
2,040 items found, displaying 1,401 to 1,500.[First/Prev] 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
1401 Sand- och dynsträndernas vegetations och dess nedslitning. Skytén, R. 1978
1402 Från havsvik till insjö. Lindholm, T. 1991
1403 Floristic aspects of one coastal inlet inre Verkviken, northern Åland. Mathiessen, H. & Mathiessen, L. 1992
1404 Ecology of phytoplankton in the Tvärminne area, SW coast of Finland. III. Environmental conditions and primary production in Pojoviken in the 1970s Niemi, Å. 1978
1405 Älvens miljöer. In: Älvboken Ericsson, S. 1985
1406 Vegetationens överlevnadsekologi på Gardikens regleringsstränder - en problemorientering. Nilsson, Ch. 1978
1407 Floraförändringar vid kraftverksutbyggnad Nilsson, Ch. 1979
1408 Vegetationförhållanden i kraftverksälvar Nilsson, Ch. 1979
1409 Om botaniska skyddsvärden vid älvarna. Sjörs, H. 1973
1410 Dynamik och konstans i Gotlands flora och vegetation. Pettersson, B. 1958
1411 Vegetation development and sheep grazing in limestone grassland of south Öland, Sweden. Rosén, E.L 1982
1412 Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Vegetation der Alluvionen des Nördlichen Eurasiens. III. Die Alluvionen der Tornio- und Kemi -Thäler. Cajander, A. 1909
1413 Über die Vegetation der Alluvialwiesen im Gebiet der geplanted Stauseen von Lokka und Porttipahta im Finnischen Lappland. Eurola, S. 1967
1414 Oulangan kansallispuiston tulvaniityt. Hanhela, P. 1994
1415 Vegetation and soil of the wooded meadows in Nåtö, Aland. Häggström, C.-A. 1983
1416 Protection of wooded meadows in Aland - problems, methods and perspectives. Häggström, C.-A. 1988
1417 Mossor som indikerar särskilt skyddsvärda våtmarksbiotoper. Hedenäs, L. & Löfroth, M. 1992
1418 Key to the vegetation of northern Fennoscandian fjelds. Eurola, S. & Virtanen, R. 1991
1419 Ädellövskog - ekologi och skötsel Almgren, G. 1984
1420 A classification of Scandinavian forest vegetation for mapping purposes. Kielland-Lund, J. 1973
1421 Lövnaturskogens flora och fauna. Pettersson, B. & Fiskesjö, A. 1991
1422 Den levande döda veden. Bevarande och nyskapande i naturen. Samuelsson, J. & Ingelöf, T. 1996
1423 Zur ökologie der Laubwelder, insbesondere der Grauerlenwälder, an der Kuste der Bottenwiek. Havas, P. 1967
1424 Forest vegetation in Hemne, Sør-Trøndelag, Western Central Norway. Aune, E.I. 1973
1425 Zonation of the mountain birch forests in northernmost Fennoscandia. Hämet-Ahti, L. 1963
1426 Haintypenuntersuchungen im mitteleren Süd-Häme, Süd-Finnland. Mäkirinta, U. 1968
1427 On the dynamics of vegetation and flora in Karkali Nature Reserve, Southern Finland. Koponen, T. 1967
1428 Multivariate analysis of esker vegetation in southern Häme, S Finland. Heikkinen, R.K. 1991
1429 Besondere Züge der Vegetation und Flora auf der Osen. Jalas, J. 1961
1430 Topographic, microclimatic and edaphic control of the vegetation in the central part of the Hämeenkangas esker complex, western Finland. Rajakorpi, A. 1987
1431 Ecology and area of Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. in Finland. Uotila, P. 1969
1432 Ekarnas hagar. Ekman, H. & Pettersson, B. 1987
1433 Den nordiska hagen. Häggström, C.-A. 1987
1434 Key to Finnish mire types. Eurola, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1984
1435 Palaearctic Habitats. PHYSIS Data Base. 1996, last updated 1999. Devillers, P., Devillers-Terschuren, J. and Vander Linden, C. [edited ETC/BD] 2001
1436 Katalog biotopů České republiky Chytrý, M. et al 2001
1437 Red List of Marine and Coastal Biotopes and Biotopes Complexes of the Baltic Sea, Belt Sea and Kattegat Helsinki Commission 1998
1438 CORINE Land Cover Technical Guide European Commission 1993
1439 EUNIS Habitat Classification, February 2002 Davies, C.E. & Moss, D. 2002
1440 Biodiversity Evaluation Tools for European Forests Larsson, T.-B. et al 2001
1441 Annex II species - habitat relationships Rodwell, J. S. & Dring, J. 2000
1442 The Diversity of European Vegetation. An overview of phytosociological alliances and their relationships to EUNIS habitats. Rodwell, J.S., Schamineé, J.H.J., Mucina, L., Pignatti, S., Dring, J. & Moss, D. 2002
1443 The Scientific Basis of the EUNIS Habitat Classification. Revised EUNIS-SYNTAXA crosswalk. Rodwell, J. & Dring, J. 2000
1444 EUNIS Habitat Classification, August 2003 Davies, C.E. & Moss, D. 2003
1445 Resolution No. 4 (1996) listing endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures Council of Europe 1996
1446 Report of the Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping, Galway, Ireland, 3-6 April 2001 ICES 2001
1447 The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland, Version 04.05 Connor, D.W., Allen, J.H., Golding, N., Howell, K.L., Lieberknecht, L.M., Northen, K.O. & Reker, J.B. [edited ETC/BD] 2004
1448 EUNIS Habitat Classification marine habitat types: Proposals for revised criteria, July 2004 Davies, C.E. & Moss, D. 2004
