Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Passeriformes > Family: Sylviidae > Genus: Acrocephalus > Species: Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Least Concern (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 2 other international agreements
Natura 2000 sites 406 are designated for this species
Breeding habitats
  • rivers and lakes
  • wetlands
Natura 2000 species code A295


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
BE31003C0 Belgium Vallée de la Lasne Map
BE31004C0 Belgium Vallée de la Dyle en aval d'Archennes Map
BE32012C0 Belgium Bord nord du bassin de la Haine Map
DE2121401 Germany Unterelbe Map
DE2210401 Germany Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer und angrenzendes Küstenmeer Map
DE2213401 Germany Wangerland Map
DE2408401 Germany Westermarsch Map
DE2508401 Germany Krummhörn Map
DE2509401 Germany Ostfriesische Meere Map
DE2526402 Germany Untere Seeve- und Untere Luhe-Ilmenau-Niederung Map
DE2609401 Germany Emsmarsch von Leer bis Emden Map
DE2611401 Germany Fehntjer Tief Map
DE2617401 Germany Unterweser Map
DE2709401 Germany Rheiderland Map
DE2719401 Germany Hammeniederung Map
DE2752302 Germany Salveytal Map
DE2816401 Germany Hunteniederung Map
DE2817401 Germany Werderland Map
DE2820402 Germany Wümmewiesen bei Fischerhude Map
DE2832401 Germany Niedersächsische Mittelelbe Map
DE2843304 Germany Teufelsbruch (Wolfsbruch) Map
DE2844303 Germany Gramzow-Seen Map
DE2909401 Germany Emstal von Lathen bis Papenburg Map
DE2918401 Germany Niedervieland Map
DE2935401 Germany Aland-Elbe-Niederung Map
DE3132401 Germany Landgraben-Dumme-Niederung Map
DE3222401 Germany Untere Allerniederung Map
DE3239401 Germany Untere Havel/Sachsen-Anhalt und Schollener See Map
DE3415401 Germany Dümmer Map
DE3431401 Germany Drömling Map
DE3437401 Germany Elbaue Jerichow Map
DE3521401 Germany Steinhuder Meer Map
DE3530401 Germany Barnbruch Map
DE3532401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet Drömling Map
DE3548301 Germany Müggelspree-Müggelsee Map
DE3911401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet 'Rieselfelder Münster' Map
DE4137401 Germany Wulfener Bruch und Teichgebiet Osternienburg Map
DE4139401 Germany Mittlere Elbe einschließlich Steckby-Lödderitzer Forst Map
DE4142401 Germany Mündungsgebiet der Schwarzen Elster Map
DE4225401 Germany Leinetal bei Salzderhelden Map
DE4244401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet Annaburger Heide Map
DE4531401 Germany Helmestausee Berga-Kelbra (Anteil Sachsen-Anhalt) Map
DE4531403 Germany Kyffhäuser - Badraer Schweiz - Helmestausee Map
DE4536401 Germany Salziger See und Salzatal Map
DE4638401 Germany Saale-Elster-Aue südlich Halle Map
DE4827302 Germany Frankenloch bei Heldra Map
DE4831301 Germany Unstrut-Niederung nordöstlich Herbsleben Map
DE4831401 Germany Gera-Unstrut-Niederung um Straußfurt Map
DE4940301 Germany Haselbacher Teiche und Pleißeaue Map
DE5021301 Germany Leistwiesen bei Rommershausen Map
DE5218301 Germany Kleine Lummersbach bei Cyriaxweimar Map
DE5237301 Germany NSG Frießnitzer See - Struth Map
DE5336302 Germany Dreba-Plothener Teichgebiet Map
DE5336401 Germany Plothener Teiche Map
DE5819308 Germany Erlensee bei Erlensee und Bulau bei Hanau Map
DE6014402 Germany Selztal zwischen Hahnheim und Ingelheim Map
