
2,040 items found, displaying 801 to 900.[First/Prev] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
933 Biogéographie et écologie. Paris, Masson. Blondel, J. 1979
691 Heathlands and related shrublands of the world in R. L. Specht, editor, Ecosystems of the world 9A. Heathlands and related shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Specht, R. L. 1979
692 Alpine scrub and heathland communities in Japan in R. L. Specht, editor, Ecosystems of the world 9A. Heathlands and related shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Specht, R. L. 1979
439 Analisis ecologico y fitosociologico de las comunidades de Genista occidentalis (Rouy) Coste, en la Cordillera Cantabrica (N. de la peninsula Iberica). Documents phytosociologiques N.S. 4: 695-705. Mayor Lopez, M., T.E. Diaz Gonzalez and J.A. Fernandez Prieto. 1979
1464 Vegetationsuntersuchungen im Zempléner Gebirge. Simon, T. 1979
960 Clasificacion fitocenologica de la vegetacion de Cuba. Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 25: 263-301. Borhidi, A., O. Muniz and E. Del-Risco 1979
195 An interpretation of machair vegetation. Proc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh 77: 267-278. Dickinson, G. and R.E. Randall. 1979
720 Etude dendrométrique des chênes indigènes (Quercus robur L. et Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Lieblein. Bull. Rech. Agron. Gembloux 14: 267-284. Thill, A. and R. Palm. 1979
1243 Incredible world of the deep-sea rifts. National Geographic 156: 680-708. Ballard, R.D. and J.F. Grassle 1979
1502 Vocabularium Nominum Animalium Europae Septem Linguis Redactum. Gozmány L. 1979
483 Das Klasum -- ein unterirdisches Ökosystem in Schultz, O., editor, Höhlen forschung in Österreich. Vienna, Naturhistorisches Museum. Neuherz, H. 1979
1272 Sea-shore vegetation around the Gulf of Bothnia. Guide for the International Society for Vegetation Science, July-August 1977. Ericson, L. & Wallentinus, H.-G. 1979
766 Österreichs lebende Höhlentierwelt in der Forschung in Schultz, O. HÖhlen forschung in Österreich. Vienna, Naturhistorisches Museum. Vornatscher, J. 1979
260 Les forêts riveraines de la Valnerina (Italie Centrale). Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 155-159. Francalancia, C. and E. Orsomando. 1980
1540 Flora Europaea. Vol V (1st ed). Alismataceae to Orchidaceae. Tutin T G. et al. 1980
783 Genus Eleocharis in: Tutin et al. ,editors. Flora Europaea. vol. 5: 281-284. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Walters, S. M. 1980
789 Genus Eichornia in: Tutin et al., editors. Flora Europaea. vol. 5: 85-86. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Webb, D. A. 1980
796 Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales 1. Introduction. Tall Sedge and Reed Communities. Journ. of Ecology 68: 365-395. Wheeler, B.D. 1980
797 Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales 2. Communities of calcareous mires. Journ. of Ecology 68: 405-420. Wheeler, B.D. 1980
798 Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales 3. Fen meadow, fen grassland and fen woodland communities, and contact communities. Journ. of Ecology 68: 761-788. Wheeler, B.D. 1980
550 Foreste ripariali lungo la costa Adriatica dell'Italia. Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 143-153. Pedrotti, F. 1980
307 Les tourbières en Europe. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Goodwillie, R. 1980
310 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia settentrionale. Rome, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Collana verde 52: 1-314. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1980
56 Les aulnaies (Alno-Padion) du Montseny en Catalogne. Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 131-141. Bolos, O., de 1980
573 Flowers of Greece and the Balkans. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Polunin, O. 1980
1347 Western blanket bog (Pleurozio purpureae-Ericetum tetralicis) in Ireland and Great Britain. Doyle, G.J. & Moore,J.J. 1980
1357 Die Flora von Oulanka Nationalpark, Nordfinnland. Söyrinki, N. & Saari, V. 1980
592 Classification of upland vegetation types in Britain. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council. Ratcliffe, D.A. 1980
596 Mittelmeerflora, 2 Auflage. Bern, Hallwag. Reisigl, H., E. and O. Danesch. 1980
1631 Liste systématique et synonymique des Lépidoptères de France, Belgique et Corse. Leraut P. 1980
357 The plant associations of the flood plain-forests of Hungary. Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 55-63. Karpati, I. 1980
619 Estudio botanico de los ecosistemas de Donana (Huelva, Espana). Lazaroa 2: 5-326. Rivas-Martinez, S. 1980
880 Biogeografia de America Latina. Second edtion. Washington D.C., Organization of American States. Cabrera, A. L. and A. Willink 1980
626 Vegetacion de Donana (Huelva, Espana). Lazaroa 2: 5-189. Rivas-Martinez, S., M. Costa, S. Castroviejo and E. Valdes. 1980
1397 Succession of island vegetation in the land uplift area of the northernmost Gulf of Bothnia, Finland. Vartiainen, T. 1980
