Kingdom: Plantae > Division: Tracheophyta > Class: Magnoliopsida > Order: Asparagales > Family: Iridaceae > Genus: Iris > Species: Iris unguicularis subsp. cretensis

Iris unguicularis subsp. cretensis (Janka) A.P.Davis & Jury

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Data Deficient (IUCN)
Protected by EU Habitats Directive and 1 other international agreement
Natura 2000 sites 62 are designated for this species


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and conservation status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
HUDI30001 Hungary Vértes Map
HUKN20023 Hungary Tázlá - kiskunhalasi homokbuckák Map
HUDI20017 Hungary Érd-tétényi plató Map
ROSCI0035 Romania Cheile Turzii Map
HUDI20019 Hungary Felső-Tápió Map
HUBF20022 Hungary Mogyorós-hegy Map
HUBF20027 Hungary Nemesvámosi Szár-hegy Map
HUDI20047 Hungary Szigeti homokok Map
HUFH20009 Hungary Gönyüi-homokvidék Map
HUKN20003 Hungary Felső-kiskunsági turjánvidék Map
CZ0624098 Czech Republic Turold Map
HUDI20034 Hungary Duna és ártere Map
HUKN20015 Hungary Ágasegyháza - orgoványi rétek Map
HUDI20005 Hungary Bársonyos Map
HUDI20050 Hungary Alsó-Tápió és patakvölgyek Map
HUHN20016 Hungary Kék-Kálló-völgye Map
HUBF20003 Hungary Kab-hegy Map
HUDI20032 Hungary Mocsai ürgés legelő Map
HUDI20039 Hungary Pilis és Visegrádi-hegység Map
HUDI20035 Hungary Nagykőrösi pusztai tölgyesek Map
HUBF20004 Hungary Agár-tető Map
HUDI20013 Hungary Csolnoki löszgyepek Map
HUKN20006 Hungary Nagynyíri-erdő Map
HUDI20040 Hungary Gödöllői-dombság peremhegyei Map
HUDI20012 Hungary Csévharaszti homokvidék Map
HUKN20008 Hungary Déli-Homokhátság Map
HUDI20055 Hungary Veresegyházi-medence Map
HUHN20021 Hungary Halápi Álló-hegy Map
HUKN20018 Hungary Jánoshalma-kunfehértói erdők Map
HUDI20009 Hungary Budai-hegység Map
ROSCI0238 Romania Suatu - Cojocna - Crairât Map
HUDI20018 Hungary Északi-Gerecse Map
HUDD20040 Hungary Tengelici homokvidék Map
HUDI20038 Hungary Nyugat-Cserhát és Naszály Map
CZ0622169 Czech Republic Na Kocourkách Map
HUBF20017 Hungary Kádártai dolomitmezők Map
CZ0624234 Czech Republic Svatý kopeček u Mikulova Map
HUDD20050 Hungary Szenes-legelő Map
HUHN20017 Hungary Hajdúbagosi-legelő Map
HUHN20019 Hungary Bánki-erdő Map
HUBF20001 Hungary Keleti-Bakony Map
ROSCI0020 Romania Câmpia Careiului Map
HUKN20002 Hungary Peszéri-erdő Map
HUDI20025 Hungary Hajta mente Map
HUKN20014 Hungary Hajósi-homokpuszta Map
CZ0624043 Czech Republic Stolová hora Map
HUDI20014 Hungary Debegió-hegy Map
CZ0622223 Czech Republic U kapličky Map
HUBF20035 Hungary Keszthelyi-hegység Map
HUFH20008 Hungary Pannonhalmi-dombság Map
CZ0622221 Czech Republic Štěpánovský lom Map
HUDI20001 Hungary Ácsi gyepek Map
HUDI20016 Hungary Epöli szarmata vonulat Map
HUDI20051 Hungary Turjánvidék Map
SKUEV0067 Slovakia Cenkov Map
HUKN20024 Hungary Bócsa-bugaci homokpuszta Map
HUDD20070 Hungary Tengelici rétek Map
CZ0624104 Czech Republic Děvín Map
CZ0622224 Czech Republic U Michálka Map
AT1209A00 Austria Westliches Weinviertel Map
ROSCI0408 Romania Zau de Câmpie Map
SKUEV2067 Slovakia Cenkov Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Common names and synonyms

The species has no common names
Synonym Author
Iris humilis Georgi
Iris arenaria Waldst. & Kit.
Iris humilis subsp. arenaria (Waldst. & Kit.) Á.Löve & D.Löve
Iris humilis ssp. Arenaria (Waldst. & Kit.) Á.Löve & D.Löve

Other resources

GBIF search Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS search Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information

External data

No external data sets available for this species
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100