Odsherred kommune Privat
Quick facts
- Nationally designated area (code 555641605)
- Since 1992
- Country: Denmark
- Administrative region: Not available
- Surface area: 20 km2 (2030.67 ha)
- Marine area: 0%
Source and more information: Nationally designated areas (CDDA)
Designation information
National designation
Code | Designation name (Original) | Designation name (English) | Category | Date |
DK03 | §3 beskyttet natur (alle søer, moser, vandløb, heder, enge mv) | §3 protected habitats (all lakes, bogs, streams, heaths and meadows etc.) | Designation types used with the intention to protect fauna, flora, habitats and landscapes (the latter as far as relevant for fauna, flora and for habitat protection) (Code A) | 1992 |
Other resources
Natura 2000 map viewer | Interactive map designed for showing and querying Natura 2000 sites. Other information such as Nationally designated areas and LIFE projects are also available. |
Protected planet map viewer | Interactive map showing the World Database on Protected Areas |
European protected sites map viewer | Simple interactive map showing Natura 2000 sites and Nationally designated areas |