374 La flore et la végétation phanérogamique des dunes du Centre-Ouest. Documents phytosociologiques NS 4: 113-172. Lahondère, C. 1980
123 Sa una nuova associazone dei Pegano-Salsoletea osservata presso Porto Empedocle (Agrigento). Giorn. Bot. Ital. 114: 43-52. Brullo, S., M. Grillo and C. Scalia. 1980
902 Cenotaxonomia si corologia gruparilor vegetale din Romania. Studii si comunicari 24, Muzeul Brukenthal. Sanda, V., A. Popescu and M.I. Doltu 1980
406 Threatened freshwater fishes of Europe. Nature and Environment series no. 18. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Lelek, A. 1980
153 in Tutin et al., editors. Flora Europaea. Vol. 5. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Dandy, J.E. 1980
1691 The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. II. Hawks to Bustards Cramp, S. & Simmons, K.E.L. 1980
668 Botaniseren in Westfalen. De Levende Natuur 82: 105-108. Sipkes, C. 1980
674 Forest communities of north-eastern Poland. Monographiae Botanicae 60: 1-205. Sokolowski, A. W. 1980
682 Synopsis systematico-geobotanica florae vegetationisque hungariae VI. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. Soo, R. 1980
1201 Intensidad del periodo de verano en Venezuela. Intensidad del periodo de verano en los Andes. Pp 26-27 [in] Ara Cernuda [et al.], editors. 1985. Atlas de la vegetacion de Venezuela. Caracas, Ministerio de la Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables Veillon, J.P. 1980
434 Synopsis und geographische Analyse der Pflanzengesellschaften von Polen. Mitteilungen der floristisch-soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, N. F. 22: 19-50. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1980
1202 Ecologico. Ecologico de los Andes. Pp 30-31 [in] Ara Cernuda [et al.], editors. 1985. Atlas de la vegetacion de Venezuela. Caracas, Ministerio de la Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Veillon, J.P. 1980
1203 Pluviometrico. Pluviometrico en los Andes. Pp 20-21 [in] Ara Cernuda [et al.], editors. 1985. Atlas de la vegetacion de Venezuela. Caracas, Ministerio de la Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Veillon, J.P. 1980
180 La réserve naturelle dominiale des près de la Lienne (Lierneux). Brussels, Ministère de l'Agriculture, Administration des Eaux et Forêts, Service de la Conservation de la Nature, Travaux 12. De Sloover, J.R., J.M. Dumont, V. Gillard, R. Iserentant and J. Lebrun. 1980
696 Wild flowers of Mount Olympus. Kifissia, The Goulandris Natural History Museum. Strid, A. 1980
187 Les Glycéraies ripicoles de Belgique. Natura Mosana 33: 128-138. Dethioux, M. 1980
1216 Notes on little known birds of the upper Urubamba valley, southern Peru. Auk 97: 167-176. Parker, T.A.,III. and J.P. O'Neill 1980
196 Zur syntaxonomischen stellung und gliedering der uferund Auenwälder südeuropas. Colloques phytosociologiques 9: 115-129. Dierschke, H. 1980
455 Catalogue des plantes vasculaires des Bouches-du-Rhône. Marseille, Imprimerie municipale. Molinier, R. and P. Martin. 1980
462 Palmae in: K. H. Rechinger, editor, Flora Iranica 146. Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt. Moore, H. J. 1980
481 Seabirds. London, Hamlyn. Nelson, B. 1980
739 Zosteraceae in Tutin et al., editors. Flora europaea. Vol. 5. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Tutin, T.G. 1980
232 La synthèse écologique. Second edition. Paris, Doin. Duvigneaud, P. 1980
246 Sortie du 18 mai 1980. Etude de quelques écosystèmes de la vallée de l'Aisne moyenne et modèle périglaciaire en Champagne. Bull. Lorr. Hist. Nat. Ardennes, 70: 11-14. Féquant, G. 1980
247 Lasy wybranych rezerwatow Wielkopolski. PTPN 55:1-120. Poznan, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Ferchmin, M. 1980
759 The ecology of Ruppia-dominated communities in western Europe. II. Synecological classification. Structure and dynamics of the macroflora and macrofauna communities. Aquatic Botany 8: 1-85. Verhoeven, U.T.A. 1980
506 Carte d'évaluation biologique de la Belgique. Liste des unités cartographiques. Brussels, Ministère de la Santé publique et de l'Environnement. Noirfalise, A., H. Stieperaere and L. Vanhecke. 1980
259 Ricerche fitosociologiche sui prati-pascoli di Ragnolo (Appennino centrale). Studi Trentini di Scienzi naturali 58: 241-253. Francalancia, C., K. Hruska and E. Orsomando. 1981
1029 [Podiceps taczanowskii] (Aves, Podicipedidae), the endemic grebe of Lake Junin, Peru. A review. Steenstrupia 7: 237-259. Fjeldsa, J. 1981
531 Carte de la végétation de la France au 200 000e. Végétation des Alpes sud-occidentales. Notice détaillée des feuilles 60 Gap - 61 Larche - 67 Digne - 68 Nice - 75 Antibes. Paris, Centre national de la Recherche scientifique. Ozenda, P. 1981
542 Esquisse écologique de la réserve naturelle du Zwin (Knokke-Heist, Belgique). Evolution dynamique du peuplement végétal et relations entre l'avifaune et la végétation. Nat. Belges 62: 49-86 and 201-231. Parent, G.H. and J. Burny. 1981