DE6015301 Germany NSG Laubenheimer-Bodenheimer Ried Map
DE6116301 Germany Riedwiesen von Wächterstadt Map
DE6116402 Germany Schilfgebiete zwischen Gimbsheim und Oppenheim inklusive Fischsee Map
DE6216401 Germany Eich-Gimbsheimer Altrhein Map
DE6416401 Germany Bobenheimer und Roxheimer Altrhein mit Silbersee Map
DE6516401 Germany Neuhofener Altrhein mit Prinz-Karl-Wörth Map
DE6716401 Germany NSG Mechtersheimer Tongruben Map
DE6716402 Germany Berghausener und Lingenfelder Altrhein mit Insel Flotzgrün Map
DE6717401 Germany Wagbachniederung Map
DE6815401 Germany Neupotzer Altrhein Map
DE6816402 Germany Hördter Rheinaue inklusive Kahnbusch und Oberscherpfer Wald Map
DE6816404 Germany Sondernheimer Tongruben Map
DE6915402 Germany Wörther Altrhein und Wörther Rheinhafen Map
DE7015405 Germany Neuburger Altrheine Map
DE7018401 Germany Weiher bei Maulbronn Map
DE7923401 Germany Federseeried Map
DE8220401 Germany Untersee des Bodensees Map
ES0000004 Spain Lagunas de Villafáfila Map
ES0000069 Spain Embalse de Cornalvo y Sierra Bermeja Map
ES0000071 Spain Llanos de Cáceres y Sierra de Fuentes Map
ES0000143 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel y Ría de Ajo Map
ES0000184 Spain Valle del Tiétar - ZEPA Map
ES0000188 Spain Valles del Voltoya y el Zorita - ZEPA Map
ES0000190 Spain Encinares de los ríos Adaja y Voltoya - ZEPA Map
ES0000194 Spain Oteros-Campos Map
ES0000201 Spain Camino de Santiago Map
ES0000202 Spain Campo de Azaba - ZEPA Map
ES0000203 Spain Altos de Barahona - ZEPA Map
ES0000204 Spain Tierra de Campiñas Map
ES0000205 Spain Lagunas del Canal de Castilla Map
ES0000207 Spain Penillanuras-Campos Sur Map
ES0000208 Spain Llanuras del Guareña Map
ES0000209 Spain Tierra del Pan Map
ES0000215 Spain Oteros-Cea Map
ES0000216 Spain La Nava-Campos Sur Map
ES0000217 Spain Penillanuras-Campos Norte Map
ES0000218 Spain Campo de Argañán - ZEPA Map
ES0000220 Spain Riberas del Pisuerga Map
ES0000357 Spain Altos Campos de Gómara Map
ES0000359 Spain Campos de Alba Map
ES0000362 Spain La Nava-Rueda Map
ES0000363 Spain Monteagudo de las Vicarías Map
ES0000400 Spain Arrozales de Palazuelo y Guadalperales Map
ES1140003 Spain A Ramallosa Map
ES1300007 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel Map
ES4140036 Spain La Nava-Campos Norte Map
ES4160048 Spain Lagunas de Cantalejo - ZEPA Map
ES4180017 Spain Riberas de Castronuño Map
ES6310001 Spain Calamocarro-Benzú Map
IE0000396 Ireland Pollardstown Fen SAC Map
IE0002165 Ireland Lower River Shannon SAC Map
IT1120007 Italy Palude di S. Genuario Map
IT2020003 Italy Palude di Albate Map
IT2020005 Italy Lago di Alserio Map
IT2020006 Italy Lago di Pusiano Map
IT2030004 Italy Lago di Olginate Map
IT2030005 Italy Palude di Brivio Map
IT2050006 Italy Bosco di Vanzago Map
IT2070020 Italy Torbiere d'Iseo Map
IT2080001 Italy Garzaia di Celpenchio Map
IT2080010 Italy Garzaia di Sartirana Map
IT2080014 Italy Boschi Siro Negri e Moriano Map
IT2080015 Italy San Massimo Map
IT2080016 Italy Boschi del Vignolo Map
IT2080019 Italy Boschi di Vaccarizza Map
IT2080301 Italy Boschi del Ticino Map
IT2090010 Italy Adda Morta Map
IT20A0001 Italy Morta di Pizzighettone Map
IT20A0004 Italy Le Bine Map
IT20A0005 Italy Lanca di Gabbioneta Map
IT20B0008 Italy Paludi di Ostiglia Map
IT20B0009 Italy Valli del Mincio Map
