
2,040 items found, displaying 901 to 1,000.[First/Prev] 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
280 Sur les tomillares a Thymus capitatus des dunes du Salento (Pouilles, Italie). Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 559-565. Géhu, J.M., E. Biondi, J. Géhu-Franck and S. Marchiori. 1984
1816 Red Data Book of the People's Repulic of Bulgaria. Volume 1. Plants. Velcev, A. 1984
282 Essai synsystématique et synchorologique sur les végétations littorales italiennes dans un but conservatoire. Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 393-474. Géhu, J.M., M. Costa, A. Scoppola, E. Biondi, S. Marchiori, J.B. Peris, J. Franck, G. Caniglia and L. Veri. 1984
1050 Seasonal [igapo]-forests of Central Amazonian blackwater rivers and their terrestrial arthropod fauna. Pp 245-268 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publisher Adis, J. 1984
1051 Former and recent utilizations of Amazonia and their impact on the environment. Pp 675-706 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Sioli, H. 1984
1052 The aquatic mammals and reptiles of the Amazon. Pp 371-412 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Best, R.C. 1984
1053 The fishes of Amazonia. Pp 353-370 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Géry, J. 1984
286 Observations sur la végétation aérohaline des falaises maritimes du centre ouest français. Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 147-114. Géhu, J.M., J. Franck and A. Scoppola. 1984
289 Schéma synsystématique et synchorologique des végétations phanérogamiques halophiles françaises Géhu, J.M. and J. Géhu-Franck. 1984
2081 British Fens, a review. In European Mires Wheeler B.D 1984
290 Sur quelques groupements chasmophytiques littoraux nord-atlantiques et pour un nouveau schéma synsystématique des végétations xérohalines des falaises atlantiques. Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 127-146. Géhu, J.M. and J. Géhu-Franck. 1984
1058 Water chemestry of the Amazon basin: The distribution of chemical elements among freshwaters. Pp 167-200 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Furch, K. 1984
35 Il parco del Ticino. Florence, Giunti Martello. Bassilana, F. 1984
291 Sur les forets sclérophylles de chêne et de pin maritime des dunes atlantiques françaises. Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 219-231. Géhu, J.M. and J. Géhu-Franck. 1984
1059 The Amazon and its main affluents: Hydrography, morphology of the river courses, and river types. Pp 127-166 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Sioli, H. 1984
1060 Ecology, fisheries and fish culture in Amazonia. Pp 443-476 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Junk, W.J. 1984
1061 Ecology of the [varzea] floodplain of Amazonian whitewater rivers. Pp 215-245 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Junk, W.J. 1984
294 Classification des communautés halophiles européennes. in Dijkema et al.. La végétation halophile en Europe. Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe. Géhu, J.-M. and S. Rivaz-Martinez. 1984
1062 Soils of the Amazon region. Pp 521-536 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Sombroek, W.G. 1984
551 Sobre la clase Pegano-Salsoletea: Helichryso - Santolinetalia ord. nov. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 40: 437-444. Peinado, M. and J.M. Martinez-Parres. 1984
1063 The Amazonian forest. Pp 581-602 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Murca Pires, J. 1984
1064 The role of fungi in Amazonian forests and in reforestation. Pp 603-614 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Singer, R. 1984
555 Schema syntaxonomique sur les communautés végétales de la province de Ciudad Real (Espagne). Documents phytosocio-logiques NS 8: 173-183. Peinado Lorca, M., M. de la Cruz Rot and R. Vazquez Gomez. 1984
1067 The grasses of Bahia. Kew, Royal Botanical Gardens. 299 pp. Renvoize, S.A. 1984
44 Géographie des halophytes européens in Dijkema et al.. La végétation halophile en Europe. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Beeftink, W. G. 1984
1586 Rote Liste der gefährdeten und seltenen Gefässpflanzen, Band 1 : Herausgeber Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein Broggi, M.F. & Waldburger, E. 1984
563 Mud- and sandflats. Report to the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety Directorate of the Commission of the European Community. Unpublished. Pienkowski, M.W. and P.R. Evans. 1984
1080 Carta phytogeografica de Chili mediterraneo. Santiago, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Quintanilla, V. 1984
1340 Key to Finnish Mire Types. Eurola, S., Hicks, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1984
1087 La similitud floristica como medida de degradacion antropogenica del bosque Valdiviano. Agro sur 12: 127-139. Ramirez, C., M. Moraga and H. Figueroa 1984
1344 Some aspects of the ecogeographical gradient in Irish ombrotrophic bogs. Schouten, M.C.G. 1984
