Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Quick facts
Threat status Europe | Least Concern (IUCN) |
EU Population status |
Protected by | EU Birds Directive and 1 other international agreement |
Natura 2000 sites | 16 are designated for this species |
Breeding habitats |
Wintering habitats |
Natura 2000 species code | A375 |
Threat and EU population status
IUCN Red List status of threatened species
The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.
EU population status
The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.
Natura 2000 sites
Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites
Sitecode | Country | Site name | Action |
DE2210401 | Germany | Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer und angrenzendes Küstenmeer | Map |
DE5314303 | Germany | NSG Krombachtalsperre | Map |
IT2020006 | Italy | Lago di Pusiano | Map |
IT2040022 | Italy | Lago di Mezzola e Pian di Spagna | Map |
PLB220004 | Poland | Ujście Wisły | Map |
PTZPE0020 | Portugal | Costa e Caldeirão - Ilha do Corvo | Map |
PTZPE0022 | Portugal | Costa Nordeste - Ilha das Flores | Map |
PTZPE0023 | Portugal | Caldeira e Capelinhos - Ilha do Faial | Map |
PTZPE0033 | Portugal | Pico da Vara / Ribeira do Guilherme - Ilha de S. Miguel | Map |
SE0820295 | Sweden | Laidauredeltat | Map |
IT2040042 | Italy | Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola | Map |
IT2070401 | Italy | Parco Naturale Adamello | Map |
DE0916491 | Germany | Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete | Map |
IT2060401 | Italy | Parco Regionale Orobie Bergamasche | Map |
ROSPA0031 | Romania | Delta Dunării și Complexul Razim - Sinoie | Map |
PTMIG0024 | Portugal | Serra da Tronqueira / Planalto dos Graminhais | Map |
Protected sites
Please note the site map takes a while to display.Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Legal text | Annex | Conditions | More information |
Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 November 2009, on the conservation of wild birds (EU Birds Directive) | | ||
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention) | |
Common names and synonyms
Common Name | Language | Reference |
Bruant des neiges | French | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Escrevedeira-das-neves | Portuguese | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Escribano Nival | Spanish | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Hósármány | Hungarian | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Pulmunen | Finnish | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Schneeammer | German | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Sneeuwgors | Dutch | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Snösparv | Swedish | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Snow Bunting | English | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Zigolo delle nevi | Italian | Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. |
Other resources
CoL (accepted name) | Catalogue of Life |
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds | European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds |
EURing code:18500 | European bird-ringing |
EoL | Encyclopedia of Life |
Fauna Europaea | Fauna Europaea |
GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
ITIS (Valid name) | Interagency Taxonomic Information System |
NCBI search | National Center for Biotechnology Information |
PESI (Accepted) | Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia |
WoRMS | World Register of Marine Species |