IT20B0010 Italy Vallazza Map
IT3210003 Italy Laghetto del Frassino Map
IT3210013 Italy Palude del Busatello Map
IT3210016 Italy Palude del Brusà - Le Vallette Map
IT3220005 Italy Ex Cave di Casale - Vicenza Map
IT3220037 Italy Colli Berici Map
IT3250041 Italy Valle Vecchia - Zumelle - Valli di Bibione Map
IT3260017 Italy Colli Euganei - Monte Lozzo - Monte Ricco Map
IT3320037 Italy Laguna di Marano e Grado Map
IT4010018 Italy Fiume Po da Rio Boriacco a Bosco Ospizio Map
IT4020021 Italy Medio Taro Map
IT4030007 Italy Fontanili di Corte Valle Re Map
IT4030015 Italy Valli di Novellara Map
IT4040009 Italy Manzolino Map
IT4040014 Italy Valli Mirandolesi Map
IT4050022 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Medicina e Molinella Map
IT4060001 Italy Valli di Argenta Map
IT4060002 Italy Valli di Comacchio Map
IT4060003 Italy Vene di Bellocchio, Sacca di Bellocchio, Foce del Fiume Reno, Pineta di Bellocchio Map
IT4060005 Italy Sacca di Goro, Po di Goro, Valle Dindona, Foce del Po di Volano Map
IT4070001 Italy Punte Alberete, Valle Mandriole Map
IT4070003 Italy Pineta di San Vitale, Bassa del Pirottolo Map
IT4070004 Italy Pialasse Baiona, Risega e Pontazzo Map
IT4070006 Italy Pialassa dei Piomboni, Pineta di Punta Marina Map
IT4070009 Italy Ortazzo, Ortazzino, Foce del Torrente Bevano Map
IT4070021 Italy Biotopi di Alfonsine e Fiume Reno Map
IT4070022 Italy Bacini di Russi e Fiume Lamone Map
IT5190008 Italy Lago di Montepulciano Map
IT5210070 Italy Lago Trasimeno Map
IT5210072 Italy Palude di Colfiorito Map
IT9220055 Italy Bosco Pantano di Policoro e Costa Ionica Foce Sinni Map
ITA040001 Italy Isola di Linosa Map
ITA040002 Italy Isola di Lampedusa e Lampione Map
LU0001029 Luxembourg Région de la Moselle supérieure Map
LU0002005 Luxembourg Vallée de l'Ernz Blanche de Bourglinster à Fischbach Map
LU0002006 Luxembourg Vallée de la Syre de Moutfort à Roodt/Syre Map
LU0002007 Luxembourg Vallée supérieure de l'Alzette Map
LU0002012 Luxembourg Haff Réimech Map
MT0000006 Malta Is-Simar (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar) Map
MT0000015 Malta L-Inħawi tal-Għadira Map
NL0902041 Netherlands Zuidlaardermeergebied Map
NL1000007 Netherlands Ilperveld, Varkensland, Oostzanerveld & Twiske Map
NL1000015 Netherlands Haringvliet Map
NL2000001 Netherlands Deelen Map
NL2000013 Netherlands Weerribben Map
NL2003020 Netherlands Groote Wielen Map
NL3009001 Netherlands Alde Feanen Map
NL3009002 Netherlands Biesbosch Map
NL3009004 Netherlands De Wieden Map
NL4000056 Netherlands Eilandspolder Map
NL9801063 Netherlands Nieuwkoopse Plassen & De Haeck Map
NL9802012 Netherlands Lauwersmeer Map
NL9802031 Netherlands Zwarte Meer Map
NL9802041 Netherlands Leekstermeergebied Map
NL9802047 Netherlands Sneekermeergebied Map
NL9802054 Netherlands Oostvaardersplassen Map
NL9802058 Netherlands Wormer- en Jisperveld & Kalverpolder Map
NL9802060 Netherlands Oostelijke Vechtplassen Map
NL9803028 Netherlands IJsselmeer Map
PLB060005 Poland Lasy Janowskie Map
PLC140001 Poland Puszcza Kampinoska Map
PTCON0019 Portugal Rio Minho Map
PTZPE0001 Portugal Estuários dos Rios Minho e Coura Map
PTZPE0005 Portugal Paul de Arzila Map
PTZPE0006 Portugal Paul da Madriz Map
PTZPE0008 Portugal Paul do Boquilobo Map
PTZPE0011 Portugal Estuário do Sado Map
