Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Falconiformes > Family: Accipitridae > Genus: Neophron > Species: Neophron percnopterus

Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Endangered (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 7 other international agreements
Natura 2000 sites 483 are designated for this species
Breeding habitats
  • sparsely vegetated land
Natura 2000 species code A077


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
ES0000003 Spain Picos de Europa Map
ES0000007 Spain Cañón del Río Lobos - ZEPA Map
ES0000010 Spain Sierra de Guadarrama - ZEPA Map
ES0000014 Spain Monfragüe y las Dehesas del Entorno Map
ES0000018 Spain Prepirineu Central català Map
ES0000024 Spain Doñana Map
ES0000031 Spain Sierra de Grazalema Map
ES0000032 Spain Torcal de Antequera Map
ES0000035 Spain Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Map
ES0000039 Spain Jandía Map
ES0000040 Spain Islotes del norte de Lanzarote y Famara Map
ES0000049 Spain Los Alcornocales Map
ES0000050 Spain Sierra de Hornachuelos Map
ES0000051 Spain Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Map
ES0000052 Spain Sierra Pelada y Rivera del Aserrador Map
ES0000054 Spain Somiedo Map
ES0000062 Spain Obarenes-Sierra de Cantabria Map
ES0000063 Spain Sierra de Alcarama y Valle del Alhama Map
ES0000064 Spain Peñas de Iregua, Leza y Jubera Map
ES0000065 Spain Peñas de Arnedillo. Peñalmonte y Peña Isasa Map
ES0000067 Spain Sierras de Demanda, Urbión, Cebollera y Cameros Map
ES0000068 Spain Embalse de Orellana y Sierra de Pela Map
ES0000069 Spain Embalse de Cornalvo y Sierra Bermeja Map
ES0000070 Spain Sierra de San Pedro Map
ES0000071 Spain Llanos de Cáceres y Sierra de Fuentes Map
ES0000072 Spain Sierra Grande de Hornachos Map
ES0000073 Spain Costa Brava de Mallorca Map
ES0000090 Spain Sierra Morena Map
ES0000096 Spain Pozo Negro Map
ES0000097 Spain Betancuria Map
ES0000101 Spain Lajares, Esquinzo y costa del Jarubio Map
ES0000115 Spain Hoces del Río Duratón Map
ES0000118 Spain Arribes del Duero - ZEPA Map
ES0000122 Spain Aritzakun-Urritzate-Gorramendi Map
ES0000123 Spain Larra-Aztaparreta Map
ES0000124 Spain Sierra de Illón y Foz de Burgui Map
ES0000125 Spain Sierra de Leire y Foz de Arbaiun Map
ES0000126 Spain Roncesvalles-Selva de Irati Map
ES0000127 Spain Peña Izaga Map
ES0000128 Spain Sierra de San Miguel Map
ES0000129 Spain Sierra de Artxuga, Zarikieta y Montes de Areta Map
ES0000130 Spain Sierra de Arrigorrieta y Peña Ezkaurre Map
ES0000132 Spain Arabarko Map
ES0000137 Spain LOS VALLES Map
ES0000141 Spain Parque Nacional de Timanfaya Map
ES0000143 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel y Ría de Ajo Map
ES0000144 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasadarra / Ría de Urdaibai Map
ES0000150 Spain Peña de Etxauri Map
ES0000151 Spain Caparreta Map
ES0000160 Spain Hoz del río Gritos y páramos de Las Valeras Map
ES0000164 Spain Sierra de Ayllón Map
ES0000166 Spain Barranco del Dulce Map
ES0000171 Spain El Plano-Blanca alta Map
ES0000172 Spain Rincón del Bu-La Nasa-Tripazul Map
ES0000187 Spain Montes de Miranda de Ebro y Ameyugo - ZEPA Map
ES0000188 Spain Valles del Voltoya y el Zorita - ZEPA Map
ES0000192 Spain Humada - Peña Amaya - ZEPA Map
ES0000193 Spain Sierra de la Tesla-Valdivielso - ZEPA Map
ES0000197 Spain Acantilados del Monte Hacho Map
ES0000198 Spain Liébana Map
ES0000203 Spain Altos de Barahona - ZEPA Map
ES0000206 Spain Cañones del Duero - ZEPA Map
ES0000219 Spain Río Alagón Map
ES0000229 Spain Costa Nord de Ciutadella Map
ES0000230 Spain La Vall Map
ES0000231 Spain Dels Alocs a Fornells Map
ES0000232 Spain La Mola i s'Albufera de Fornells Map
ES0000233 Spain D'Addaia a s'Albufera Map
ES0000235 Spain De s'Albufera a la Mola Map
ES0000237 Spain Des Canutells a Llucalari Map
ES0000238 Spain Son Bou i barranc de sa Vall Map
ES0000239 Spain De Binigaus a cala Mitjana Map
ES0000240 Spain Costa Sud de Ciutadella Map
ES0000244 Spain Gorobel mendilerroa / Sierra Sálvada Map
ES0000247 Spain Riberas de los Ríos Huebra y Yeltes Map
ES0000248 Spain Desfiladero de la Hermida Map
ES0000249 Spain Sierra de Peña Sagra Map
ES0000250 Spain Sierra de Híjar Map
ES0000251 Spain Sierra del Cordel y cabeceras del Nansa y del Saja Map
ES0000252 Spain Embalse del Ebro Map
ES0000253 Spain Hoces del Ebro Map
ES0000259 Spain Sierra de Mojantes Map
ES0000276 Spain Peñón de Zaframagón Map
ES0000277 Spain COLLARADA - IBÓN DE IP Map
ES0000278 Spain VIÑAMALA Map
ES0000288 Spain SIERRA DE MONGAY Map
ES0000310 Spain Llanos y cuchillos de Antigua Map
ES0000315 Spain Ubiña-La Mesa Map
ES0000319 Spain Ría de Ribadesella-Ría de Tinamayor Map
ES0000329 Spain Embalse de Valdecañas Map
ES0000334 Spain Sierras Centrales y Embalse de Alange Map
ES0000335 Spain Sierras de Peñalsordo y Capilla Map
ES0000337 Spain Estrecho Map
ES0000355 Spain Hurdes Map
ES0000356 Spain Riberos del Almonte Map
ES0000357 Spain Altos Campos de Gómara Map
ES0000358 Spain Campo de Aliste Map
ES0000360 Spain Cihuela-Deza Map
ES0000363 Spain Monteagudo de las Vicarías Map
ES0000364 Spain Omaña - ZEPA Map
ES0000367 Spain La Serena y Sierras Periféricas Map
ES0000368 Spain Río Tajo Internacional y Riberos Map
ES0000369 Spain Llanos de Alcantara y Brozas Map
ES0000370 Spain Sierra de Gata y Valle de las Pilas Map
ES0000371 Spain Sierra de Moraleja y Piedra Santa Map
ES0000384 Spain Barranc de Santa Anna Map
ES0000385 Spain Barbatx Map
ES0000407 Spain Nacimiento del Río Gevora Map
ES0000415 Spain Embalse de Alcántara Map
ES0000425 Spain Magasca Map
ES0000427 Spain Río y Pinares del Tietar Map
ES0000434 Spain Canchos de Ramiro y Ladronera Map
ES1130002 Spain Macizo Central Map
ES1130009 Spain Serra da Enciña da Lastra Map
ES1200001 Spain Picos de Europa (Asturias) Map
ES1200008 Spain Redes Map
ES1200010 Spain Montovo-La Mesa Map
ES1200011 Spain Peña Ubiña Map
ES1200012 Spain Caldoveiro Map
ES1200037 Spain Aller-Lena Map
ES1200039 Spain Cuencas Mineras Map
ES1200040 Spain Meandros del Nora Map
ES1200041 Spain Peña Manteca-Genestaza Map
ES1200042 Spain Sierra Plana de la Borbolla Map
ES1200043 Spain Sierra del Sueve Map
ES1200046 Spain Valgrande Map
ES2110004 Spain Arkamu-Gibillo-Arrastaria Map
ES2110009 Spain Gorbeia Map
ES2110018 Spain Arabako hegoaldeko mendilerroak / Sierras meridionales de Álava Map
