Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Habitat Annex I Directive hierarchical view > FORESTS > Forests of Temperate Europe > Central European lichen scots pine forests

Central European lichen scots pine forests

Description (English)

Natural lichen-rich acidophilous Pinus sylvestris forests belonging to the alliance Dicrano-Pinion occurring on inland nutrient poor sands of the northeastern plains and hills of Central Europe and of the nemoral belt of the middle and southern Sarmatic region. The trees are low growing as the soils are nutrient deficient and subject to drought stress.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 91T0)
Habitat type Not priority
Natura 2000 sites 124 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Conifers Juniperus communis
Conifers Pinus sylvestris
Fungi Cladonia furcata
Fungi Cladonia gracilis
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Juniperus communis Conifers
Pinus sylvestris Conifers
Cladonia furcata Fungi
Cladonia gracilis Fungi

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
CZ0314021 Czech Republic Borkovická blata Map
CZ0424111 Czech Republic Labské údolí Map
CZ0514042 Czech Republic Jestřebsko - Dokesko Map
DE2528331 Germany Elbeniederung zwischen Schnackenburg und Geesthacht Map
DE2630303 Germany Elbtallandschaft und Sudeniederung bei Boizenburg Map
DE2638305 Germany Fließgewässer, Seen und Moore des Siggelkower Sanders Map
DE2745301 Germany Klapperberge Map
DE2833306 Germany Elbtallandschaft und Löcknitzniederung bei Dömitz Map
DE2937304 Germany Weißer Berg bei Spiegelhagen Map
DE3234301 Germany Kalbescher Werder bei Vienau Map
DE3441301 Germany Weißes Fenn und Dünenheide Map
DE3649301 Germany Swatzke und Skabyberge Map
DE3743301 Germany Seddiner Heidemoore und Düne Map
DE3746304 Germany Dünen Dabendorf Map
DE3749303 Germany Kanalwiesen Wendisch- Rietz Map
DE3843301 Germany Obere Nieplitz Map
DE3845301 Germany Seeluch-Priedeltal Map
DE3847301 Germany Löptener Fenne-Wustrickwiesen Map
DE3847303 Germany Kleine und Mittelleber Map
DE3847304 Germany Töpchiner Seen Map
DE3847306 Germany Großer und Kleiner Möggelinsee Map
DE3847309 Germany Heideseen bei Groß Köris Map
DE3848306 Germany Streganzsee-Dahme und Bürgerheide Map
DE3849303 Germany Kienheide Map
DE3947301 Germany Massow Map
DE3947304 Germany Glashütte/Mochheide Map
DE4051301 Germany Lieberoser Endmoräne und Staakower Läuche Map
DE4131302 Germany Heers bei Blankenburg Map
DE4148304 Germany Alteno-Radden Map
DE4149303 Germany Alteno-Radden Ergänzung Map
DE5839303 Germany Elstergebirgssüdabfall bei Schönberg Map
DE6335372 Germany Östlicher Vogelherd im Veldensteiner Forst Map
DE6432301 Germany Sandheiden im mittelfränkischen Becken Map
DE6842301 Germany Pfahl Map
LTANY0012 Lithuania Anykščių šilelis Map
LTDRU0005 Lithuania Cimokinė Map
LTIGN0018 Lithuania Aukštaitijos nacionalinis parkas Map
LTLAZ0022 Lithuania Veisiejų regioninis parkas Map
LTMAR0001 Lithuania Kazlų Rūdos miškas II Map
LTSAL0013 Lithuania Rūdninkų viržynai Map
LTSAL0014 Lithuania Šilinės miškas Map
LTSVE0035 Lithuania Gelednės miškas Map
LTVAR0009 Lithuania Čepkelių pelkė Map
LTVAR0017 Lithuania Dainavos giria Map
LTVAR0033 Lithuania Glėbo ežero apylinkės Map
LTVIN0001 Lithuania Taurijos miškas Map
