EUNIS habitat classification 2017 > M - Marine benthic habitats > MA1 - Littoral rock > MA12 - Atlantic littoral rock > MA126 - Communities of Atlantic littoral rockpools > MA1262 - Coralline crust-dominated shallow eulittoral rockpools

Coralline crust-dominated shallow eulittoral rockpools

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code MA1262
Relation to Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites)

Description (English)

Shallow and smaller rockpools throughout the eulittoral zone in a wide range of wave exposures characterised by a covering of encrusting coralline algae on which Corallina officinalis often forms a dense turf. The bottom of these pools can be covered in coarse gravel and cobbles. These 'coralline' pools have a striking appearance as they are dominated by red seaweeds. Foliose red seaweeds found in these pools include Mastocarpus stellatus, Chondrus crispus and the filamentous Ceramium nodulosum. The ephemeral green seaweeds Cladophora rupestris, Ulva lactuca and Enteromorpha spp. can also occur in high abundance. The pools may hold large numbers of grazing molluscs, particularly the winkle Littorina littorea (which often occur in exceptionally high densities in upper shore pools) and the limpet Patella vulgata. Gastropods may graze these pools to such an extent that they is devoid of any foliose red seaweeds, and the flora are reduced to encrusting coralline algae and large numbers of gastropods. Large brown seaweeds are generally absent. Within the pools, pits and crevices are often occupied by the anemone Actinia equina and small individuals of the mussel Mytilus edulis. The whelk Nucella lapillus can be found on the rock surface preying on the barnacles and mussels. A number of variants have been identified. Pools dominated by coralline algae and foliose red seaweeds with a distribution throughout the UK (see unit MA1-2621). In Ireland, the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus can dominate these shallow coralline pools (see MA1-2622). In south-west Britain, the brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata (MA1-2623) or Cystoseira spp. (MA1-2624) can be regionally dominant.
Situation: Rockpools throughout the eulittoral and lower littoral fringe on rocky shores.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Algae Bifurcaria bifurcata
Algae Cladophora rupestris
Algae Corallina officinalis
Algae Ulva lactuca
Invertebrates Actinia equina
Invertebrates Nucella lapillus
Invertebrates Paracentrotus lividus
Invertebrates Patella vulgata
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Bifurcaria bifurcata Algae
Cladophora rupestris Algae
Corallina officinalis Algae
Ulva lactuca Algae
Actinia equina Invertebrates
Nucella lapillus Dog whelk Invertebrates
Paracentrotus lividus Invertebrates
Patella vulgata Invertebrates

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 2007 (revised descriptions 2012) A1.411 Coralline crust-dominated shallow eulittoral rockpools same
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type Comment
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 A1.411 Coralline crust-dominated shallow eulittoral rockpools same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 A1.511 Corallina officinalis and coralline crusts in shallow eulittoral rockpools same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 A1.511 Corallina officinalis and coralline crusts in shallow eulittoral rockpools same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 A1.511 Corallina officinalis and coralline crusts in shallow eulittoral rockpools same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 A1.51 Shallow eulittoral rockpools with coralline crusts and/or dense gastropod communities same
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 A1.51 Rockpool communities dominated by gastropods same
MNCR BioMar 97.06 (Britain & Ireland) LR.Rkp.Cor Corallina officinalis and coralline crusts in shallow eulittoral rockpools same
MNCR BioMar 96.7 (Britain & Ireland) RKP.Gas   narrower
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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