ES2110019 Spain Izki Map
ES2110022 Spain Entzia Map
ES2120001 Spain Arno Map
ES2120002 Spain Aizkorri-Aratz Map
ES2120006 Spain Pagoeta Map
ES2120008 Spain Hernio-Gazume Map
ES2120011 Spain Aralar Map
ES2120017 Spain Jaizkibel Map
ES2130001 Spain Armañón Map
ES2130002 Spain Ordunte Map
ES2130008 Spain Urdaibaiko artadi kantauriarrak / Encinares cantábricos de Urdaibai Map
ES2130009 Spain Urkiola Map
ES2200009 Spain Larrondo-Lakartxela Map
ES2200012 Spain Río Salazar Map
ES2200018 Spain Belate Map
ES2200019 Spain Monte Alduide Map
ES2200020 Spain Sierra de Aralar Map
ES2200021 Spain Urbasa y Andia Map
ES2200022 Spain Sierra de Lokiz Map
ES2200024 Spain Ríos Ega-Urederra Map
ES2430105 Spain HOCES DEL RÍO MESA Map
ES4110002 Spain Sierra de Gredos Map
ES4120012 Spain Sierra de la Demanda - ZEPA Map
ES4120028 Spain Monte Santiago Map
ES4120030 Spain Montes Obarenes Map
ES4120031 Spain Sabinares del Arlanza - ZEPA Map
ES4120036 Spain Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón - ZEPA Map
ES4130003 Spain Picos de Europa en Castilla y León Map
ES4130035 Spain Valle de San Emiliano Map
ES4140011 Spain Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina Map
ES4150005 Spain Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia -ZEPA Map
ES4150039 Spain Quilamas - ZEPA Map
ES4150087 Spain Río Águeda Map
ES4160008 Spain Hoces del Río Riaza - ZEPA Map
ES4170044 Spain Sierra del Moncayo - ZEPA Map
ES4190009 Spain Lago de Sanabria y alrededores - ZEPA Map
ES4310004 Spain Dehesas de Jerez Map
ES4310009 Spain Puerto Peña - los Golondrinos Map
ES4310042 Spain Sierra de Siruela Map
ES4320039 Spain Sierra de las Villuercas y Valle del Guadarranque Map
ES5110005 Spain Sistema Transversal català Map
ES5110010 Spain Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac Map
ES5120001 Spain Alta Garrotxa - Massís de les Salines Map
ES5130003 Spain Alt Pallars Map
ES5130008 Spain Serra d'Aubenç i Roc de Cogul Map
ES5130010 Spain Serra de Boumort-Collegats Map
ES5130012 Spain Vall Alta de Serradell-Serra de Sant Gervàs Map
ES5130014 Spain Aiguabarreig Segre-Noguera Pallaresa Map
ES5130015 Spain Serres del Montsec, Sant Mamet i Mitjana Map
ES5130023 Spain Beneïdor Map
ES5140011 Spain Sistema Prelitoral meridional Map
ES6120006 Spain Marismas del Río Palmones Map
ES6130002 Spain Sierras Subbéticas Map
ES6140002 Spain Sierra de Castril Map
ES6140004 Spain Sierra Nevada Map
ES6150007 Spain Peñas de Aroche Map
ES6160006 Spain Sierra de Andújar Map
ES6170003 Spain Desfiladero de Los Gaitanes Map
ES6170005 Spain Sierra Crestellina Map
ES6310001 Spain Calamocarro-Benzú Map
FR7210077 France Barthes de l'Adour Map
FR7210087 France Hautes vallées d'Aspe et d'Ossau Map
FR7210089 France Pènes du Moulle de Jaout Map
FR7312002 France Quiès calcaires de Tarascon-sur-Ariège et grotte de la Petite Caougno Map
FR8210114 France Basse Ardèche Map
FR9110033 France Les Cévennes Map
FR9110080 France Montagne de la Clape Map
FR9110081 France Gorges du Gardon Map
FR9110105 France Gorges du Tarn et de la Jonte Map
FR9110111 France Basses Corbières Map
