
2,040 items found, displaying 101 to 200.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 [Next/Last]
ID Title Author Year
626 Vegetacion de Donana (Huelva, Espana). Lazaroa 2: 5-189. Rivas-Martinez, S., M. Costa, S. Castroviejo and E. Valdes. 1980
465 Vegetace CSSR. A12. Die Assoziationen mesophiler und hygrophileer Laubwälder in der Tschechischen Sozialistischen Republik. Prague, Academia. Moravec, J., M. Huslova, R. Neuhäusl and Z. Neuhäuslova-Novotna. 1982
301 Vascular plants of the forest communities of the north-eastern and eastern foreland of the Holy Cross-Mountains, South Poland. Monographiae Botanicae 60: 1-106. Glazek, T. 1976
1047 Vascular epiphytism in America. Pp 133-136 [in] Lieth, H. and J. A. Werger, editors. Tropical rain forest ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 14B. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Benzing, D.H. 1989
1213 Variaciones de la densidad estomatica en poblaciones de [Alnus acuminata] en un gradiente altitudinal. Lilloa 38: 39-45. Bravo, S.J. and A. Grau 1993
1086 Variacion del habito y habitat de [Nothofagus antarctica] en el centro sur de Chile. Bosque 6: 55-73. Ramirez, C., M Correa, H. Figueroa and J. San Martin 1985
1590 Válisti 1 Plöntur Náttúrufræðistofnun lslands 1996
93 Une association endémique des Alpes sud-occidentales le Myrrhido-Adenostyletum. SIGMA communication no. 181. Acta Botanica Croatica 28: 49-54. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1969
90 Une association boréo-arctique nouvelle pour les Alpes françaises, le Kobresietum simpliciusculae. SIGMA communication no. 175. Contr. Bot. Cluj 4: 48-52. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1967
930 Una nueva especie de maca (Podicipedidae). Com. Mus. Arg. Cs. Nat.: 33-35. Rumboll, M.A.E. 1974
817 Ulmaceae in K. H. Rechinger, editor. Flora Iranica 142. Graz, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt. Zielinski, J. 1979
1471 UK Biodiversity Action Plan: Habitat Action Plans JNCC 2001
1573 Uhanalaisten eläinten ja kasvien seurantatoimikunnan mietintö Rassi, P. and al. 1992
95 Ubersicht der Pflanzengesellschaften der rätischen Alpen im Rahmen ihrer Gesamtverbreitung. 3: Flachmoor gesellschaften (Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae). SIGMA communication no. 190. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1971
335 übersicht der höheren Vegetationseinheiten der Tschechoslowakei. Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved 77: 1-75. Holub, J., S. Hejny, J. Moravec and R. Neuhäusl. 1967
1380 Übersicht der Carpinion-Gesellschaften der Tschechoslowakei. Neuhäusl U. Neuhäuslova-Novotna 1968
705 Über Vorkommen und Verbreitung von Ferula glauca DC. (Ferula nodiflora L. ss (monspeliensis Godr. et Gren.) im Nieder-Languedoc (Frankreich). SIGMA communication no. 218. Phytocoenologia 4: 242-257. Sutter, R. 1977
704 Über Vorkommen und Verbreitung von Asplenium petrarchae (Guérin) DC. und die Assoziationen Phagnalo-Asplenietum petrarchae Br.-Bl. und Parietarietum lusitanicae ass. nov. prov. SIGMA communication no. 206. Bot. Jarb. Syst. 93: 568-602. Sutter, R. 1973
702 Über Vorkommen und Verbreitung der Orchideen in ibrer Beziehung zu den Pflanzengesellschaften in der Grignagruppe (Lago di Como). SIGMA communication no. 176. Bauhinia 3: 269-290. Sutter, R. 1967
1394 Über ursachen der Regionale Verteilung der Schärenflora Südwest-Finnlands. Eklund, O. 1931
240 Uber die Waldvegetation am Südostrand des schweizerischen Mittellandes. Ebenda 25: 141-210. Etter, H. 1947
1413 Über die Vegetation der Alluvialwiesen im Gebiet der geplanted Stauseen von Lokka und Porttipahta im Finnischen Lappland. Eurola, S. 1967
300 Uber die Süeleichen-Auenwälder der Save-Niederung. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 4: 103-108. Glavac, V. 1969