808 Dry grasslands of Europe. Nature and environment series 21. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Wolkinger, F. and S. Plank. 1981
42 La forêt. Paris, Masson and Réalisations Editoriales Pédagogiques. Becker, M., J.-F. Picard, J. Timbal. 1981
813 Les forêts alluviales en Europe. Elément du patrimoine naturel international. Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe. Yon, D. and G. Tendron. 1981
311 Aspetti della copertura forestale, della flora e della fauna nel paesaggio naturalistico dell'Italia centrale. Rome, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Collana verde 55: 1-319. Groppali, R., A. Fanfani and M. Pavan. 1981
2361 Benthos of soft bottom of the Black Sea. Kyseleva, M.I. 1981
2366 Distribution of Mya arenaria populations in the western part of the Black Sea Gomoiu, M.T. 1981
324 River vegetation: its identification, assessment and management. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Haslam, S. M. and P. A. Wolseley. 1981
584 Floristic composition and phytosociological structure of sclerophyllous matorral around the Mediterranean. in F. di Castri et al., editors. Ecosystems of the world 2. Mediterranean type shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Quezel, P. 1981
844 The matorral zone of central Chile, pp 175-201 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Rundel, P. W. 1981
1362 Limestone heaths in south-west Britain: their soils and the maintenance of their calcicole-calcifuge mixtures. Etherington, J.R. 1981
1370 Die Waldgesellschaften SO-Norwegens. Kielland-Lund, J. 1981
1371 Suomen metsätyypit. Kujala, V. 1981
862 Adaptive strategies in plants dominating Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Pp 309-316 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Margaris, N. S. 1981
863 California chaparral, pp 139-174 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Hanes, T. L. 1981
620 Les étages bioclimatiques de la végétation de la peninsule Ibérique. Actas 3 Congr. Optima. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 37: 251-268. Rivas-Martinez, S. 1981
1645 Der Status von Crocidura ariadne Pieper, 1979 (Mammalia: Soricidae) Huterrer R. 1981
1134 -no-title- Medina, E. and G. Sarmiento 1981
632 Bijdrage tot een nieuwe indeling van het Melico-Fagetum steunend op humuskwaliteit en bodemvochtigheid van sub-assaciaties (sic) en varianten. Proefstation van Waters en Bossen Groenendael-Hoeilaart (België). Werken A 26: 1-24. Rogister, J.E. 1981
2429 Ecosystems of the World, 11: Mediterranean-type shrublands F. di Castri, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht 1981
2431 Ecosystems of the World, 2: Mediterranean-type shrublands F. di Castri et al. 1981
390 Les forêts meso-hygrophiles de basse altitude des ravins et vallées affluents du Var, du Paillon et du Loup: l'association à Melica uniflora et Ostrya carpinifolia (Melico uni-florae-Ostryetum). Riviera scientifique 68: 5-20. Lapraz, G. 1981
139 Excursion flora of the British Isles. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Clapham, A.R., T.G. Tutin and E.F. Warburg. 1981
142 The natural history of Wales. London, Collins. Condry, W.M. 1981
1175 Soil fauna of mediterranean-climate regions. Pp 445-478 in Castri, F. di, D. W. Goodall and R. L. Specht, editors. Ecosystems of the world 11. Mediterranean-type shrublands. A. Amsterdam, Elsevier. di Castri, F. and V. Vitali-di Castri 1981
921 La vegetacion de la Republica Argentina. Resena sobre la vegetacion del Chaco Santafesino. Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria, Botanica Agricola, serie fitogeografica 18: 1-42. Lewis, J.P. and E.F. Pire 1981
1185 Introduction. Pp 15-22 [in] Unesco/UNEP/FAO, editors. Ecosystèmes pâturés tropicaux. Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Koechlin, J. and P. Legris 1981
1186 Description et composition floristique. Pp 23-54 [in] Unesco/UNEP/FAO, editors. Ecosystèmes pâturés tropicaux. Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Koechlin, J., P. Legris and F. Blasco 1981
1705 Handbook of Marine Mammals. Vol. 2. Seals Ridgeway S.H., & Harrison R.J. 1981
941 Vegetationskarte von Südamerika. Mapa de la vegetacion de America del Sur. Second edition. Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag. Hueck, K. and P. Seibert 1981
435 Potential plant communities and landscape phytocomplexes of northern Mazovia. Monographiae Botanicae 62: 78pp. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1981
436 Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roslinnych Polski. Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Matuszkiewicz, W. 1981
184 De Nederlandse heidevegetaties. Wetenschappenlijke Mededelingen K.N.N.V. 144: 1-88. De Smidt, J.T. 1981
1722 Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1 Echsen I Böhme W. 1981
188 Les reliques du Phragmition en Belgique. Colloques phytosociologiques 10: 351-368. Dethioux, M. 1981
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