LTVIN0034 Lithuania Lavoriškių miškas Map
LTZAR0024 Lithuania Gražutės regioninis parkas Map
LV0514200 Latvia Rakupes ieleja Map
LV0526800 Latvia Sedas purvs Map
LV0532000 Latvia Sitas un Pededzes paliene Map
LV0534600 Latvia Metru mezs Map
LV0536600 Latvia Lubana mitrajs Map
LV0600400 Latvia Augsdaugava Map
LV0600700 Latvia Ziemelgauja Map
LV0830500 Latvia Priedes Map
LV0830800 Latvia Bulvara riests Map
LV0831100 Latvia Kalna riests Map
PLC140001 Poland Puszcza Kampinoska Map
PLH020015 Poland Wrzosowisko Przemkowskie Map
PLH020063 Poland Wrzosowiska Świętoszowsko-Ławszowskie Map
PLH020086 Poland Pieńska Dolina Nysy Łużyckiej Map
PLH040035 Poland Mszar Płociczno Map
PLH060031 Poland Uroczyska Lasów Janowskich Map
PLH060034 Poland Uroczyska Puszczy Solskiej Map
PLH060093 Poland Uroczyska Roztocza Wschodniego Map
PLH060097 Poland Dolina Dolnej Tanwi Map
PLH080001 Poland Dolina Leniwej Obry Map
PLH080002 Poland Rynna Jezior Obrzańskich Map
PLH080028 Poland Krośnieńska Dolina Odry Map
PLH080031 Poland Bory Chrobotkowe koło Brzózki Map
PLH080032 Poland Bory Chrobotkowe Puszczy Noteckiej Map
PLH080036 Poland Jeziora Gościmskie Map
PLH080039 Poland Mierkowskie Wydmy Map
PLH080044 Poland Wilki nad Nysą Map
PLH080048 Poland Bory Chrobotkowe koło Bytomca Map
PLH080057 Poland Dolina Lubszy Map
PLH080058 Poland Murawy Gorzowskie Map
PLH080063 Poland Bory Babimojskie Map
PLH100003 Poland Lasy Spalskie Map
PLH100008 Poland Dolina Środkowej Pilicy Map
PLH140011 Poland Ostoja Nadbużańska Map
PLH140013 Poland Wydmy Lucynowsko-Mostowieckie Map
PLH140028 Poland Gołobórz Map
PLH140032 Poland Ostoja Nadliwiecka Map
PLH140034 Poland Poligon Rembertów Map
PLH140035 Poland Puszcza Kozienicka Map
PLH140047 Poland Bory Chrobotkowe Karaska Map
PLH140052 Poland Zachodniokurpiowskie Bory Sasankowe Map
PLH200005 Poland Ostoja Augustowska Map
PLH200008 Poland Dolina Biebrzy Map
PLH200010 Poland Ostoja w Dolinie Górnej Narwi Map
PLH200018 Poland Czerwony Bór Map
PLH200021 Poland Ostoja w Dolinie Górnego Nurca Map
PLH220026 Poland Sandr Brdy Map
PLH220034 Poland Jeziora Wdzydzkie Map
PLH220057 Poland Ostoja Zapceńska Map
PLH220058 Poland Doliny Brdy i Chociny Map
PLH220061 Poland Mętne Map
PLH220077 Poland Młosino-Lubnia Map
PLH220078 Poland Nowa Brda Map
PLH260001 Poland Dolina Krasnej Map
PLH260003 Poland Ostoja Nidziańska Map
PLH260013 Poland Dolina Białej Nidy Map
PLH260015 Poland Dolina Czarnej Map
PLH260018 Poland Dolina Górnej Pilicy Map
PLH260026 Poland Ostoja Brzeźnicka Map
PLH260030 Poland Ostoja Pomorzany Map
PLH260040 Poland Lasy Cisowsko-Orłowińskie Map
PLH260041 Poland Wzgórza Chęcińsko-Kieleckie Map
PLH280012 Poland Ostoja Lidzbarska Map
PLH280052 Poland Ostoja Napiwodzko-Ramucka Map
PLH280053 Poland Ostoja Iławska Map
PLH300006 Poland Jezioro Kubek Map
PLH300009 Poland Ostoja Nadwarciańska Map
PLH300017 Poland Dolina Rurzycy Map
PLH300037 Poland Kiszewo Map
PLH300045 Poland Ostoja Pilska Map
PLH300046 Poland Dolina Bukówki Map
PLH300060 Poland Puszcza Pyzdrska Map
PLH320046 Poland Uroczyska Puszczy Drawskiej Map
SKUEV0179 Slovakia Cerveny rybnik Map
SKUEV0899 Slovakia Borske piesky Map
SKUEV0906 Slovakia Kalastovsky bor Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

Not available
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100