Mediterranean montane Pinus sylvestris-Pinus nigra woodland
Quick facts
Red List habitat type | code RLG3.4c |
Threat status | |
Europe | Least Concern |
EU | Least Concern |
Relation to |
Source | European Red List habitat factsheet |
European Red List of habitats reports | |
European Red List of habitats (Excel table) |
Pinus nigra has been widely planted through the Mediterranean, but it remains the natural dominant tree species that forms forests in more drought-prone situations, at scattered localities through the mountains of Spain, Corsica, southern Italy, and at higher elevations further south where altitude moderates the effects of the Mediterranean climate. P. sylvestris can be co-dominant in the canopy, except in the far south and on the Mediterranean islands.
Vicariant forms of the black and Scots pines are recognised in different localities. In Spain, for example, P. nigra ssp. salzmannii forms stands with so-called P. sylvestris ssp. nevadensis, and P. sylvestris var. iberica. On Corsica, P. nigra ssp. laricio is a pioneer species occupying open ground or clear-felled areas within the zone of beech and fir, but it also dominates on rocky, south-facing slopes, which are too dry for beech and fir to compete black pine. In such sites, black pine can attain a magnificent height in closed canopy, with shorter Betula pendula and Ilex aquifolium individuals in the understory, and a field layer with Avenella flexuosa, Brachypodium pinnatum, Sanicula europaea, Galium rotundifolium, Veronica officinalis and endemic species such as Helleborus lividus, Crocus corsicus, Carlina macrocephala, Galium corsicum and Stachys corsica. More open stands can have a denser understory of Synonym of Juniperus communis subsp. Nana, Genista lobelii and Berberis aetnensis.
Indicators of quality:
· Maintenance of natural woodland structure and distinctive
· Absence of signs of exploitation by logging and grazing which leads to to the increase of grasses cover
· No fragmentation of cover by quarrying or gravel extraction.
· Structural diversity/ complexity with (semi)natural age structure or the existence of different vegetation layers
· Presence of old trees and a variety of dead wood (lying or standing) and of the associated flora, fauna and fungi
Threat status
Synthesis of Red List assessment
EU | |
Red List Category | Red List Criteria |
Least Concern | - |
Europe | |
Red List Category | Red List Criteria |
Least Concern | - |
Confidence in the assessment
Pressures and threats
- Sylviculture, forestry
- Forest and Plantation management & use
- Urbanisation, residential and commercial development
- Urbanised areas, human habitation
- Human intrusions and disturbances
- Outdoor sports and leisure activities, recreational activities
- Geological events, natural catastrophes
- Fire (natural)
- Climate change
- Droughts and less precipitations
- Changes in biotic conditions
Habitat restoration potential
Trends in extent |
Average current trend in quantity |
Stable | Unknown |
EU28 | EU28+ |
Trends in quality |
Average current trend in quality |
Stable | Unknown |
EU28 | EU28+ |
Conservation and management needs
List of conservation and management needs
- Measures related to forests and wooded habitats
- Restoring/Improving forest habitats
- Adapt forest management
- Measures related to spatial planning
- Establish protected areas/sites
- Legal protection of habitats and species
Geographic occurrence and trends
EU28 | Present or presence uncertain | Current area of habitat (Km2) | Recent trend in quantity (last 50 years) | Recent trend in quality (last 50 years) |
France mainland | Present | 297 | Stable | Stable |
Corsica | Present | 297 | Stable | Stable |
Italy mainland | Present | 409 | Stable | Stable |
Sicily | Present | 409 | Stable | Stable |
Portugal mainland | Present | 1 | Stable | Stable |
Spain mainland | Present | 4317 | Stable | Stable |
EU28 + | Present or presence uncertain | Current area of habitat (Km2) | Recent trend in quantity (last 50 years) | Recent trend in quality (last 50 years) |
Extent of Occurrence, Area of Occupancy and habitat area
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) (Km2) | Area of Occupancy (AOO) | Current estimated Total Area | Comment | |
EU28 | 1067000 | 669 | 5000 | |
EU28+ | 669 | 5000 |
EOO = the area (km2) of the envelope around all occurrences of a habitat (calculated by a minimum convex polygon).