PTZPE0013 Portugal Lagoa de Santo André Map
PTZPE0014 Portugal Lagoa da Sancha Map
PTZPE0017 Portugal Ria Formosa Map
PTZPE0040 Portugal Paul do Taipal Map
PTZPE0049 Portugal Lagoa Pequena Map
SI5000009 Slovenia Goričko Map
SI5000010 Slovenia Mura Map
SI5000014 Slovenia Ljubljansko barje Map
SI5000015 Slovenia Cerkniško jezero Map
SKCHVU006 Slovakia Dubnicke strkovisko Map
BE31012C0 Belgium Vallée de la Dyle de Wavre à Archennes Map
DE7040471 Germany Donau zwischen Regensburg und Straubing Map
CY5000001 Cyprus DASOS LEMESOU Map
ITA040003 Italy Foce del Magazzolo, Foce del Platani, Capo Bianco, Torre Salsa Map
ITA040013 Italy Arcipelago delle Pelagie - area marina e terrestre Map
IT3341002 Italy Aree Carsiche della Venezia Giulia Map
IT20B0501 Italy Viadana, Portiolo, San Benedetto Po e Ostiglia Map
IT1180028 Italy Fiume Po - tratto vercellese alessandrino Map
DE5807302 Germany Eifelmaare Map
PTCON0011 Portugal Estuário do Sado Map
DE6119401 Germany Untere Gersprenzaue Map
DE7142471 Germany Donau zwischen Straubing und Vilshofen Map
DE5026305 Germany Dankmarshäuser Rhäden Map
PTCON0034 Portugal Comporta / Galé Map
DE6728471 Germany Altmühltal mit Brunst-Schwaigau und Altmühlsee Map
DE5218401 Germany Lahntal zwischen Marburg und Gießen Map
DE6116450 Germany Hessisches Ried mit Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue Map
DE8040471 Germany Moorgebiet von Eggstätt-Hemhof bis Seeon Map
IT5210018 Italy Lago Trasimeno Map
IT20A0020 Italy Gabbioneta Map
DE3343302 Germany Salzstelle Nauen Map
DE0916491 Germany Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete Map
DE5037304 Germany Hainspitzer See und Park Map
DE5914450 Germany Inselrhein Map
DE5931471 Germany Täler von Oberem Main, Unterer Rodach und Steinach Map
DE5417401 Germany Lahnaue zwischen Atzbach und Gießen Map
PLB060017 Poland Zlewnia Górnej Huczwy Map
DE2819370 Germany Hollerland Map
DE6217403 Germany Hessische Altneckarschlingen Map
PTCON0005 Portugal Paul de Arzila Map
IT9220090 Italy Costa Ionica Foce Bradano Map
DE6741471 Germany Regentalaue und Chambtal mit Rötelseeweihergebiet Map
IT4020022 Italy Basso Taro Map
ITA010011 Italy Sistema dunale Capo Granitola, Porto Palo e Foce del Belice Map
IT2080501 Italy Risaie della Lomellina Map
IT3340006 Italy Carso Triestino e Goriziano Map
DE5519401 Germany Wetterau Map
NL3009005 Netherlands Duinen Ameland Map
PLB040005 Poland Żwirownia Skoki Map
IT20A0013 Italy Lanca di Gerole Map
IT20B0017 Italy Ansa e Valli del Mincio Map
IT20B0016 Italy Ostiglia Map
DE5129303 Germany Wiesen um Waltershausen und Cumbacher Teiche Map
NL3009007 Netherlands Duinen Terschelling Map
DE7932471 Germany Ammerseegebiet Map
IT20A0014 Italy Lancone di Gussola Map
CY4000004 Cyprus VOUNI PANAGIAS Map
DE5026304 Germany Grubenberg bei Gerstungen Map
DE4632302 Germany Kyffhäuser - Badraer Schweiz - Solwiesen Map
DE4633303 Germany Esperstedter Ried - Salzstellen bei Artern Map
CY4000007 Cyprus XEROS POTAMOS Map
IT2090502 Italy Garzaie del Parco Adda Sud Map
PTCON0013 Portugal Ria Formosa / Castro Marim Map
IT20A0402 Italy Riserva Regionale Lanca di Gerole Map
DE6404303 Germany Moselaue bei Nennig Map
IT2010502 Italy Canneti del Lago Maggiore Map
ROSPA0053 Romania Lacul Bugeac Map
ROSPA0022 Romania Comana Map
ROSPA0048 Romania Ianca - Plopu - Sărat Map
