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Habitat Annex I Directive hierarchical view > FORESTS > Forests of Temperate Europe > Pannonic inland sand dune thicket (Junipero-Populetum albae)

Pannonic inland sand dune thicket (Junipero-Populetum albae)

Description (English)

Xerophilous mosaic of open scrub or open woodlands with Juniperus communis and Populus species and open or closed sand steppe grasslands of sands, particularly sand dunes, of the Danube-Tisza confluence of the Pannonic plain. Woodland herbaceous species are lacking and the habitat in general more closely resembles semi-desert scrub than steppe woodland.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 91N0)
Habitat type Priority
Natura 2000 sites 22 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Conifers Juniperus communis
Flowering Plants Berberis vulgaris
Flowering Plants Bromus tectorum
Flowering Plants Cephalanthera rubra
Flowering Plants Crataegus monogyna
Flowering Plants Epipactis atrorubens
Flowering Plants Euonymus verrucosus
Flowering Plants Euphorbia seguierana
Flowering Plants Festuca vaginata
Flowering Plants Fumana procumbens
Flowering Plants Koeleria glauca
Flowering Plants Ligustrum vulgare
Flowering Plants Poa angustifolia
Flowering Plants Polygonatum odoratum
Flowering Plants Populus alba
Flowering Plants Populus canescens
Flowering Plants Populus nigra
Flowering Plants Prunus mahaleb
Flowering Plants Prunus spinosa
Flowering Plants Rhamnus catharticus
Flowering Plants Rubus caesius
Flowering Plants Stipa joannis
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Juniperus communis Conifers
Berberis vulgaris Flowering Plants
Bromus tectorum Flowering Plants
Cephalanthera rubra Flowering Plants
Crataegus monogyna Flowering Plants
Epipactis atrorubens Flowering Plants
Euonymus verrucosus Flowering Plants
Euphorbia seguierana Flowering Plants
Festuca vaginata Flowering Plants
Fumana procumbens Flowering Plants
Koeleria glauca Flowering Plants
Ligustrum vulgare Flowering Plants
Poa angustifolia Flowering Plants
Polygonatum odoratum Flowering Plants
Populus alba Flowering Plants
Populus canescens Flowering Plants
Populus nigra Flowering Plants
Prunus mahaleb Flowering Plants
Prunus spinosa Flowering Plants
Rhamnus catharticus Flowering Plants
Rubus caesius Flowering Plants
Stipa joannis Flowering Plants

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
HUDD20007 Hungary Kelet-Dráva Map
HUDI20012 Hungary Csévharaszti homokvidék Map
HUDI20013 Hungary Csolnoki löszgyepek Map
HUDI20019 Hungary Felső-Tápió Map
HUDI20045 Hungary Szigethalmi homokbuckák Map
HUDI20051 Hungary Turjánvidék Map
HUFH20008 Hungary Pannonhalmi-dombság Map
HUFH20009 Hungary Gönyüi-homokvidék Map
HUKN20002 Hungary Peszéri-erdő Map
HUKN20003 Hungary Felső-kiskunsági turjánvidék Map
HUKN20006 Hungary Nagynyíri-erdő Map
HUKN20008 Hungary Déli-Homokhátság Map
HUKN20011 Hungary Fülöpházi homokbuckák Map
HUKN20015 Hungary Ágasegyháza - orgoványi rétek Map
HUKN20018 Hungary Jánoshalma-kunfehértói erdők Map
HUKN20023 Hungary Tázlá - kiskunhalasi homokbuckák Map
HUKN20024 Hungary Bócsa-bugaci homokpuszta Map
HUKN20035 Hungary Harkakötöny - kiskunmajsai homokbuckák Map
HUKN20036 Hungary Imre-hegy, Pirtó-kiskunhalasi homokbuckák Map
HUKN30003 Hungary Izsáki Kolon-tó Map
SKUEV0067 Slovakia Cenkov Map
SKUEV2067 Slovakia Cenkov Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

Not available
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100