Cold siliceous screes

English name: Cold siliceous screes

Description (English)

Noncalcareous screes of the mountains and uplands of the boreal zone, developed on siliceous substrates including basic to ultrabasic igneous or metamorphic substrates. Included are the screes of northern Europe including Iceland.

EUNIS habitat classification
Interpretation Manual of the habitats targeted by Resolution No. 4

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code H2.1
Bern Convention Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites)

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Name Definition Alternatives Reftext
Allosuro-Athyrion alpestris Nordhagen 1943 Boreo-alpine and arctic vegetation on siliceous moist solifluction screes of Scandinavia, Svalbard and Greenland Allosuro-Athyrion alpestris Nordhagen 1936; Ranunculo acris-Anthoxanthion Gjaerevoll 1956; Cryptogrammo crispi-Athryrion distentifolii Nordhagen 1943 nom. mut. propos.; Cryptogrammo-Athyrion alpestris Nordhagen 1936 nom. mut. propos. Schaminee et al, 2012
Antitrichio-Rhodiolion roseae Hadac 1971 Artic herb-rich communities on damp coarse gravels and deep humus-rich pelagonic soils on siliceous substrates of Iceland Schaminee et al, 2012
Ranunculo-Oxyrion didynae Nordhagen 1943 Vegetation of base-rich water-saturated solifluction herb-rich snowfields from alpine belt of Scandinavia and middle arctic zone Saxifrago-Ranunculion nivalis (Nordhagen 1943) Dierßen 1984; Saxifrago stellaris-Oxyrion digynae Gjaerevoll 1956; Luzulion arcuatae Elvebakk 1985; Ranunculo-Oxyrion digynae Nordhagen 1936; Saxifrago stellaris-Oxyrion digynae Gjaerevoll 1950 Schaminee et al, 2012

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 61.61 Boreo-Atlantic and arcto-Atlantic screes same
CORINE Land Cover 3.3.2. Bare rock n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Bog Bilberry type n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Thrift-Moss Campion type n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Rock Speedwell type n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Alpine Mouse-ear-Viviparous fescue variant n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Roseroot-Moss Campion type n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Dwarf Willow type n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Alpine Lady's Mantle-Thymus arcticus variant n/a
Nordic Vegetation Classification 1994 Rock Speedwell type rich in bushes n/a
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 I121 Natural rock exposure: scree, acid/neutral overlap
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 H2.1 Cold siliceous screes same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 H2.1 Cold siliceous screes same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 H2.1 Cold siliceous screes same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 H2.1 Boreal siliceous screes same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 H2.1 Boreal siliceous screes same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 H2.1 Boreo-alpine siliceous screes same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 61.61 Boreal siliceous screes same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 61.61 Boreal siliceous screes same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 61.61   same
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 61.61   same
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