Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens
Description (English)
Springs and springfens are characterized by continuous flow of groundwater. The water is cold, of even temperature, and rich in oxygen and minerals, due to the rapid percolation. Springs may have a basin where the water wells up and an adjacent outflow with typical vegetation. In springfens the water seeps up through the ground and the accumulated peat, enhancing the growth of specialised vegetation. Since the water originates from deeper layers, these springs often have running water during the winter even if the surrounding areas are frozen and snow-covered. The invertebrate fauna is often very specialised to this habitat and the flora rich in northern species. Vascular plants include Cardamine amara, Chrysosplenium spp., Carex appropinquata, C. capillaris, C. paniculata, Epilobium hornemanni, E. davuricum, E. laestadii, E. alsinifolium, Montia fontana, Poa alpigena, P. remota, P. trivialis, Ranunculus lapponicus, R. hyperboreus, Stellaria alsine, S. calycantha, S. nemorum. Bryophytes- Brachythecium rivulare, Bryum weigelii, B. pseudotriquetrum, B. schleicheri, Calliergon giganteum, C. sarmentosum, Philonotis spp., Pohlia wahlenbergii, Plagiomnium undulatum, Rhizomnium spp., Scapania spp., Warnstorfia exannulata.
EUNIS habitat classification
Interpretation Manual of the habitats targeted by Resolution No. 4
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code C2.111 |
Bern Convention | Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites) |
Relation to | Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive) |
Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Relation to other habitat types mentioned in legal instruments
Legal text | Annex | Name in legal text | Code in legal text |
Habitat type relationship |
More information |
Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora - consolidated version 01/01/2007 | Annex I: natural habitat types of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation | Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens | 7160 | Same | http://ec.europa.eu/environm...rective/index_en.htm |
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Not availableSpecies mentioned in habitat description
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
CORINE Land Cover | 4.1.1. | Inland marshes | n/a |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | C2.111 | Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | C2.111 | Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | C2.111 | Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | C2.111 | Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens | same |