237 Über die Stammform der spitzblättrigen Esch (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) in verschiedenen Auenwaldgesellschaften des Savagebietes in Kroatien (Jugoslawien). Schweizerische Zeitschift für Forstwesen 115: 143-161. Emrovic, B., V. Glavac and A. Pranjic. 1964
337 Über die regionale Differenzierung von Flora und Vegetation in den österreichischen Alpen. Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 147-164. Hübl, E. and H. Niklfeld. 1973
486 Über die Pflanzengesellschaften der Fels- und Mauerspalten Südfrankreichs. Vienna, SIGMA communication no. 162. Niklfeld, H. 1962
659 Uber das Aceri-Fraxinetum als vikariierende Gesllschaft der Galio-Carpinetum am Raude der Bayerischen Alpen. Vegetatio 17: 165-175. Seibert, P. 1969
543 Über azidophile Frangula-Gebüsche. Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 255-267. Passarge, H. 1973
236 Typy biotopov Slovenska. Unpublished report. Elias, P., E. Fajmonova, I. Haberova, A. Jurko, J. Kontris, S. Maglocky, D. Miadok, H. Otahelova, H. Ruzickova, V. Stanova, M. Valachovic, M. Zaliberova. 1991
719 Typologie et potentialites forestières des hêtraies naturelles de l'Ardenne centrale. Brussels, Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture (I.R.S.I.A.) Thill, A., M. Dethioux and F. Delecour. 1988
724 Typologie des hêtraies. in Teissier du Cros, editor, Le Hêtre. INRA, Paris. Timbal, J. 1981
426 Typologie des facies d'écoulement ou unités morphodynamiques des cours d'eau à haute énergie. Bull. Fr. Pêche Piscic. 315: 189-210. Malavoi, J.R. 1989
333 Typing British rivers according to their flora. NCC. Holmes, N. 1983
1227 Typhaceae. Pp 13-17 [in] M.N. Correa, editor. Flora Patagonica. Part 2. Buenos Aires, INTA. Crespo, S. and R.L. Perez-Moreau 1969
1233 Two new subspecies of [Formicivora serrana] (Hellmayr) from southeastern Brazil, and notes on the type locality of [Formicivora deluzae] Ménétriés. Bull. B.O.C. 110: 187-193. Gonzaga, L.P. and J.F. Pacheco 1990
1664 Turtles of the World Ernst C H and Barbour R W. 1989
1321 Turloughs over 10 ha: vegetation survey and evaluation. Goodwillie, R. 1992
707 Tudomanyos kutatasok a Kiskunsagi Nemzeti Parkban (1975-1984). Budapest, Hungexpo. Szabo, L., K. Toth and collegues. 1985
1547 Truete arter i Norge Storkersen O.R. 1992
1212 Tropical montane cloud forests: Conservation status and management issues. Pp 24-37 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Studies 110. New York, Springer-Verlag. Doumenge, C., D. Gilmour, M.R. Perez and J. Blockhus 1995
987 Tropical high mountain lakes. Their distribution, ecology and zoogeographical importance. Pp 57-75 in Troll, C., editor, Geo-ecology of the mountainous regions of the tropical Americas. Proceedings of the UNESCO Mexico Symposium, August 1-3, 1966. Bonn, D Löffler, H. 1968
1259 Tropical forests of the Caribbean. Tropical Plant Research Foundation, Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Trust. Gill, T. 1931
1091 Tropical alpine environments. Plant form and function. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Rundel, P.W., A.P. Smith and F.C. Meinzer 1994
1430 Topographic, microclimatic and edaphic control of the vegetation in the central part of the Hämeenkangas esker complex, western Finland. Rajakorpi, A. 1987
1328 Topographic, altitudinal and regional patterns in continental and suboceanic heath vegetation of northern Fennoscandia. Oksanen, L. & Virtanen, R. 1995
447 Tipificacion forestal de los bosques espanoles: Los cebollares de Quercus pyrenaica Willd. Boletin de la Estacion Central de Ecologia 21: 11-18. Meson, M.L. 1982
2376 TIGR Reptile Database (previously called the EMBL Reptile Database) March 2011 CITES 2006
2394 TIGR Reptile Database (previously called the EMBL Reptile Database) March 2011 Uetz P., Goll J. & Hallermann J. 2006
931 Tidal salt-marsh and mangal formations of Middle and South America, pp 193-213 [in] V.J. Chapmann, editor. Ecosystems of the world. 1. Wet coastal ecosystems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. West, R.C. 1977