FR9112004 France Hautes Garrigues du Montpelliérais Map
FR9310019 France Camargue Map
FR9310064 France Crau Map
FR9310067 France Montagne Sainte Victoire Map
FR9310069 France Garrigues de Lançon et Chaînes alentour Map
FR9310075 France Massif du Petit Luberon Map
FR9312001 France Marais entre Crau et Grand Rhône Map
FR9312002 France Préalpes de Grasse Map
FR9312003 France La Durance Map
IT3320015 Italy Valle del Medio Tagliamento Map
IT51A0018 Italy Monte Labbro e alta valle dell'Albegna Map
IT5310024 Italy Colle San Bartolo e litorale pesarese Map
IT6030005 Italy Comprensorio Tolfetano-Cerite-Manziate Map
IT8010026 Italy Matese Map
IT8040021 Italy Picentini Map
IT8050053 Italy Monti Soprano, Vesole e Gole del Fiume Calore Salernitano Map
IT9110008 Italy Valloni e Steppe Pedegarganiche Map
IT9120007 Italy Murgia Alta Map
IT9130007 Italy Area delle Gravine Map
IT9210165 Italy Monte Alpi - Malboschetto di Latronico Map
IT9210195 Italy Monte Raparo Map
IT9210200 Italy Monte Sirino Map
IT9210220 Italy Murge di S. Oronzio Map
IT9220135 Italy Gravine di Matera Map
IT9220144 Italy Lago S. Giuliano e Timmari Map
ITA010002 Italy Isola di Marettimo Map
ITA010003 Italy Isola di Levanzo Map
ITA010007 Italy Saline di Trapani Map
ITA010016 Italy Monte Cofano e Litorale Map
ITA010017 Italy Capo San Vito, Monte Monaco, Zingaro, Faraglioni Scopello, Monte Sparacio Map
ITA020008 Italy Rocca Busambra e Rocche di Rao Map
ITA020021 Italy Montagna Longa, Pizzo Montanello Map
ITA020027 Italy Monte Iato, Kumeta, Maganoce e Pizzo Parrino Map
ITA020034 Italy Monte Carcaci, Pizzo Colobria e ambienti umidi Map
ITA020037 Italy Monti Barracù, Cardelia, Pizzo Cangialosi e Gole del Torrente Corleone Map
ITA020042 Italy Rocche di Entella Map
ITA030011 Italy Dorsale Curcuraci, Antennamare Map
ITA070015 Italy Canalone del Tripodo Map
ITA070016 Italy Valle del Bove Map
PTZPE0015 Portugal Costa Sudoeste Map
PTZPE0037 Portugal Rios Sabor e Maçãs Map
PTZPE0038 Portugal Douro Internacional e Vale do Águeda Map
PTZPE0039 Portugal Vale do Côa Map
PTZPE0042 Portugal Tejo Internacional, Erges e Pônsul Map
PTZPE0045 Portugal Mourão/Moura/Barrancos Map
PTZPE0047 Portugal Vale do Guadiana Map
ES2200032 Spain Montes de la Valdorba Map
ES5130026 Spain Serra de Prada-Castellàs Map
IT1180026 Italy Capanne di Marcarolo Map
ES5140023 Spain Secans del Montsià Map
ITA010028 Italy Stagnone di Marsala e Saline di Trapani - area marina e terrestre Map
FR9112009 France Pays de Sault Map
ES6160013 Spain Río Guadalquivir Tramo Superior Map
PTCON0012 Portugal Costa Sudoeste Map
ES4230001 Spain Rentos de Orchova y Páramos de Moya Map
ES4230016 Spain Río Júcar sobre Alarcón Map
ES4240015 Spain Valle del Tajuña en Torrecuadrada Map
BG0002059 Bulgaria Kamenski bair Map
BG0002012 Bulgaria Krumovitsa Map
ES2200029 Spain Sierra de Codés Map
ES2200035 Spain Tramos Bajos del Aragón y del Arga Map
ES5140017 Spain Serra de Montsant-Pas de l'Ase Map
ES6130010 Spain Río Guadamatilla y Arroyo del Tamujar Map
ITA030025 Italy Isola di Panarea e Scogli Viciniori Map
BG0000270 Bulgaria Atanasovsko ezero Map
IT9350154 Italy Torrente Menta Map
ES4240024 Spain Sierra de Caldereros Map
