EUNIS habitat type hierarchical view (marine version 2022 & terrestrial version 2021)
The EUNIS habitat classification review is on-going. Four groups are pending review: Inland waters, Wetlands, Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats and Complexes.-
M : Marine benthic habitats (MA-MG)
MA1 : Littoral rock
MA2 : Littoral biogenic habitat
MA3 : Littoral coarse sediment
MA4 : Littoral mixed sediment
MA5 : Littoral sand
MA6 : Littoral mud
MB1 : Infralittoral rock
MB11 : Arctic infralittoral rock
MB12 : Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB121 : Kelp and seaweed communities on Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB1211 : Alaria esculenta on exposed Atlantic sublittoral fringe bedrock
MB1212 : Alaria esculenta forest with dense anemones and crustose sponges on extremely exposed Atlantic infralittoral bedrock
MB1213 : Laminaria hyperborea forest with a faunal cushion (sponges and polyclinids) and foliose red seaweeds on very exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB1214 : Sparse Laminaria hyperborea and dense Paracentrotus lividus on exposed infralittoral limestone
MB1215 : Laminaria hyperborea with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB1216 : Laminaria hyperborea and red seaweeds on exposed Atlantic vertical rock
MB1217 : Laminaria digitata on moderately exposed Atlantic sublittoral fringe rock
MB1218 : Laminaria hyperborea on tide-swept Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB1219 : Laminaria hyperborea on tide-swept Atlantic infralittoral mixed substrata
MB121A : Laminaria hyperborea and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB121B : Dense foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed Atlantic infralittoral silty rock
MB121C : Laminaria hyperborea on moderately exposed Atlantic vertical rock
MB121D : Hiatella arctica and seaweeds on vertical Atlantic littoral limestone / chalk
MB121E : Laminaria digitata, ascidians and bryozoans on tide-swept Atlantic sublittoral fringe rock
MB121F : Mixed kelp with foliose red seaweeds, sponges and ascidians on sheltered tide-swept Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB121G : Mixed kelp and red seaweeds on tide-swept Atlantic infralittoral boulders, cobbles and gravel
MB121H : Laminaria saccharina with foliose red seaweeds and ascidians on sheltered tide-swept Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB121J : Filamentous red seaweeds, sponges and Balanus crenatus on tide-swept variable-salinity Atlantic infralittoral rock
MB121K : Halopteris filicina with coralline crusts on moderately exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock