
2,040 items found, displaying 1,501 to 1,600.[First/Prev] 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
1375 Population contraction of the white-backed woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Finland as a consequence of habitat alteration. Virkkala, R., Alanko, T., Laine, T. & Tiainen, J. 1993
1114 Population estimates and breeding biology of the petrels [Pterodroma externa] and [P. longirostris] on Isla Alejandro Selkirk, Juan Fernandez Archipelago. Condor 89: 581-586. Brooke, M. de L. 1987
435 Potential plant communities and landscape phytocomplexes of northern Mazovia. Monographiae Botanicae 62: 78pp. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1981
657 Pour la conservation du massif forestièr du Hohe Mark et des hautes vallées de la Schwalm et de ses affluents à Elsenborn. Natura Mosana 24: 56-69. Schumacker, R. and A. Froment. 1971
62 Première contribution à l'étude des pelouses mésophiles et des groupements hygrophiles du Monte Pollino (Calabre). Phyton 14: 271-280. Bonin, G. 1972
398 Premières observations chorologiques et phénologiques sur les ripisilves à Nerium oleander (nériaies) en Provence. Ann. Univ. de Provence, Sciences 45: 135-155. Lavagne, A. and P. Moutte. 1971
2379 Prepared by BirdLife International on behalf of the European Commission 1996
1643 Présence de Laminaria rodriguezii Bornet sur les côtes françaises de la Méditerranée. Huve H. 1955
1739 Presencia de Patella nigra (Da Costa, 1771) en las costas de Málaga. Aspectos morfológico-radulares. Vega R. 1984
1239 Presencia del horco-quebracho ([Schinopsis haenkeana]) en la Sierra de la Huerta (San Juan) y rasgos principales de la vegetacion. Buenos Aires, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA), Darwiniana 20: 232-241, 3 plates. Ragonese, A.E. and B.G. Piccinini 1976
1127 Present 'development' of Amazonia in the light of the ecological aspect of life, and alternative concepts. Pp 737-747 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publi Sioli, H. 1984
69 Present-day savannas: an overview in F. Bourlière, editor, Ecosystems of the world 13. Tropical savannas. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Bourlière, F. and M. Hadley. 1983
46 Présentation des régions visitées lors de la neuvième session extraordinaire: les Grands Causses cévenols, Lévezou et massif l'Aigoual. Bull. Soc. Bot. du Centre-Ouest, NS 14: 57-78. Bernard, C. 1983
1020 Primary production in the Amazonian aquatic ecosystem. Pp 311-335 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Rai, H. and G. Hill 1984
864 Problemas de la division fitogeografica en America Central. Pp 139-156 [in] C. Troll, editor. Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, 1966. Bonn, Dümmlers Verlag. Lauer, W. 1968
649 Probleme der natürlichen Wiederbewaldung von Naturschutzgebieten mit Xerothermstandorten im südlichen Teil der DDR. Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 317-327. Schubert, R. 1973
4 Prodrome des associations végétales des Carpates du sud-est (Carpates roumaines). Coldea, Gh. 1991
456 Prodrome des unités phytosociologuques observées en Camargue. SIGMA Communication No. 188. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille 30: 5-110. Molinier, R. and G. Tallon. 1970
937 Programa "Orquideas". Boletin Tecnico de la Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina 11: 1-82. Johnson, A.E. 1992
1314 Proposal for a European Classification Moss, D & Davies, C.E. 1997
1476 Proposed amendments to the EUNIS classification of marine habitats (levels 2-4 only) OSPAR 2004
1048 Propuestas de una reserva de flora y fauna autoctonas en el area del Ojos del Salado (Catamarca - Argentina): Limites, zonificacion y manejo. Serie Conservacion de la Naturaleza 5: 1-16. San Miguel de Tucuman, Fundacion Miguel Lillo. Halloy, S., J.A. Gonzalez and E. Lavilla 1991
