Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Habitat Annex I Directive hierarchical view > FRESHWATER HABITATS > Standing water > Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals generally on sandy soils of the West Mediterranean, with Isoetes spp

Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals generally on sandy soils of the West Mediterranean, with Isoetes spp

Description (English)

Dwarf amphibious vegetation of oligotrophic waters with few minerals, mostly on sandy soils of the Mediterranean region and some irradiations in the thermo-Atlantic sector, and belonging to the Isoeto-Nano-Juncetea.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 3120)
Habitat type Not priority
Natura 2000 sites 70 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Ferns Isoetes durieui
Ferns Isoetes histrix
Ferns Isoetes setacea
Ferns Isoetes velata
Ferns Pilularia minuta
Fishes Salvelinus alpinus
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Isoetes durieui Ferns
Isoetes histrix Ferns
Isoetes setacea Ferns
Isoetes velata Ferns
Pilularia minuta Ferns
Salvelinus alpinus Alpine char Fishes

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
ES5120009 Spain Basses de l'Albera Map
ES5310119 Spain Penyes d'Egipte Map
ES5310121 Spain Binigurdó Map
ES5310122 Spain Mal Lloc Map
ES5310126 Spain Puig Malet i Santa Eularieta Map
FR5200654 France Côtes rocheuses, dunes, landes et marais de l'île d'Yeu Map
FR5300010 France Tregor Goëlo Map
FR5300018 France Ouessant-Molène Map
FR5300033 France Iles Houat-Hoedic Map
FR5400429 France Marais de Rochefort Map
FR5400431 France Marais de Brouage (et marais nord d'Oléron) Map
FR5400438 France Marais et falaises des côteaux de Gironde Map
FR5400439 France Vallée de l'Argenton Map
FR5400460 France Brandes de Montmorillon Map
FR5400462 France Vallée de la Gartempe - Les Portes d'Enfer Map
FR7200714 France Zones humides de l'arrière dune des pays de Born et de Buch Map
FR9301572 France Dôme de Biot Map
FR9301610 France Cap Sicie - Six Fours Map
FR9301613 France Rade d'Hyères Map
FR9301622 France La plaine et le massif des Maures Map
FR9301624 France Corniche Varoise Map
FR9301625 France Forêt de Palayson - bois du Rouet Map
FR9301626 France Val d'Argens Map
FR9301628 France Esterel Map
FR9400608 France Mares temporaires du terrain militaire de Frasselli/Bonifacio Map
FR9402001 France Campomoro-Senetosa Map
IT1324909 Italy Torrente Arroscia e Centa Map
IT1343502 Italy Parco della Magra - Vara Map
IT1345101 Italy Piana del Magra Map
IT5160006 Italy Isola di Capraia - area terrestre e marina Map
IT5160012 Italy Monte Capanne e promontorio dell'Enfola Map
IT5160014 Italy Isola di Montecristo e Formica di Montecristo - area terrestre e marina Map
IT51A0023 Italy Isola del Giglio Map
IT51A0029 Italy Boschi delle Colline di Capalbio Map
IT6030043 Italy Monti Lepini Map
IT6030047 Italy Bosco di Foglino Map
IT6040003 Italy Laghi Gricilli Map
ITA010014 Italy Sciare di Marsala Map
ITA010018 Italy Foce del Torrente Calatubo e dune Map
ITA020002 Italy Boschi di Gibilmanna e Cefalù Map
ITA020007 Italy Boschi Ficuzza e Cappelliere, Vallone Cerasa, Castagneti Mezzojuso Map
ITA020018 Italy Foce del Fiume Pollina e Monte Tardara Map
ITA020020 Italy Querceti sempreverdi di Geraci Siculo e Castelbuono Map
ITA020042 Italy Rocche di Entella Map
ITA020048 Italy Monti Sicani, Rocca Busambra e Bosco della Ficuzza Map
ITA020050 Italy Parco delle Madonie Map
ITB010008 Italy Arcipelago La Maddalena Map
ITB011109 Italy Monte Limbara Map
ITB011113 Italy Campo di Ozieri e Pianure Comprese tra Tula e Oschiri Map
ITB020040 Italy Valle del Temo Map
ITB020041 Italy Entroterra e zona costiera tra Bosa, Capo Marargiu e Porto Tangone Map
ITB021101 Italy Altopiano di Campeda Map
ITB022212 Italy Supramonte di Oliena, Orgosolo e Urzulei - Su Sercone Map
ITB023037 Italy Costa e Entroterra di Bosa, Suni e Montresta Map
ITB023050 Italy Piana di Semestene, Bonorva, Macomer e Bortigali Map
ITB030080 Italy Isola di Mal di Ventre e Catalano Map
ITB031104 Italy Media Valle del Tirso e Altopiano di Abbasanta - Rio Siddu Map
ITB040024 Italy Isola Rossa e Capo Teulada Map
ITB041112 Italy Giara di Gesturi Map
PTCON0003 Portugal Alvão / Marão Map
PTCON0009 Portugal Estuário do Tejo Map
PTCON0012 Portugal Costa Sudoeste Map
PTCON0025 Portugal Montemuro Map
PTCON0030 Portugal Caia Map
PTCON0036 Portugal Guadiana Map
PTCON0053 Portugal Moura / Barrancos Map
PTZPE0010 Portugal Estuário do Tejo Map
PTZPE0015 Portugal Costa Sudoeste Map
PTZPE0043 Portugal Campo Maior Map
PTZPE0045 Portugal Mourão/Moura/Barrancos Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

Not available
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100