Südosteuropas. G. Stuttgart, Fischer Verlag. Horvat, I., V. Glavac and H. Ellenberg. 1974
9 Vegetation of the Soviet polar deserts. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Aleksandrova, V. D. 1988
523 Vegetation of the karst sink-holes in the vicinity of Staszow on the Malopolska Upland. Monographiae Botanicae 66: 1-136. Ochyra, R. 1985
770 Vegetation of the earth and ecological systems of the geo-biosphere. Second edition. New York, Springer-Verlag. Walter, H. 1979
1331 Vegetation of South-eastern Spain. Peinado, M.; Acaraz, F. & Martínez Parras, J.M. 1992
787 Vegetation of New Zealand. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Wardle, P. 1991
1360 Vegetation of coastal Bohuslän. Hallberg, H. P. & Ivarsson, R. 1965
234 Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. Stuttgart, Eugen Ulmer. Ellenberg, H. 1963
536 Vegetation map of the Council of Europe Member States. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Ozenda, P., A. Noirfalise, R. Tomaselli and W. Trautmann. 1979
1381 Vegetation i sydsvenska ekskogar-en regional jämförelse. Rühling, Å. & Tyler, G. 1986
1383 Vegetation i Skånes alm- och askskogar. Brunet, J. 1991
229 Végétation et flore d'un étang ardennais mis en assec: l'étang de La Motte à Signy-le-Petit (Département des Ardennes, France). Bull. Soc. Bot. Belge 49: 35-46. Duvigneaud, J., A. Sotiaux and O. Sotiaux. 1986
235 Vegetation ecology of Central Europe. Fourth edition. Ellenberg, H. 1988
2261 Vegetation ecology of Central Europe. 4th ed. Ellenberg, H 1988
339 Végétation du Grand Atlas marocain oriental. Exploration botanique de l'Ari Ayachi. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. du Nord 15: 147-234. Humbert, H. 1924
1411 Vegetation development and sheep grazing in limestone grassland of south Öland, Sweden. Rosén, E.L 1982
582 Végétation des hautes montagnes de la Grèce méridionale. Vegetatio 12: 289-386. Quezel, P. 1964
600 Végétation des Alpes du Nord et du Jura méridional. Notice détailée des feuilles Grenoble et Annecy. Paris, Editions du CNRS. Richard, L. and G. Pautou. 1983
1415 Vegetation and soil of the wooded meadows in Nåtö, Aland. Häggström, C.-A. 1983
250 Vegetacion y flora de Sierra Nevada. Los cascajares. Boletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia 4: 21-29. Fernandez Casas, J. 1975
249 Vegetacion y flora de Sierra Nevada. Los borreguiles. Boletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia 3: 29-42. Fernandez Casas, J. 1974
870 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de laminas y perfiles. Opera Lilloana 17: Photos 1-103. Kühnemann, O. 1970
868 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de fotografias. Opera Lilloana 17: Photos 1-103. Kühnemann, O. 1970
869 Vegetacion marina de la Ria de Puerto Deseado. Tucuman, Atlas de fotografias. Opera Lilloana 17: 1-146. Kühnemann, O. 1969
347 Vegetacion halofila de la Meseta sur Espanola. Colloques phytosociologiques 4: 99-113. Izco, J. and S. Cirujano. 1975
1154 Vegetacion de la Guiana Venezolana. Pp 44, 39, 41, 43 [in] Ara Cernuda [et al.], editors. Atlas de la vegetacion de Venezuela. Caracas, Ministerio de la Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Steyermanrk, J.A. 1985
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