1032 Three endangered South American grebes ([Podiceps]): case histories and the ethics of saving species by human intervention. Ann. Zool. Fennici 21: 411-416. Fjeldsa, J. 1984
1749 Threatened non-marine Mollusca of Europe. Wells S and Chatfield J. 1992
406 Threatened freshwater fishes of Europe. Nature and Environment series no. 18. Strasbourg, Council of Europe. Lelek, A. 1980
2454 Threatened and/or declining species in the North East Atlantic. The purpose of the list is to guide the OSPAR Commission in setting priorities for its further work on the conservation and protection of marine biodiversity. The inclusion of a species or of a type of habitat on this list has no other significance. OSPAR Convention 1992
2455 Threatened and/or declining species in the Baltic Sea HELCOM 1992
2482 This species is not mentioned in the annexes, but it is covered by the general protection regime provided by Article 1 of the Directive to all species of birds naturally occurring in the wild state in the European territory of the Member States to which the Treaty applies. European Parliament 2009
151 The vegetation of the Outer Hebrides. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinbourgh, 77B: 219-265. Currie, A. 1979
710 The vegetation of the Kiskunsag National Park in S. Mahunka, editor. The fauna of the Kiskunsag National Park. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. Szujko-Lacza, J. 1986
1105 The vegetation of the Juan Fernandez Islands. Pp 793-960, plates 58-116, map [in] C. Skottsberg, editor, the natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island, vol. 2, part 6. Upsala, Alnqvist and Wiksells Boktryckeri Ab. Skottsberg, C. 1953
708 The vegetation of the Hortobagy National Park. in S. Mahunka, editor, The fauna of the Hortobagy National Park. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. Szujko-Lacza, J. 1981
801 The vegetation of Ireland. A catalogue raisonné. In Studies on Irish vegetation: 289-368, Dublin. White, J. and G. Doyle. 1982
816 The vegetation of Egypt. London, Chapman and Hall. Zahran, M. A. and A. J. Willis. 1992
1107 The vegetation of Easter Island. Pp 486-502, plates 28-33 [in] C. Skottsberg, editor, the natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island, vol. 2, part 4. Upsala, Alnqvist and Wiksells Boktryckeri Ab. Skottsberg, C. 1928
886 The vegetation of Bulgaria. Map 1.600 000 with explanatory text. Sofia, St.Kliment Ohridski University Press. Bondev, I. 1991
1101 The vegetation of British Guiana. A preliminary review. Imperial Forestry Inst. 29: 9-96. Fanshawe, D.B. 1952
443 The vegetation of African savannas in F. Bourlière, editor, Ecosystems of the world 13. Tropical savannas. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Menaut, J.-C. 1983
800 The vegetation of Africa. Paris, UNESCO. White, F. 1983
1400 The vegetation and ecology of the primary saline soils of the Bothnian Bay. Siira, J. 1984
711 The vascular plants of the Hortobagy National Park in J. Szujko-Lacza, editor. The flora of the Hortobagy National Park. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. Szujko-Lacza, J., G. Fekete, D. Kovats, L. Szabo and Z. Siroki. 1982
968 The vascular flora of the Falkland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports 60: 1-202. Moore, D.M. 1968
367 The USSR vegetation syntaxa prodromus Korotkov, K. O., O. V. Morozova and E. A. Belonovskaja. 1991
873 The tropical western Atlantic including the Caribbean Sea. Pp 215-234 in Mathieson, A. C. and P. H. Niehuis, editors. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. Ecosystems of the world 24. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Dawes, C. J., E. D. McCoy and K. L. Heck Jr. 1991
889 The tropical rain forest. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Richards, P. W. 1952
487 The thorny-cushions vegetation in Mediterranean Italy. Phytogeographical problems. Actas 3 Congr. OPTIMA, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 37: 339-351. Nimis, P.L. 1981
