EUNIS Database Sites search tools

To find Sites information contained in the database, you have two possibilities:

  • Use the easy searches provided, that are a set of built-in functions that perform queries using common search criteria;
  • Build your own (complex) query using the advanced search tool;
  • Build your own (complex) query that links together Species, Habitats and Sites using the combined search tool;

Both easy and advanced searches logic and look-and-feel are standardized all modules to allow the user to become familiar with the EUNIS with only a little training time: in particular, every search phase is divided in a three steps process:

  • Fill the input form in, to request the data in the desired format, and activate the query process;
  • View the results on the output form, with the query results, and activate printing, data export or other available functions;
  • Get the electronic or paper reports from your personal computer, to work on them outside the EUNIS web application.

EUNIS Database Sites easy searches

The easy searches currently enables you to browse the data in the Sites database; it doesn't require any previous knowledge about the structure of the database.

The query, the parameters to be checked and their combination logic are already built inside the system.

You only need to specify the actual value you want to assign to each parameter for the specific instance of the query you want to launch.

In the easy searches all you have to do is to define the search criteria, in an easy way.

EUNIS Database Sites advanced search

More information on this topic can be found at this page.

Information on fuzzy search implemented in quick search by name can be found here.

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