BG0002025 Bulgaria Lomovete Map
ES4220003 Spain Ríos de la cuenca media del Guadiana y laderas vertientes Map
IT9110039 Italy Promontorio del Gargano Map
ITA020033 Italy Monte San Calogero (Termini Imerese) Map
ES4310010 Spain La Serena Map
ES5110009 Spain Riera de Merlès Map
ES4320037 Spain Sierra de Gata Map
IT9210275 Italy Massiccio del Monte Pollino e Monte Alpi Map
ES2300006 Spain Sotos y Riberas del Ebro Map
ES4220017 Spain Alcornocal de Zumajo Map
IT9350300 Italy Costa Viola Map
ITA040006 Italy Complesso Monte Telegrafo e Rocca Ficuzza Map
IT9350182 Italy Fiumara Careri Map
ITA050012 Italy Torre Manfria, Biviere e Piana di Gela Map
ITA020024 Italy Rocche di Ciminna Map
ITA020003 Italy Boschi di San Mauro Castelverde Map
IT9320112 Italy Murgie di Strongoli Map
ES4230014 Spain Serranía de Cuenca Map
ES6120013 Spain Sierra Líjar Map
FR7212015 France Haute Cize : Pic d'Herrozate et forêt d'Orion Map
BG0002020 Bulgaria Radinchevo Map
FR9312022 France Verdon Map
ITA020031 Italy Monte d'Indisi, Montagna dei Cavalli, Pizzo Pontorno e Pian del Leone Map
ES6310002 Spain Zona marítimo-terrestre del Monte Hacho Map
ES4320077 Spain Monfragüe Map
ES6170009 Spain Sierras de Alcaparaín y Aguas Map
IT9310012 Italy Timpa di S.Lorenzo Map
FR9312012 France Plateau de Valensole Map
IT9320111 Italy Timpa di Cassiano- Belvedere Map
ITA010004 Italy Isola di Favignana Map
ES2200013 Spain Río Areta Map
ES2200030 Spain Tramo medio del río Aragón Map
ES4240009 Spain Valle del río Cañamares Map
ES5120024 Spain Montgrony Map
ITA020039 Italy Monte Cane, Pizzo Selva a Mare, Monte Trigna Map
BG0002071 Bulgaria Most Arda Map
ES5120026 Spain Tossa Plana de Lles-Puigpedrós Map
FR7212005 France Haute Soule : forêt d'Iraty, Orgambidexka et Pic des Escaliers Map
ES4310040 Spain Sierra de Moraleja Map
BG0002041 Bulgaria Kompleks Ropotamo Map
ITA010027 Italy Arcipelago delle Egadi - area marina e terrestre Map
ES4240018 Spain Sierra de Altomira Map
ES6170010 Spain Sierras Bermeja y Real Map
ES5130029 Spain Serres de Queralt i Els Tossals-Aigua d'Ora Map
PTCON0021 Portugal Rios Sabor e Maçãs Map
ES4240017 Spain Parameras de Maranchón, hoz del Mesa y Aragoncillo Map
ES5130032 Spain Vessants de la Noguera Ribagorçana Map
ES6320002 Spain Barranco del Nano Map
IT9310047 Italy Fiumara Trionto Map
ES5223029 Spain Riu Bergantes Map
ES4320011 Spain Las Hurdes Map
ES5120027 Spain Rasos de Tubau Map
ES4240016 Spain Alto Tajo Map
IT9310017 Italy Gole del Raganello Map
ES5110004 Spain Serra de Catllaràs Map
FR9312013 France Les Alpilles Map
ES6170016 Spain Valle del Río del Genal Map
ES1120014 Spain Canón do Sil Map
ES6130012 Spain Río Zújar Map
ES5223005 Spain Alt Palància Map
IT9330109 Italy Madama Lucrezia Map
ES4320002 Spain Cedillo y Río Tajo Internacional Map
BG0000209 Bulgaria Pirin Map
FR8312005 France Planèze de Saint Flour Map
ES6170008 Spain Sierras de Abdalajís y La Encantada Sur Map
BG0002003 Bulgaria Kresna Map
ITA020026 Italy Monte Pizzuta, Costa del Carpineto, Moarda Map
FR9312023 France Bec de Crigne Map
FR7212009 France Pics de l'Estibet et de Mondragon Map
PTCON0007 Portugal S. Mamede Map