71 Guide des groupements végétaux de la région parisienne. Third edition. Paris, Sedes, Masson. Bournérias, M. 1984
1608 Die gattung Idiomela stat. nov. auf Porto Santo. Hemmen J and Groh K. 1984
1612 Some comments on the taxonomy of Myotis daubentoni (Kuhl, 1819) (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Hanáck V and Horárcek I. 1984
1617 Med-Checklist. 1. Pteridophyta (ed. 2) Gymnospermae Dicotyledones Acanthaceae-Cneoraceae). Greuter W., Burdet H.M., & Long G. 1984
340 Outer Hebrides in The Macmillan guide to Britain's nature reserves. London, Macmillan. Hywel-Davies, J. and V. Thom. 1984
348 El orden Tamaricetalia Br.-Bl. y Bolos 1957. y su ampliacion con los tarayales hiperhalofilos. Documents phytosociologiques N.S. 8: 377-392. Izco, J., F. Fernandez and A. Molina. 1984
1126 The conservation of nature in the Brazilian Amazonia. Pp 706-736 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Carvalho, J.C. de M. 1984
1127 Present 'development' of Amazonia in the light of the ecological aspect of life, and alternative concepts. Pp 737-747 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publi Sioli, H. 1984
621 Contribucion al conocimiento de la vegetacion de los saladares del sureste de la peninsula Iberica (Arthrocmemion glauci). Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 335-558. Rivas-Martinez, S., F. Alcaraz, D. Belmonte, P. Canto and D. Sanchez-Mata 1984
624 Sinopsis sintaxonomica de la clase Arthrocnemetea Br. Bl. and R. Tx. 1943 en la Peninsula Ibérica. Documents phytosoc. NS 8: 15-27. Rivas-Martinez, S. and M. Costa. 1984
627 La vegetacion de la alta montana Cantabrica. Los Picos de Europa. Leon, Ediciones Leonesas. Rivas-Martinez, S., T. Diaz, J.A.F. Prieto, J. Loidi and A. Penas 1984
373 Estudio critico de las praderas terofiticas vernales halo-subnitrofilas de la cuenca del Duero. Documents phytosociologiques NS 8: 165-171. Ladero, M., F. Navarro, C.J. Valle, F. Gallego. 1984
1400 The vegetation and ecology of the primary saline soils of the Bothnian Bay. Siira, J. 1984
1661 Contribución al conocimiento de la distribución de la familia Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en las Islas Baleares. Bosch M. 1984
2430 Ecosystems of the World, 23: Lakes and reservoirs Taub, F.B. 1984
391 Le groupement à genêt cendré, lavande vraie et aphyllanthe de Montpellier de l'arrière-pays de Nice et de Menton entre 500 et 1000 mêtres d'altitude (Dorycnio-Aphyllanthetum linetosum salsoloidis). Riv. Scient. 68: 5-20. Lapraz, G. 1984
138 Claves para identificar los pinos de Espana. Quercus 14: 16-21. Ciaran, A. and E. Blanco, 1984
1419 Ädellövskog - ekologi och skötsel Almgren, G. 1984
150 Outer Hebrides in The Macmillan Guide to Britain's Nature Reserves. London, Macmillan. Cunningham, P. 1984
665 Arvores florestais (Resinosas). Vol. 1. Pinheiro bravo e pinheiro manso. Lisbon, Livraria Popular Francisco Franco. Silveira da Costa, M. 1984
1434 Key to Finnish mire types. Eurola, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1984
414 Ocean birds. New York, Knopf. Löfgren, L. 1984
1194 Bats. Pp 786-809 [in] D. Macdonald, editor. The encyclopedia of mammals. London, George Allen & Unwin. Stebbings, R.E. 1984
437 Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roslinnych Polski. Second edition. Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1984
949 The Penguin dictionary of physical geography. London, Penguin Books. Whittow, J. 1984
183 Les terrasses fleuries de l'Oesling (Ardenne sud-orientale). Lejeunia 114: 1-28. De Sloover, J.R. and J. Lebrun. 1984
200 La végétation halophile en Europe (prés salés). Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Dijkema, K.S., W.G. Beeftink, J.P. Doody, J.-M. Géhu, B. Heydemann and S. Rivas-Martinez. 1984
1739 Presencia de Patella nigra (Da Costa, 1771) en las costas de Málaga. Aspectos morfológico-radulares. Vega R. 1984
205 Naturschutzatlas Niedersachsen. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen 13: 3-267. Drachenfels, O., H. Mey and P. Miotk. 1984
473 10e Session extraordinaire. Vosges - Alsace. 6-13 juillet 1983. Première journée: 6 juillet 1983. Quelques aspects de la végétation du Pays de Bitche. Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-ouest. NS 16: 211-214. Muller, S. 1984
730 The Penguin dictionary of botany. London, Penguin. Tootill, E. 1984
986 Ecology of aquatic macrophytes in Amazonia. Pp 269-293 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Junk, W.J. and C. Howard-Williams 1984
494 Forêts et stations forestières en Belgique. Gembloux, Presses agronomiques de Gembloux. Noirfalise, A. 1984
1519 A Synonymic List of the British Pseudoscorpions. Legg G. 1984
243 Alberi d'Italia. Florence, Giunti Martello. Fenaroli, L. 1984
757 Droge stroomdalgraslanden langs de Maas. Wetenschappelijke Mededeling van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging no. 165. Van Dijk, H. F. G., B. G. Graatsma and J. N. M. Van Rooy. 1984