361 Protected areas in Greece. Physis (Nature, Bulletin of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature) 40: 48-56. Kassioumis, K. 1988
1416 Protection of wooded meadows in Aland - problems, methods and perspectives. Häggström, C.-A. 1988
1246 Provincia de Mendoza, mapa ecologica. Diario Los Andes, 16 August 1988. Los Andes, 1988
2357 Provisional list of Black Sea marine habitats, November 2007 Micu, D. & Todorova, V. 2007
1248 Proyecto de creacion del Parque Nacional Aconquija (Tucuman - Argentina). Informe No. 4. Serie Conservacion de la Naturaleza 9: 1-55. San Miguel de Tucuman, Fundacion Miguel Lillo. Halloy, S., J.A. Gonzalez and A. Grau 1994
1210 Proyecto de Parque Nacional Sierra de Narvaez (Departamento Tinogasta, Provincia de Catamarca, Republica Argentina). Working document. Buenos Aires and Salta, Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente Humane, Administracion de Parques Nacionales. 41 pp. Haene, E., S. Heinonen and J.C. Chebez 1993
1204 Proyecto FAO/PNUMA sobre Manejo de Areas Silvestres, Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre en America Latina y el Caribe. La conservacion integrada del patrimonio natural y cultural del Parque Nacional Los Cardones y Valles Calchaquies (Argentina). Santiago, Cardich, E. 1988
1205 Proyecto: Nuevos Parques. Parque Nacional Los Cardones. Working document. Buenos Aires and Salta, Ministerio de Economia, Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Pesca, Administracion de Parques Nacionales. 53 pp. APN, 1987
436 Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roslinnych Polski. Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1981
437 Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roslinnych Polski. Second edition. Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1984
1282 Quantitative investigations of the red algae belt in the Askö area, Northern Baltic proper. Kautsky, N. 1974
288 Quelques données sur les Arthrocnemetea fruticosi ibériques sud occidentaux. Acta Botanica Malacitana 3: 145-157. Géhu, J.M. and J. Géhu-Franck. 1977
64 Range of natural distribution in M. Giertych and C. Matyas, editors. Genetics of Scots Pine. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. Boratynski, A. 1991
1885 Readers Digest Universal Dictionary 1994
471 Rechercees palynologiques dans les Ardennes belges. 1. La tourbière du Grand Passage. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 94: 163-175. Mullenders, W. and C. Knop. 1962
148 Recherches écologiques sur les forêts de Gaume. I Etude des régions d'Etalle, de Châtillon et de Villers-devant-Orval et essai de classification des forêts installées sur substrat triaso-liasique. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. de Belg. 39: 227-311, 313-343. Coûteaux, M. 1969
598 Recherches expérimentales et essai de synthèse biogéographique dans la région des Côteaux de Gasgogne. CNRS, serv. Carte vég. Rey, P., G. Lascombes and G. Dupias. 1963
207 Recherches palynologiques sur le plateau des Hautes-Fagnes. Bull. Soc. Royale de Bot. de Belgique 92: 157-195. Dricot, E.-M. 1960
117 Recherches phytosociologiques dans la région de Dijon. SIGMA communication no. 196: 1-175. Breton, R. 1957
341 Recherches phytosociologiques et écologiques dans les prairies de l'Arrhenatherion de Lattes (Hérault). SIGMA communication no. 171. Acta Botanica Croatica 24: 47-67. Ilijanic, L. 1965
633 Reconnaissances phytosociologiques dans les hêtraies atlantiques. Bull Inst. Agr. et Stat. de rech. Gembloux 29: 356-385. Roisin, P. 1961
1851 Red Data book of European butterflies (Rhopalocera). Nature and Environment, No, 99. Van Swaay, C.A.M. & Warren, M.S. 1999