ROSPA0108 Romania Vedea - Dunăre Map
ROSPA0023 Romania Confluența Jiu - Dunăre Map
ROSPA0026 Romania Cursul Dunării - Baziaș - Porțile de Fier Map
ROSPA0011 Romania Blahnița Map
ROSPA0036 Romania Dumbrăveni Map
ROSPA0010 Romania Bistreț Map
ROSPA0107 Romania Vânători-Neamț Map
ROSPA0059 Romania Lacul Strachina Map
ROSPA0046 Romania Gruia - Gârla Mare Map
ROSPA0004 Romania Balta Albă - Amara - Jirlău Map
ROSPA0056 Romania Lacul Oltina Map
ROSPA0051 Romania Iezerul Călărași Map
ROSPA0005 Romania Balta Mică a Brăilei Map
ROSPA0038 Romania Dunăre - Oltenița Map
ROSPA0106 Romania Valea Oltului Inferior Map
ROSPA0062 Romania Lacurile de acumulare de pe Argeș Map
ROSPA0067 Romania Lunca Barcăului Map
ROSPA0068 Romania Lunca inferioară a Turului Map
ROSPA0044 Romania Grădiștea - Căldărușani - Dridu Map
ROSPA0037 Romania Dumbrăvița - Rotbav - Măgura Codlei Map
ROSPA0031 Romania Delta Dunării și Complexul Razim - Sinoie Map
ROSPA0099 Romania Podișul Hârtibaciului Map
ROSPA0012 Romania Brațul Borcea Map
ROSPA0077 Romania Măxineni Map
ROSPA0102 Romania Suhaia Map
ROSPA0055 Romania Lacul Gălățui Map
ROSPA0003 Romania Avrig - Scorei - Făgăraș Map
ROSPA0021 Romania Ciocănești - Dunăre Map
ROSPA0054 Romania Lacul Dunăreni Map
ROSPA0013 Romania Calafat - Ciuperceni - Dunăre Map
ROSPA0065 Romania Lacurile Fundata - Amara Map
ROSPA0093 Romania Pădurea Bogata Map
ROSPA0007 Romania Balta Vederoasa Map
ROSPA0074 Romania Maglavit Map
DE4842451 Germany Täler in Mittelsachsen Map
DE4649451 Germany Teiche nordwestlich Kamenz Map
DE4342452 Germany Elbaue und Teichgebiete bei Torgau Map
DE4440451 Germany Kämmereiforst und Leineaue Map
DE4754451 Germany Talsperre Quitzdorf Map
DE5438451 Germany Weidenteich und Syrau-Kauschwitzer Heide Map
DE4930420 Germany Ackerhügelland westlich Erfurt mit Fahnerscher Höhe Map
DE4747451 Germany Moritzburger Kleinkuppenlandschaft Map
DE2414431 Germany Voslapper Groden-Süd Map
DE4642451 Germany Wermsdorfer Teich- und Waldgebiet Map
DE7637471 Germany Nördliches Erdinger Moos Map
DE4752451 Germany Teiche zwischen Neschwitz und Lomske Map
DE4641451 Germany Laubwaldgebiete östlich Leipzig Map
DE4740451 Germany Rückhaltebecken Stöhna Map
DE2416431 Germany Butjadingen Map
DE4340451 Germany Vereinigte Mulde Map
DE6606310 Germany Rastgebiete im mittleren Saartal Map
DE4554451 Germany Teichgebiete Niederspree-Hammerstadt Map
DE4941451 Germany Eschefelder Teiche Map
DE4551451 Germany Spannteich Knappenrode Map
DE4840451 Germany Lobstädter Lachen Map
DE4840452 Germany Speicherbecken Borna und Teichgebiet Haselbach Map
DE4842452 Germany Tal der Zwickauer Mulde Map
DE2514431 Germany Marschen am Jadebusen Map
DE4651451 Germany Doberschützer Wasser Map
DE3729332 Germany Riddagshäuser Teiche Map
DE4552451 Germany Biosphärenreservat Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft Map
DE4342451 Germany Dübener Heide Map
DE2309431 Germany Ostfriesische Seemarsch zwischen Norden und Esens Map
DE4454451 Germany Neißetal Map
DE4648452 Germany Teiche bei Zschorna Map
DE2314431 Germany Voslapper Groden-Nord Map
DE4753451 Germany Feldgebiete in der östlichen Oberlausitz Map
DE4650451 Germany Teichgebiet Biehla-Weißig Map
DE4940420 Germany Nordöstliches Altenburger Land Map
DE4633420 Germany Helme-Unstrut-Niederung Map
DE4647451 Germany Mittleres Rödertal Map
DE4546451 Germany Unteres Rödertal Map
DE5237420 Germany Auma-Aue mit Wolcheteiche und Struthbach-Niederung Map
DE4550451 Germany Dubringer Moor Map
ES1200006 Spain Ría de Villaviciosa Map
CY3000007 Cyprus FRAGMA ACHNAS Map
CY6000011 Cyprus LIMNI OROKLINIS Map
AT1123323 Austria Mattersburger Hügelland Map
AT1220V00 Austria Feuchte Ebene - Leithaauen Map
AT3110000 Austria Ettenau Map
AT2117000 Austria Turner See Map
AT2211000 Austria Hartberger-Gmoos Map
AT2205000 Austria Pürgschachen-Moos und ennsnahe Bereiche zwischen Selzthal und dem Gesäuseeingang Map
AT2207000 Austria Hörfeld, Steiermark Map
AT1207000 Austria Kamp- und Kremstal Map
AT2110000 Austria Großedlinger Teich Map
AT3201014 Austria Wallersee-Wengermoor Map
AT3225000 Austria Weidmoos Map
AT1201000 Austria Waldviertel Map
AT2208000 Austria Lafnitztal - Neudauer Teiche Map
AT1126129 Austria Waasen - Hanság Map
AT1110137 Austria Neusiedler See - Nordöstliches Leithagebirge Map
AT1209000 Austria Westliches Weinviertel Map
AT1216V00 Austria Tullnerfelder Donau-Auen Map
AT2212000 Austria Wörschacher Moos und ennsnahe Bereiche Map
AT1202V00 Austria March-Thaya-Auen Map
AT3105000 Austria Unterer Inn Map
AT2229002 Austria Ennstal zwischen Liezen und Niederstuttern Map
AT2113000 Austria Flachwasserbiotop Neudenstein Map
ROSPA0112 Romania Câmpia Gherghiței Map
ROSPA0124 Romania Lacurile de pe Valea Ilfovului Map
DE2417401 Germany Luneplate Map
IT2030008 Italy Il Toffo Map
SI5000032 Slovenia Dobrava - Jovsi Map
BE34046C0 Belgium Bassin de la Semois de Florenville à Auby Map
BE32036C0 Belgium Vallée de l'Eau Blanche à Virelles Map
BE34064C0 Belgium Vallées de la Vire et du Ton Map
BE32017C0 Belgium Vallée de la Haine en aval de Mons Map
BE32014C0 Belgium Vallée de la Haine en amont de Mons Map
BE34050C0 Belgium Bassin de la Semois entre Tintigny et Jamoigne Map
BE32044C0 Belgium Bassin de l'Escaut en amont de Tournai Map
BE34056C0 Belgium Bassin de la Semois de Etalle à Tintigny Map
BE34057C0 Belgium Marais de la Haute-Semois et Bois de Heinsch Map
BE31002C0 Belgium Vallées de l'Argentine et de la Lasne Map
BE32001C0 Belgium Vallée de la Lys Map
BE32002C0 Belgium Vallée de l'Escaut en aval de Tournai Map
BE32024C0 Belgium Basse-Sambre Map
BE32026C0 Belgium Haute-Sambre en amont de Thuin Map
DE6336401 Germany US-Truppenübungsplatz Grafenwöhr Map
IT20B0018 Italy Complesso Morenico di Castiglione delle Stiviere Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Carricerín Común Spanish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Felosa-dos-juncos Portuguese Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Foltos nádiposzáta Hungarian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Forapaglie Italian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Phragmite des joncs French Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Rietzanger Dutch Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Rokitniczka Polish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Ruokokerttunen Finnish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Sävsångare Swedish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Schilfrohrsänger German Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Sedge Warbler English Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.

