Lamprey - Eudontomyzon sp.
Quick facts
Threat status Europe | Not evaluated (IUCN) |
Natura 2000 sites | 0 are designated for this species |
Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Legal text | Annex | Conditions | More information |
Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora - consolidated version 01/01/2007 (EU Habitats Directive) | |
Common names and synonyms
Common Name | Language | Reference |
Bauchneunaugen | German | EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC |
Lamprea | Spanish | EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC |
Lamprey | English | EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC |
Lamproie | French | EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC |
Other resources
Fauna Europaea search | Fauna Europaea |
GBIF search | Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
ITIS search | Interagency Taxonomic Information System |
NCBI search | National Center for Biotechnology Information |