ITA020048 Italy Monti Sicani, Rocca Busambra e Bosco della Ficuzza Map
BG0002062 Bulgaria Ludogorie Map
ES5120004 Spain Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Map
ITA010031 Italy Laghetti di Preola e Gorghi Tondi, Sciare di Mazara e Pantano Leone Map
ES4210008 Spain Sierra de Alcaraz y Segura y cañones del Segura y del Mundo Map
BG0002014 Bulgaria Madzharovo Map
BG0002053 Bulgaria Vrachanski Balkan Map
ES2200037 Spain Bardenas Reales Map
ITA010029 Italy Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito e Monte Sparagio Map
IT9110026 Italy Monte Calvo - Piana di Montenero Map
FR8312010 France Gorges de la Truyère Map
IT8050031 Italy Monte Soprano e Monte Vesole Map
FR8212019 France Baronnies - gorges de l'Eygues Map
FR8212018 France Massif de Saoû et crêtes de La Tour Map
BG0002029 Bulgaria Kotlenska planina Map
ITA030042 Italy Monti Peloritani, Dorsale Curcuraci, Antennamare e area marina dello stretto di Messina Map
ES0000349 Spain Vallebrón y valles de Fimapaire y Fenimoy Map
IT9310303 Italy Pollino e Orsomarso Map
ES6130007 Spain Guadiato-Bembézar Map
ES6130015 Spain Río Guadalquivir -Tramo Medio Map
BG0002048 Bulgaria Suha reka Map
ITA020050 Italy Parco delle Madonie Map
IT9310068 Italy Vallone S. Elia Map
ES6130011 Spain Río Guadamatilla Map
FR7312005 France Haute vallée de la Garonne Map
IT9320302 Italy Marchesato e Fiume Neto Map
FR7312008 France Gorges de la Frau et Bélesta Map
ES6130003 Spain Sierra de Santa Eufemia Map
IT9350170 Italy Scala-Lemmeni Map
IT9350177 Italy Monte Scrisi Map
FR7212010 France Barrage d'Artix et saligue du Gave de Pau Map
ITA020014 Italy Monte Pellegrino Map
ITA030043 Italy Monti Nebrodi Map
FR9112008 France Corbières orientales Map
ES4320073 Spain Rivera de Aurela Map
IT1331402 Italy Beigua - Monte Dente - Gargassa - Pavaglione Map
PTCON0036 Portugal Guadiana Map
PTCON0022 Portugal Douro Internacional Map
FR7312006 France Gorges du Tarn et de la Jonte Map
BG0002040 Bulgaria Strandzha Map
ES6170011 Spain Sierra Blanca Map
BG0002058 Bulgaria Sinite kamani - Grebenets Map
IT9320110 Italy Monte Fuscaldo Map
ITA040007 Italy Pizzo della Rondine, Bosco di S. Stefano Quisquina Map
FR9112012 France Gorges de Rieutord, Fage et Cagnasse Map
ES5130009 Spain Serra de Turp i Mora Condal-Valldan Map
ES6140005 Spain Sierra de La Sagra Map
BG0002106 Bulgaria Yazovir Ivaylovgrad Map
FR7212003 France Haute Soule: massif forestier, gorges d'Holzarté et d'Olhadubi Map
ES6160008 Spain Cuencas del Rumblar, Guadalén y Guadalmena Map
FR7212008 France Haute Soule : massif de la Pierre Saint-Martin Map
FR7212012 France Vallée de la Nive des Aldudes, Col de Lindux Map
FR9112006 France Étang de Lapalme Map
FR7212004 France Haute Soule : forêt des Arbailles Map
FR7212011 France Col de Lizarrieta Map
ES6130014 Spain Arroyo de Ventas Nuevas Map
FR9112027 France Corbières occidentales Map
ES6140003 Spain Sierra de Huétor Map
ES4310023 Spain Río Guadalemar Map
FR9112007 France Étangs du Narbonnais Map
ES4320060 Spain Arroyos Barbaon y Calzones Map
ES2200031 Spain Yesos de la Ribera Estellesa Map
FR7312007 France Gorges de la Dourbie et causses avoisinants Map
