Intensive unmixed crops

English name: Intensive unmixed crops

Description (English)

Cereal and other crops grown on large, unbroken surfaces in open field landscapes.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code I1.1

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Name Definition Alternatives Reftext
Galeopsion bifidae Abramova in Mirkin et al. 1985 Weed communities of gardens and root crop fields on moist acidic soils in continental regions of the hemiboreal and boreal zones of Eastern Europe and Siberia Papaverion rhoeadis Solomakha 1987; Stachyion palustris Kireeva 1988 Schaminee et al, 2012
Anthemido ruthenicae-Sisymbrion orientalis Solomakha 1990 Weed communities of cereal crops on base-rich soils of Crimea Schaminee et al, 2012
Caucalidion von Rochow 1951 Weed communities of cereal crops on base-rich soils in Central Europe Caucalidion platycarpi von Rochow 1951 nom. mut. propos.; Camelinion microcarpae Ries 1991; Caucalidion Tx. ex Oberd. 1957; Caucalidion lappulae eurosibiricum Tx. 1950; Centaurion cyani Lakušic 1962; Centaurion cyani Redžic 2007; Secalinion Br.-Bl. 1931; Secalinion Libbert 1933 (orig. form); Secalinion medioeuropaeum Tx. 1937 (orig. form); Secalinion orientalis Slavnic 1951; Triticion sativae Klika in Klika et Novák 1941; Sherardion arvensis Kropác et Hejný in Kropác 1978; Eu-Secalinion (Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1936) Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946; Eu-Secalinion Sissingh et Tidemann 1960 (orig. form) Schaminee et al, 2012
Trifolio-Medicaginion sativae Balázs 1944 Weed communities of animal fodder crops in Central Europe Veronico politae-Taraxacion Kropác et Hadac in Kropác et al. 1971 Schaminee et al, 2012
Veronico-Euphorbion Sissingh in Passarge 1964 Weed vegetation of vineyards and gardens on base-rich soils of Central and Western Europe Fumario-Euphorbion T. Müller ex Görs 1966; Muscario-Allion Passarge 1978; Thlaspio-Anchusion arvensis Waldis 1987; Veronico- Euphorbion Knapp 1971; Veronico-Chenopodion J.Tx. 1966; Veronico-Chenopodion J.Tx. in T. Müller 1963; Veronico-Euphorbion Sissingh 1942 Schaminee et al, 2012
Erysimo repandi-Lycopsion orientalis Solomakha 1996 Weed communities of arable crops on kastanozem and chernozem soils of steppe zone of Ukraine Schaminee et al, 2012
Spergulo arvensis-Erodion cicutariae J.Tx. in Passarge 1964 Subthermophilous weed vegetation on sandy and sandy-loamy soils of atlantic to subcontinentel regions in nemoral zone of Europe Amaranthion Tx. et Preising 1942 p.p.; Eu-Polygono-Chenopodion polyspermi Tx. 1955; Mercurialion annuae Ries 1992; Panico-Setarion Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946; Polygonion tomentosi Sissingh 1942; Amarantho blitoidis-Echinochloion crus-galli Solomakha 1988; Amarantho blitoidis-Echinochloion crus-galli Solomakha 1989; Digitario-Setarion Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946 nom. mut. propos.; Panico-Setarion Sissingh ex von Rochow 1951 nom. ambig. propos. Schaminee et al, 2012
Chenopodio albi-Descurainion sophiae V. Solomakha, T. Solomakha et Shelyag-Sosonko in Solomakha 1997 Weed vegetation of cereal crops on chernozem in forest-steppe zone of Ukraine Chenopodio albi-Descurainion sophiae V. Solomakha, T. Solomakha et Shelyag-Sosonko in Solomakha 1987; Chenopodio albi-Descurainion sophiae V. Solomakha, T. Solomakha et Shelyag-Sosonko in Solomakha 1988 Schaminee et al, 2012
Scleranthion annui (Kruseman et Vlieger 1939) Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946 Weed communities of winter cereal crops on neutral to acidic loamy and sandy-loamy soils in temperate Europe Aphanion arvensis J.Tx. et Tx. in Malato-Beliz et al. 1960; Agrostion spicae-venti Tx. 1947; Agrostion spicae-venti Tx. ex von Rochow 1951; Aperion spicae-venti Tx. ex Oberd. 1949; Aperion spicae-venti Tx. ex Oberd. 1957; Arabidopsidion thalianae Passarge 1964; Arnoseridion minimae Malato-Beliz et al. 1960 Schaminee et al, 2012
Lactucion tataricae Rudakov in Mirkin et al. 1985 Weed vegetation on chernozem soils of the steppe zone of southern Russia Schaminee et al, 2012
Oxalidion europeae Passarge 1978 Weed communities of gardens and root crop fields on moist acidic soils in oceanic to subcontinental regions of nemoral zone of Europe Galeopsion speciosae-pubescentis Kojic 1972; Olitorion Rübel 1933 (orig. form); Oxalidion fontanae Passarge 1978 nom. mut. propos.; Spergulo-Oxalidion Görs in Oberd. et al. 1967 Schaminee et al, 2012
Eragrostion cilianensis-minoris Tx. ex Oberd. 1954 Thermophilous late-summer weed vegetation on sandy soils of southern Central Europe and Balkan Peninsula Tribulo-Eragrostion minoris Soó et 1957 nom. mut. propos. (sensu Soó 1980); Eragrostion poaeoides Soó et Timár in Timár 1957; Amaranthion Tx. et Preising 1942 p.p.; Amarantho-Chenopodion albi Morariu 1943; Consolido-Eragrostion minoris Soó et Timár 1953; Consolido-Eragrostion pooidis Soó et Timár 1957; Eragrostion minoris Tx. in Slavnic 1944; Consolido-Eragrostion pooidis Soó et Timár in Timár 1954; Consolido-Eragrostion minoris Soó et Timár 1957 nom. mut. propos. (sensu Soó 1980); Tribulo-Eragrostion poaeoides Soó et Timár in Timár 1957 Schaminee et al, 2012

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 82.11 Field crops same
CORINE Land Cover 2.1.1. Non-irrigated arable land n/a
CORINE Land Cover 2.1.2. Permanently irrigated land n/a
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV8 Veronica persica-Alopecurus myosuroides community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV12 Poa annua-Myosotis arvensis community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV15 Anagallis arvensis-Veronica persica community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV11 Poa annua-Stachys arvensis community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV3 Papaver rhoeas-Viola arvensis community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV7 Veronica persica-Veronica polita community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV10 Poa annua-Senecio vulgaris community not defined
National Vegetation Classification (UK) OV16 Papaver rhoeas-Silene noctiflora community not defined
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 8.2 Cultures de plantes herbacées wider
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 A111300 Polia na nevápnitých pôdach n/a
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 A111200 Polia na vápnitých pôdach n/a
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 A110000 Polia n/a
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 A111100 Polia na pieskoch n/a
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 A111000 Extenzívne obrabané polia n/a
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 I1.1 Intensive unmixed crops same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 I1.1 Intensive unmixed crops same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 I1.1 Intensive unmixed crops same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 I1.1 Intensive unmixed crops same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 I1.1 Intensive field crops same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 I1.11 Field crops same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 82.11 Field crops same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 82.11 Field crops same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 82.11   same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 82.11   same
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1991 82.11   same
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