Other resources

CoL (accepted name) Catalogue of Life
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EURing code:12430 European bird-ringing
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Wikipedia Wikipedia

External data

Population distribution from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

52 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Min / Max (Units) Period Status Quality Source Published
Albania 50/200 (pairs) 2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Armenia 6500/16000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Austria 7000/13000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Azerbaijan 5000/50000 (pairs) 1996-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belarus 600000/900000 (pairs) 1997-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belgium 2166/2798 (pairs) 2001-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belgium 500/600 (pairs) 1981-1990 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Bosnia and Herzegovina Present/Present (pairs) 1985-1989 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Bulgaria 100/500 (pairs) 1996-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Croatia 10000/15000 (pairs) 2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Croatia 15000/20000 (pairs) - Breeding No qualification Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Czech Republic 40000/80000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark 3000/4000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark 442/11000 (pairs) 1987-1989 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Estonia 70000/120000 (pairs) 1998 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Finland 200000/400000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Finland 300000/500000 (pairs) 1992 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
France 30000/120000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
France 10000/100000 (pairs) 1976 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Georgia Present/Present (pairs) 2003 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Germany 6000/12000 (pairs) 1995-1999 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Germany 12000/20000 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Greece 500/1000 (pairs) 1995-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece Mediterranean 500/1000 (pairs) - Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Hungary 170000/325000 (pairs) 1999-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Hungary Pannonian 150000/200000 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Ireland 20000/99999 (pairs) 1988-1991 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Italy 30/100 (pairs) 2003 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Italy 30/100 (pairs) - Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Latvia 80000/200000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Lithuania 300000/400000 (pairs) 1999-2001 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Luxembourg 0/0 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Luxembourg Continental 0/5 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Macedonia (FYR) 250/999 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 500/700 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 5000/7000 (pairs) 1986 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Netherlands 20000/25000 (pairs) 1998-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Netherlands Atlantic 12000/18000 (pairs) 1979 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Norway 20000/70000 (pairs) 1993-2003 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Poland 60000/120000 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Romania 850000/1100000 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Romania 500000/1000000 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Russian Federation 1300000/2500000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Russian Federation 1000000/10000000 (pairs) 1970-1990 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Serbia and Montenegro 12000/15000 (pairs) 1995-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Slovakia 10000/16000 (pairs) 1990-1999 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Slovenia 500/1000 (pairs) 1999-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Sweden 50000/200000 (pairs) 1999-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Turkey 5000/10000 (pairs) 2001 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Ukraine 200000/300000 (pairs) 1999-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom 321000/321000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom Atlantic 270000/270000 (pairs) 1988-1991 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Source: BirdLife International

Population trends from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

52 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Period Status Trend Quality Source Published
Albania 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Armenia 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Austria 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Azerbaijan 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belarus 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belgium 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belgium 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Bulgaria 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating between 20% to 29% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Croatia 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Croatia 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% No qualification Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Czech Republic 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 80 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Estonia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Finland 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 25 % Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Finland 1970-1990 Breeding Small increase of 20-49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
France 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing : 100 % Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
France 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Georgia 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Germany 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 30% to 49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Germany 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Greece 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece Mediterranean 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Hungary 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Hungary Pannonian 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Ireland 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Italy 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 9% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Italy 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Latvia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Lithuania 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Luxembourg 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing but no trend value given Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Luxembourg Continental 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Macedonia (FYR) 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Netherlands 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing : 108 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Netherlands Atlantic 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Norway 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Poland 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Romania 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Romania 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Russian Federation 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Russian Federation 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Serbia and Montenegro 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Slovakia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Slovenia 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Sweden 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing : 42 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Turkey 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Ukraine 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing : 19 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom Atlantic 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Source: BirdLife International
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