1020 Primary production in the Amazonian aquatic ecosystem. Pp 311-335 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Rai, H. and G. Hill 1984
771 Overview of Eurasian continental deserts and semi-deserts in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
772 Caspian lowland biome in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
5 Forest development, soil genesis and human activity illustrated by pollen and hypha analysis of two neighbouring podzols in Draved Forest, Denmark. Geological Survey of Denmark 2, series 114. Copenhagen, C.A. Reitzels Forlag. Aaby, B. 1983
773 Semi-deserts and deserts of central Kazakhstan in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
774 Middle Asian deserts in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
775 The Karakum desert, an example of a well-studied eu-biome in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
1799 Annex I: migratory species which are endangered and must be protected by Parties CMS 1983
776 The orobiomes of Middle Asia in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
1800 Annex II: migratory species which have an unfavourable conservation status and which require international agreements for their conservation and management, as well as those which have a conservation status which would significantly benefit from the international co-operation that could be achieved by an international agreement. CMS 1983
777 The deserts of Central Asia in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
778 The Pamir -- an ecologically well-studied high-mountain desert biome in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Walter, H. and E. O. Box. 1983
528 Ecosystems of the world 10. Temperate broad-leaved evergreen forests. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Ovington, J.D. 1983
786 Temperate broad-leaved evergreen forests of New Zeland in J. D. Ovington, editor, Ecosystems of the world 10. Temperate broad-leaved evergreen forests. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Wardle, P., M. J. A. Bulfin and J. Dugdale. 1983
533 La végétation de l'arc alpin. Collection sauvegarde de la nature no 29. Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe. Ozenda, P. 1983
1813 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. CMS 1983
794 Overview of North American temperate deserts and semi-deserts in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. West, N. E. 1983
799 An ecological study of Schoenus ferrugineus L. in Scotland. Watsonia 14: 249-256. Wheeler, B.D., B.S. Brookes and R.A.H. Smith. 1983
800 The vegetation of Africa. Paris, UNESCO. White, F. 1983
545 Les bassins océaniques. in Couper et al., Le grand atlas de la mer. Paris, Encyclopaedia Universalis France and Albin Michel. Pautot, G. 1983
293 Distribution et caractères phytosologiques des renoncules aquatiques du sous-genre Batrachium dans le Nord de la France. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 130. Lettres bot: 57-67. Géhu, J.M. and J.L. Mériaux. 1983
296 Sortie botanique à Brigueil le Chantre (Vienne) 20 juin 1982. Bull. Soc. Bot. du Centre-Ouest, NS 14: 174-180. Gésan, M. and P. Plat. 1983
552 Sur les boulaies lusoextremadurenses (Galio broteriani - Betuleto parvibracteatae S.). Willdenowia 13: 349-360. Peinado, M., G. Moreno and A. Velasco. 1983
46 Présentation des régions visitées lors de la neuvième session extraordinaire: les Grands Causses cévenols, Lévezou et massif l'Aigoual. Bull. Soc. Bot. du Centre-Ouest, NS 14: 57-78. Bernard, C. 1983
47 -no-title- Bernard, C. and G. Fabre. 1983
562 Animaux menacés en Wallonie. Protégeons nos poissons. Gembloux and Jambes, Duculot and Région wallonne. Philippart, J.C. and M. Vranken. 1983
308 Vochtige graslanden aan de voet van de beboste Maasdalhelling tussen Elsloo en Geulle. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 72: 116-122. Gorissen, M.M.J., W.M.J. Evers and V. Westhoff. 1983
312 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia Meridionale e insulare. Collana verde 65: 1-309. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1983
315 Neuvième session extraordinaire SBCO: Causses. Cinquiéme journée: vendredi 9 juillet: Le Causse Noir. Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest NS: 14: 123-132. Guéry, R. 1983
316 Neuvième session extraordinaire SBCO: Causses. Première journée: lundi 5 juillet: Larzac occidental, central et oriental. Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest NS: 14: 79-85. Guillot, J. 1983
828 Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Oswestry and St.Louis, Anthony Nelson and Missouri Botanical Garden. Moore, D. M. 1983
320 Connaître et reconnaître la flore et la végétation méditerranéennes. Rennes, Ouest-France. Guittonneau, G. G. and A. Huon. 1983
832 The Magellanic tundra complex. Pp 295-329 [in] A.J.P. Gore, editor. Mires: swamp, bog, fen and moor. Ecosystems of the world 4B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Pisano, E. 1983
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