BG0002013 Bulgaria Studen kladenets Map
FR9112028 France Hautes Corbières Map
ES4220015 Spain Sierras de Almadén - Chillón y Guadalmez Map
ES6150019 Spain Bajo Guadalquivir Map
ES4230013 Spain Hoces del Cabriel, Guadazaón y ojos de Moya Map
ES2200026 Spain Sierra de Ugarra Map
ITA030044 Italy Arcipelago delle Eolie - area marina e terrestre Map
FR7212007 France Eth Thuron des Aureys Map
BG0000113 Bulgaria Vitosha Map
ES6130006 Spain Guadalmellato Map
BG0002019 Bulgaria Byala reka Map
ES4250005 Spain Montes de Toledo Map
BG0002039 Bulgaria Harsovska reka Map
IT9210271 Italy Appennino Lucano, Valle Agri, Monte Sirino, Monte Raparo Map
ES4240007 Spain Sierra de Pela Map
FR9112031 France Camp des Garrigues Map
IT8050050 Italy Monte Sottano Map
ITA020049 Italy Monte Pecoraro e Pizzo Cirina Map
BG0000332 Bulgaria Karlukovski karst Map
BG0000152 Bulgaria Pomoriysko ezero Map
ROSPA0073 Romania Măcin - Niculițel Map
ROSPA0019 Romania Cheile Dobrogei Map
ROSPA0008 Romania Băneasa - Canaraua Fetei Map
BG0002051 Bulgaria Kaliakra Map
BG0002026 Bulgaria Derventski vazvishenia Map
BG0002044 Bulgaria Kamchiyska planina Map
BG0002002 Bulgaria Zapaden Balkan Map
BG0002038 Bulgaria Provadiysko-Royaksko plato Map
BG0000271 Bulgaria Mandra - Poda Map
BG0002098 Bulgaria Rupite Map
BG0002073 Bulgaria Dobrostan Map
BG0002066 Bulgaria Zapadna Strandzha Map
BG0002021 Bulgaria Sakar Map
FR9112033 France Garrigues de Lussan Map
ES0000449 Spain Alto Turia y Sierra del Negrete Map
ES5310113 Spain La Vall Map
ES5233001 Spain Tinença de Benifassà, Turmell i Vallivana Map
ES0000468 Spain Serra d'Espadà (ZEPA) Map
ES0000466 Spain Penyagolosa (ZEPA) Map
ES0000465 Spain L'Alt Maestrat, Tinença de Benifassà, Turmell i Vallivana Map
ES6130017 Spain Alto Guadiato Map
ES4320001 Spain Canchos de Ramiro Map
ES1200009 Spain Ponga-Amieva Map
BG0002126 Bulgaria Pirin bufer Map
ES5310127 Spain Costa Brava de Tramuntana Map
ES0000482 Spain Arbaiun-Leire Map
ES0000481 Spain Foces de Benasa y Burgui Map
ES0000483 Spain Ezkaurre-Arrigorrieta Map
ES5310126 Spain Puig Malet i Santa Eularieta Map
ES2110024 Spain Valderejo-Sobrón-Árcenako mendilerroa / Valderejo-Sobrón-Sierra de Árcena Map
FR9112037 France Garrigues de la Moure et d'Aumelas Map
ES4250015 Spain La Jara Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Legal status

Legal text Annex Conditions More information
Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 November 2009, on the conservation of wild birds (EU Birds Directive)
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention) (All species of Falconiformes)

Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Bern Convention lists the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures [and the designation of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs) forming for the Emerald network]
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. (Bonn Convention)
Memorandum of understanding on the conservation of migratory birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia - under Bonn Convention (MoU Raptors)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (Falconiformes spp.)
