EUNIS habitat classification 2017 > M - Marine benthic habitats > MA1 - Littoral rock > MA12 - Atlantic littoral rock > MA124 - Mussel and/or barnacle communities with seaweeds on Atlantic littoral rock > MA1241 - Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock

Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code MA1241
Relation to Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites)

Description (English)

Exposed to moderately exposed steep, lower littoral fringe rock and mixed substrata characterised by the wrack Pelvetia canaliculata and sparse barnacles Chthamalus montagui and Semibalanus balanoides. On sheltered shores the biotope is restricted to vertical faces. The limpet Patella vulgata and the wrack Fucus spiralis are usually present as well. P. canaliculata typically overgrows a crust of the black lichen Verrucaria maura or on occasion Verrucaria mucosa, in contrast to the red crust Hildenbrandia rubra on very sheltered shores. The winkle Littorina saxatilis is frequently present underneath the fronds of P. canaliculata. Some geographical variation are present and southern and western shores are typically characterised by the barnacle C. montagui or Chthamalus stellatus while S. balanoides dominates on northern and eastern shores. On mixed substrata the barnacle Elminius modestus may be present.
Situation: This unit is generally found below the V. maura and barnacle zone (MA1-2131; MA1-2132). On exposed shores it is found above the biotope dominated by F. spiralis (unit MA1-23C) or the mussel Mytilus edulis and barnacles biotope (unit MA1-221) or the barnacles and P. vulgata biotopes (unit MA1-223). In addition, patches of lichen Lichina pygmaea with the barnacle Chthamalus montagui (unit MA1-2222) may also occur at the same level or above this biotope, particularly on southern shores. On sheltered to extremely sheltered shores this biotope is limited to very steep or vertical faces.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Algae Fucus spiralis
Algae Hildenbrandia rubra
Invertebrates Chthamalus stellatus
Invertebrates Mytilus edulis
Invertebrates Patella vulgata
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Fucus spiralis Algae
Hildenbrandia rubra Algae
Chthamalus stellatus Invertebrates
Mytilus edulis Invertebrates
Patella vulgata Invertebrates

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 2007 (revised descriptions 2012) A1.211 Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type Comment
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 A1.211 Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 A1.221 Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 A1.221 Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 A1.211 Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
MNCR BioMar 97.06 (Britain & Ireland) MLR.BF.PelB Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock same
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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