1569 Red data book of European Vertebrates EEA-ETC/NC, CoE
1786 Red Data book of Latvia Latvian NRC 2002
1816 Red Data Book of the People's Repulic of Bulgaria. Volume 1. Plants. Velcev, A. 1984
1588 Red Data Book of the vascular plants of Luxembourg Colling, G. & Reichling, L.
1437 Red List of Marine and Coastal Biotopes and Biotopes Complexes of the Baltic Sea, Belt Sea and Kattegat Helsinki Commission 1998
1788 Red List of vascular plants of the Czech Republic Holub J. & Procházka F. 2000
1687 Redescripción de Gerardia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819) (Anthozoa: Zoantharia: Gerardiidae) Ocaña O, Brito A, Núñez J and Bacallado J-J. 1995
1829 Reference lists for consolidated versions of EC Directives. ETCNPB 2004
1574 Reference Lists of Habitats and Species by biogeographic region (updated during biogeographic seminars) EC-DGXI.d2, EEA-ETC/NC 2002
79 Réflexions sur la classification des groupements végétaux sylvatiques d'Europe occidentale. Documents phytosociologiques NS 4: 111-119. Braque, R. 1979
1043 Reforestation with the native tree [Alnus acuminata]: Effects on phytodiversity and species richness in an upper montane rain forest area of Colombia. Pp 125-137 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Eco Cavelier, J. 1995
1161 Region Pampeana. Pp 53-60 [in] F. Vervoorst, editor. Conservacion de la vegetacion natural en la Republica Argentina. Simposio 18 Jornadas Argentinas de Botanica. Fundacion Miguel Lillo, Serie Conservacion de la Naturaleza. Tucuman, Fundacion Miguel Lillo Covas, G. 1982
1358 Regionale Züge in der Felsenvegetation und flora Ostfennoscandiens. Jalas, J. 1961
1074 Regiones naturales de la Argentina. Map [in] R. Burkart, editor. El sistema nacional de areas naturales protegidas de la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Administracion de Parques Nacionales. Daniele, C. and C. Natenzon 1994
360 Reiseführer Natur Türkei. Munich, BLV. Kasparek, A. and M. 1990
254 Relaciones geomorfologia-vegetacion en el litoral sudeste de la provincia de Almeria (Espana). Documents phytosociologiques NS 9: 441-454. Ferre Bueno, E., B. Diez Garretas and A. Asensi Marfil. 1985
728 Relations with other ecosystems: temperate evergreen forests, savannahs, steppes and desert shrublands. in di Castri et al., editors. Ecosystems of the world 2. Mediterranean-type shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Tomaselli, R. 1981
980 Relazione sulla clasificazione biologica degli animali cavernicole. Rassgne Speleol. Ital. e Soc. Spel. Ital. (4) II. Pavan, M. 1958
884 Relevamiento fitosociologico del pastizal del norte de la depresion del Salado. La vegetacion de la Republica Argentina. Serie Fitogeografica 17. Buenos Aires, Centro de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria Leon, R. J. C., S. E. Burkart and C. P. Movia 1979
576 Relikt-Fragen in der Flora Rumäniens. Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 289-296. Pop, E. 1973
230 Remarques sur la végétation des pannes dans les dunes littorales entre La Panne et Dunkerque. Bull. Soc. Royale Bot. de Belgique 29: 123-140. Duvigneaud, P. 1947
2342 Repartition et quantite d'algues rouges du genre Phyllophora sur la plateform continentale roumaine de la Mer Noire Vailiu, F. & Bodeanu, N. 1972
190 Repertoire écologique des espèces herbagères de Belgique. Communications du Centre d'Ecologie Forestière et Rurale (IRSIA), N.S. 37: 1-29. Dethioux, M., P. Limbourg and A. Noirfalise. 1983
1446 Report of the Working Group on Marine Habitat Mapping, Galway, Ireland, 3-6 April 2001 ICES 2001
1445 Resolution No. 4 (1996) listing endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures Council of Europe 1996
2439 Resolution No. 6 (1998) listing the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures Council of Europe 1998
113 Resultats de trois excursions géobotaniques à travers le Portugal septentrional et moyen. 3. SIGMA communication no. 164. Agronomia Lusitana 23: 229-313. Braun-Blanquet, J., A.R. Pinto da Silva and A. Rozeira. 1964
