Cyrno-Sardean oromediterranean siliceous dry grassland
Quick facts
Red List habitat type | code RLE1.5c |
Threat status | |
Europe | Endangered |
EU | Endangered |
Relation to |
Source | European Red List habitat factsheet |
European Red List of habitats reports | |
European Red List of habitats (Excel table) |
High-mountain siliceous grasslands of the oromediterranean belt of Corsica, occurring mainly at altitudes of 1,800-2,100 m, especially in the massifs of Monte Cinto, Monte Rotondo, Monte Renoso and Monte Incudine. These grasslands are dominated by herbs and graminoids, of which Bellardiochloa variegata, Ligusticum corsicum, Plantago sarda, Sagina pilifera and Luzula spicata subsp. italica are most frequent. Species endemic to Corsica are also common, including Armeria multiceps, Paronychia polygonifolia and Trisetum conradiae. In places dwarf shrubs may occur, especially Genista lobelii, and patches of creeping juniper Juniperus communis subsp. alpina. At altitudes between 2,100 and 2,200 m, these grasslands become more open.
This habitat type might be present also in Sardinia, represented by fragments localized on Mt. Gennargentu. The altitude of this mountain (1,834 m a.s.l.) reaches the oromediterranean climatic belt, and its top is characterized by strong winds that, in areas of ridges, exert a strict selection of the plant species in favor of crawling hemicryptophytes and cushion-like chamephytes, pushing the hemicryptophytic vegetation to find protection in between the dwarf shrubs. The most representative species are Festuca morisiana, Armeria sardoa subsp. genargentea, Hieracium soleirolianum and other endemics.
This vegetation occurs on different types of siliceous rocks, which give rise to soils of pH between 5 and 6. These soils are influenced by cryoturbation and gelifluction.
Indicators of good quality:
· Occurrence of rare species, especially Corsican endemics
· Absence of nutrient-demanding, tall-growing competitive species
· No indication of the spread of (dwarf) shrubs
· Absence of overgrazing
Threat status
Synthesis of Red List assessment
EU | |
Red List Category | Red List Criteria |
Endangered | B1, B2 |
Europe | |
Red List Category | Red List Criteria |
Endangered | B1, B2 |
Confidence in the assessment
Pressures and threats
- Agriculture
- Grazing
- Intensive grazing
- Abandonment of pastoral systems, lack of grazing
- Natural System modifications
- Fire and fire suppression
- Natural biotic and abiotic processes (without catastrophes)
- Biocenotic evolution, succession
- Climate change
- Changes in abiotic conditions
Habitat restoration potential
Trends in extent |
Average current trend in quantity |
Stable | Stable |
EU28 | EU28+ |
Trends in quality |
Average current trend in quality |
Decreasing | Decreasing |
EU28 | EU28+ |
Conservation and management needs
List of conservation and management needs
- Measures related to agriculture and open habitats
- Maintaining grasslands and other open habitats
- Measures related to spatial planning
- Establish protected areas/sites
- Legal protection of habitats and species
- Manage landscape features
Geographic occurrence and trends
EU28 | Present or presence uncertain | Current area of habitat (Km2) | Recent trend in quantity (last 50 years) | Recent trend in quality (last 50 years) |
Corsica | Present | Unknown | Decreasing | Stable |
Sardinia | Present | Unknown | Unknown | Stable |
EU28 + | Present or presence uncertain | Current area of habitat (Km2) | Recent trend in quantity (last 50 years) | Recent trend in quality (last 50 years) |
Extent of Occurrence, Area of Occupancy and habitat area
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) (Km2) | Area of Occupancy (AOO) | Current estimated Total Area | Comment | |
EU28 | 7700 | 14 | <1,400 | |
EU28+ | 14 | <1,400 |
EOO = the area (km2) of the envelope around all occurrences of a habitat (calculated by a minimum convex polygon).