Commission regulation (EU) No 1320/2014, of 1 December 2014, amending Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein (EU regulation of trade of fauna and flora)

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Aasgier Dutch Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Abutre do Egipto Portuguese Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Ådselgrib Danish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Alimoche Spanish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Alimoche Común Spanish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Capovaccaio Italian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Dögkeselyû Hungarian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Egyptian Vulture English Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Percnoptère d'Égypte French EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Pikkukorppikotka Finnish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Pikkukorppkotka Finnish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Schmutzgeier German Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Smutsgam Swedish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Vautour percnoptère French Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.

Other resources

Bird action plan
CoL (accepted name) Catalogue of Life
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EURing code:02470 European bird-ringing
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Species+ Species+ by UNEP-WCMC
Wikipedia Wikipedia

External data

Population distribution from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

29 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Min / Max (Units) Period Status Quality Source Published
Albania 30/60 (pairs) 2002-2003 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Albania 50/100 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Armenia 50/70 (pairs) 1999-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Azerbaijan 100/300 (pairs) 1996-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Bosnia and Herzegovina Present/Present (pairs) 1985-1989 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Bulgaria 65/80 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Bulgaria 100/150 (pairs) 1970-1991 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
France 69/75 (pairs) 2000-2003 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
France 60/70 (pairs) 1992 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Georgia 100/140 (pairs) 1994-2003 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece 100/150 (pairs) 1995-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece Mediterranean 150/200 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Italy 15/20 (pairs) 2003 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Italy 20/30 (pairs) 1989 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Macedonia (FYR) 45/60 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 0/2 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 1/3 (pairs) 1990 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Portugal 83/84 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Portugal 30/60 (pairs) 1990 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Romania 2/6 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Russian Federation 70/120 (pairs) 1994-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Russian Federation 40/60 (pairs) - Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Serbia and Montenegro 2/3 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Spain 1297/1454 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Spain 1324/1373 (pairs) 1988 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Spain Macaronesian 30/36 (pairs) 1987-1988 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Turkey 1500/3000 (pairs) 2001 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Turkey 1000/5000 (pairs) - Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Ukraine 1/2 (pairs) 1986 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Source: BirdLife International

Population trends from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

29 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Period Status Trend Quality Source Published
Albania 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Albania 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% No qualification Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Armenia 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 9% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Azerbaijan 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Bulgaria 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 50% to 79% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Bulgaria 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
France 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
France 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Georgia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 10% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece Mediterranean 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Italy 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Italy 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Macedonia (FYR) 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 80 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Portugal 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Portugal 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Romania 1970-1990 Breeding Stable, or change of less than 20% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Russian Federation 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Russian Federation 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Serbia and Montenegro 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Spain 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Spain 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Spain Macaronesian 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Turkey 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 30% to 49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Turkey 1970-1990 Breeding Small decrease of 20-49% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Ukraine 1970-1990 Breeding Large decrease of at least 50% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Source: BirdLife International
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