Atlantic infralittoral Sabellaria alveolata reefs

Description (English)

Tide-swept sandy mixed sediments with cobbles and pebbles, in variable salinity or fully marine conditions, may be characterised by surface accumulations of the reef building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata . The presence of Sabellaria sp. has a strong influence on the associated infauna as the tubes bind the surface sediments together and provide increased stability. Such reefs may form large structures up to a metre in height although they are considerably less extensive than the intertidal reefs formed by this species (unit MA2-261). Other associated species may include the polychaete Melinna cristata , itself often as dense aggregations, mobile surface feeding polychaetes including Typosyllis armillary and Eulalia tripunctata . Other polychaetes may include Mediomastus fragilis and Pygospio elegans whilst amphipods such as Harpinia pectinata and tubificid oligochaetes may also be found.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code MB2211
Relation to Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites)

Vegetation types

Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)

Not available

Species mentioned in habitat description

Not available

Other classifications

Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type
EUNIS Habitat Classification 2007 (revised descriptions 2012) A5.612 Sabellaria alveolata on variable salinity sublittoral mixed sediment narrower
For relation to plant communities (syntaxa), see Vegetation types


Classification Code Habitat type name Relationship type Comment
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 A5.612 Sabellaria alveolata on variable salinity sublittoral mixed sediment same
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100