111 Résultats de trois excursions géobotaniques à travers le Portugal septentrional et moyen. 4. Esquisse sur la végétation dunale. SIGMA communication no. 198. Agronomia Lusitana 33: 217-234. Braun-Blanquet, J., G. Braun-Blanquet, A. Rozeira and A.R. Pinto da Silva. 1972
1784 Review of the European Red Book of Vertebrates (Freshwater Fishes) Benigno elvira 2000
2442 Revised Annex I of Resolution 4 (1996) of the Bern Convention on endangered natural habitats types using the EUNIS habitat classification (year of revision 2010) Council of Europe 2010
2467 Revised Annex I of Resolution 4 (1996) of the Bern Convention on endangered natural habitats types using the EUNIS habitat classification (year of revision 2014) Council of Europe 2010
2443 Revised Annex I of Resolution 6 (1998) of the Bern Convention listing the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures (year of revision 2011) Council of Europe 2011
1474 Revised Draft Classification of Benthic Marine Habitat Types for the Mediterranean Region Barcelona Convention 1998
2352 Revision of descriptions of terrestrial habitats ILE SAS 2007
1479 Revision of descriptions of terrestrial habitats ILE SAS [edited ETC/BD] 2001
2354 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Davies, Moss & Hill, M.O. (2004) ILE SAS 2007
1481 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Davies, Moss & Hill, M.O. (2004) ILE SAS 2004
2353 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Devillers et al (2001) ILE SAS 2007
1469 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Devillers et al (2001) Hill, M.O., Moss, D. & Davies, C.E. [edited ETC/BD] 2001
1480 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from Devillers et al (2001) ILE SAS 2001
2355 Revision of habitat descriptions originating from ILE SAS (2005) ILE SAS 2007
1757 Revision of the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Zibrowius H and Cairns S D. 1992
1240 Revision of the [Myiarchus] flycatchers of South America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 161: 427-627. Lanyon, W.E. 1978
345 Revision sintetica de los pastizales del suborden Bromenalia rubenti-tectori. Colloques phytosociologiques 6: 37-56. Izco, J. 1977
259 Ricerche fitosociologiche sui prati-pascoli di Ragnolo (Appennino centrale). Studi Trentini di Scienzi naturali 58: 241-253. Francalancia, C., K. Hruska and E. Orsomando. 1981
567 Ricerche fitosociologiche sulla vegetazione ad Ampelodesmos tenax Link presso Tivoli e Sezze nel Lazio. Delpinea NS 3: 337-366. Pignatti, S. and F. Pedrotti. 1962
822 Rio de la Playa grasslands. Pp 367-407 [in] R. T. Coupland, editor. Ecosystems of the world 8A. Natural grasslands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Soriano, A., R.J.C. Leon, O.E. Sala, R.S. Lavado, V.A. Deregibus, M.A. Cauhepe, O.A. Scaglia, C.A. Velazquez and H.H. Lemcoff 1992
323 River plants of western Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Haslam, S. M. 1987
324 River vegetation: its identification, assessment and management. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Haslam, S. M. and P. A. Wolseley. 1981
1221 Riverine forests. Pp 87-141 [in] A.E. Lugo, M. Brinson and S. Brown, editors. Forested wetlands. Ecosystems of the world 15. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Brinson, M.M. 1990
1398 Rocky-shore algae in the Öregrund archipelago. Waern, M. 1952
1596 Rödlistade evertebrater i Sverige 1993 Ehnström, B., Gärdenfors, U. & Lindelöw, Å 1993
1546 Rödlistade ryggradsdjur i Sverige - Artfakta Ahlén I. and al. 1996
1580 Rödlistade växter i Sverige 1995 ArtDatabanken 1995
467 Rostlinna spolecenstava Ceske Socialisticke Republiky a jejich ohrozeni. Severoceskou Prirodou, priloha 1983/1. Moravec, J., E. Balatova-Tulackova, E. Hadec, S. Hejny, J. Jenik, J. Kolbek, E. Kopecky, F. Krahulec, Z. Kropac, R. Neuhäusl, K. Rybnicek and J. Vicherek. 1983
1796 Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen (Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta) Deutschlands Korneck, D., M. Schnittler & I. Vollmer 1998
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