116 The temperate deserts and semi-deserts of Afghanistan and Iran in N. E. West, editor, Ecosystems of the world 5. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Breckle, S.-W. 1983
1198 The Tambopata-Candamo Reserved Zone of southeastern Peru: a biological assissment. RAP Working Papers 6. Washington, D.C., Conservation International. 184 pp. Foster, R., J.L. Carr and A.B., editors Forsyth 1994
699 The status of Dupont's Lark, Chersophilus duponti, in the Iberian peninsula. Le Gerfaut 72: 231-235. Suarez, F., T. Santos and J.L. Telleria. 1982
1320 The spatial distribution of turloughs. Coxon, C.E. 1987
1346 The southern mires. Malmer, N. 1965
1311 The south-western dwarf shrub heaths. Malmer, N. 1965
1649 The Soft-plumaged Petrel, the Gon-gon and the Freira, Pterodroma mollis, P. feae and P. madeira. Bourne W R P. 1983
1644 The shrews of the eastern Canary Islands: a new species (Mammalia: Soricidae). Hutterer R, López-Jurado L F and Vogel P. 1987
127 The seashore and shallow seas of Britain and Europe. London, Hamlyn. Campbell, A.-C. 1976
1443 The Scientific Basis of the EUNIS Habitat Classification. Revised EUNIS-SYNTAXA crosswalk. Rodwell, J. & Dring, J. 2000
1297 The Scanian sand vegetation - a survey. Andersson, D. 1950
990 The savannas of tropical America. Pp 245-285 [in] F. Bourlière, editor. Tropical savannas. Ecosystems of the world. 13. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Sarmiento, G. 1983
1253 The savanna landscapes of the Amazon basin. Montreal, McGill University. 40 pp. Hills, T.L. 1969
1025 The San Roque Reservoir and other man-made lakes in the central region of Argentina. Pp 541-571 [in] Taub, F.B., editor. Lakes and reservoirs. Ecosystems of the world 23. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Bonetto, A.A. and D.H. Di Persia 1984
1289 The saltmarsh survey of Great Britain. Burd, F. 1989
1023 The salinity problem in general, its importance and distribution with special reference to natural halophytes. Pp 7-24 [in] Poliakoff-Mayber, A. and J. Gale, editors. Plants in saline environments. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. Chapman, V.J. 1975
460 The Sahel zone north of the Equator in M. Evenari, I. Noy-Meir and D. W. Goodall, editors, Ecosystems of the world 12B. Hot deserts and arid shrublands. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Monod, Th. 1986
2033 The role of physical biotopes in determining the conservation status and flow requirements of British Rivers Padmore C.L 1998
1064 The role of fungi in Amazonian forests and in reforestation. Pp 603-614 [in] H. Sioli, editor. The Amazon. Limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. Dordrecht, Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Singer, R. 1984
2337 The Reptile Database Peter Uetz and JCVI
1486 The red data book of threatened vertebrates of Greece Karandinos M. and al. 1992
1584 The Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece Phitos, D., Strid, A., Snogerup, S. & Greuter, W. 1995
1293 The raised bogs of Ireland: their ecology, status and conservation. Curtis, J.R. 1990
1164 The Puerto Rico tropical cloud forest symposium: Introduction and workshop synthesis. Ecology and conservation of the Argentinian montane forest. Pp 1-23 [in] L.S. Hamilton, J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, editors. Tropical montane cloud forests. Ecological Hamilton, L.S., J.O. Juvik and F.N. Scatena 1995
982 The protection of the subterranean environment. Conservation principles. Pp 481-524 [in] A.I. Camacho, editor. The natural history of biospeleology. Monografias del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifi Tercafs, R. 1992
1748 The PLANTS database. USDA, NRCS 1997
415 The plant-book. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Mabberley, D. J. 1993
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