1449 Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, EUR 25 European Commission 2003
1450 Biologia si ecologia plantei Nymphaea lotus L. var.thermalis (DC.) Olteanu-Cozma, C. 1959
1451 Vörös Könyv Magyarország növénytársulásairól. 1-2. (Red Book of Hungarian Plant Communities.Vols. 1-2). Borhidi, A. & Sánta, A. (eds.) 1999
1452 Guide der Exkursionen des Internationalen Geobotanischen Symposium. Ungarn. Zólyomi, B. (ed.) 1967
1453 Neue Klassifikation der Felsenvegetation im pannonischen Raum und angrentenden Gebiete. Zólyomi, B. 1966
1454 Die Zönologie des Verbandes Fagion illyricum. I. Allgemeiner Teil. Borhidi, A. 1963
1455 Die Zönologie des Verbandes Fagion illyricum. II. Systematischer Teil. Borhidi, A. 1965
1456 Nomenklatorische Revision der Illyrischen Buchenwälder (Verband Aremonio-Fagion). Maricek, L., Mucina, L., Zupanic, L., Poldini, I., Dakskobler, I. & Acceto, M. 1992
1457 Numerical revision of Fagion illyricum alliance. Török, K., Podani, J. & Borhidi, A. 1989
1458 Die geobotanischen Verhältnisse der Eichen-Hainbuchenwälder Südosteuropas. Borhidi, A. 1967
1459 An annotated checklist of the Hungarian plant communities. II. The forest vegetation. Borhidi, A. & Kevey, B. 1996
1460 Zur Nomenklatur der Hainbuchenwälder des Erythronio-Carpinion. Marinecek, L. 1994
1461 A critical revision of the Hungarian plant communities. Borhidi, A. 1996
1462 Die Wälder des Szentendre-Visegráder Gebirges. Horánszky, A. 1964
1463 Vegetationsstudien in Őrség (Ungarisches Ostalpenvorland). Pócs, T., Domokos, É., Pócs-Gelencsér, I. & Vida, G. 1958
1464 Vegetationsuntersuchungen im Zempléner Gebirge. Simon, T. 1979
1465 Növényevő emlősök és a vegetáció kapcsolatának vizsgálata homoki társulásokban. (A study of the relationship between herbivores and the vegetation in sand communities.) Altbacker, V. 1998
1466 -no-title- Fekete, G., Molnár, Zs. & Horváth, F. (eds.) 1997
1467 La cénotaxonomie des phytocénoses halophyles (Puccinellio-Salicornietrea Topa, 39) de Roumanie. (II). Sanda, V. & Popescu, A. 1991
1468 Eichen-Hainbuchenwälder Ungarns. Csapody, I. 1967
1469 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Devillers et al (2001) Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E. [edited ETC/BD] 2001
1470 EUNIS habitat classification descriptions Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E. 2001
1471 UK Biodiversity Action Plan: Habitat Action Plans JNCC 2001
1472 EUNIS Habitat Classification Marine Habitat Types: Revised Classification and Criteria Davies, C.E. & Moss, D. 2004
1473 EUNIS Habitat Classification Revised 2004 Davies, C.E., Moss, D. & Hill, M.O. 2004
1474 Revised Draft Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region Barcelona Convention 1998
1475 Second OSPAR/ICES/EEA Workshop on Marine Habitat Classification, Southampton, 18-22 September 2000 OSPAR/ICES/EEA 2000
1476 Proposed amendments to the EUNIS classification of marine habitats (levels 2-4 only) OSPAR 2004
1477 Assessment of EUNIS habitat distributions to level 3 by country and biogeographic region Moss, D. 2005
1478 Mediterranean marine habitat descriptions ICRAM 2005
1479 Revision of descriptions of terrestrial habitats ILE SAS [edited ETC/BD] 2001
1480 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Devillers et al (2001) ILE SAS 2001
1481 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Davies, Moss & Hill, M.O. (2004) ILE SAS 2004
1482 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora European Council 1992
1483 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals IUCN 1993
1484 Livro vermelho dos vertebrados de Portugal , vol. I : Mamiferos, Aves, Répteis e Anfibios SNPRCN 1990
1485 Libro rojo de los Vertebrados de España Blanco J.C. and al. 1992
1486 The red data book of threatened vertebrates of Greece Karandinos M. and al. 1992
1487 Rote Liste der gefährdeten Wirbeltiere in Deutschland Nowak E. and al. 1994
1488 A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. Arnold E W and Burton J A. 1978
1489 Millipedes. Keys and notes for the identification of the species. Blower J G. 1985
1490 Aquatic Oligochaetes. Brinkhurst R O. 1963
1491 Systematic Dictionary of Mammals of the World. Burton M. 1962
1492 A classification of Plants and Fungi. Department of Botany 1982
1493 Birds of the World: a Checklist. Clements J. 1981
1494 The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region: a Taxonomic Review. Corbet G B. 1978
1495 A World list of Mammalian Species. Corbet G B and Hill J E. 1991
1496 Mosses of Europe and the Azores. Corley M V, Crundwell A C, Dull R, Hill M O and Smith A J E. 1981
1497 Handbook of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic. Cramp S., Perrins C M., et al 1994
1498 Dale Fort Marine Fauna. Crothers J H. 1966
1499 Centipedes of the British Isles. Eason E H. 1964
1500 A Key to the British Freshwater Leeches. Elliott J M and Mann K H. 1978
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