Lignyoptera fumidaria (Hubner, 1825)
Quick facts
Threat status Europe | Not evaluated (IUCN) |
Protected by | EU Habitats Directive and 1 other international agreement |
Natura 2000 sites | 15 are designated for this species |
Most preferred habitats |
May also occur in |
Natura 2000 species code | 4037 |
Natura 2000 sites
Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites
Sitecode | Country | Site name | Action |
HUDI30001 | Hungary | Vértes | Map |
HUDI20017 | Hungary | Érd-tétényi plató | Map |
BG0001012 | Bulgaria | Zemen | Map |
HUBF20003 | Hungary | Kab-hegy | Map |
HUDI20010 | Hungary | Budaörsi kopárok | Map |
HUDI20009 | Hungary | Budai-hegység | Map |
HUBF20002 | Hungary | Papod és Miklád | Map |
HUBF20001 | Hungary | Keleti-Bakony | Map |
BG0000322 | Bulgaria | Dragoman | Map |
BG0001375 | Bulgaria | Ostritsa | Map |
HUDI20053 | Hungary | Velencei-hegység | Map |
HUDI20015 | Hungary | Déli-Gerecse | Map |
AT1220000 | Austria | Feuchte Ebene - Leithaauen | Map |
AT1110137 | Austria | Neusiedler See - Nordöstliches Leithagebirge | Map |
AT1204000 | Austria | Donau-Auen östlich von Wien | Map |
Protected sites
Please note the site map takes a while to display.Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Common names and synonyms
Other resources
Fauna Europaea | Fauna Europaea |
GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
Habitats Directive Art. 17-2006 summary | |
ITIS search | Interagency Taxonomic Information System |
NCBI search | National Center for Biotechnology Information |
PESI (Accepted) | Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure |