Mediterranean riparian woodland
Description (English)
Alluvial forests and gallery woods of the mediterranean region. Dominance may be of a single species, of few species or mixed with many species including Fraxinus, Liquidambar, Platanus, Populus, Salix, Ulmus. Excludes mediterranean Salix woods (G1.1) and shrubby riparian vegetation (F9.3).
EUNIS habitat classification
Interpretation Manual of the habitats targeted by Resolution No. 4
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code G1.3 |
Bern Convention | Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites) |
Relation to | Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive) |
Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Relation to other habitat types mentioned in legal instruments
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Name | Definition | Alternatives | Reftext |
Lauro nobilis-Fraxinion angustifoliae I. Kárpáti et Kárpáti 1961 | Riparian gallery forests withh relict laurisilva elements of eastern submediterranean regions of Apenninian and Balkan Peninsulas | Fraxinion angustifoliae Pedrotti 1970; Populion albae P. Fukarek et Fabijanic 1968; Lauro nobilis-Fraxinion angustifoliae I. Kárpáti 1962; Lauro nobilis-Fraxinion oxycarpae I. Kárpáti et Kárpáti 1961 nom. mut. (sensu Brullo & Spampinato 1999); Fraxino angustifoliae-Populion P. Fukarek et Fabijanic 1968 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Salicion canariensis Rivas-Mart. et al. ex Rivas-Mart., Fernández González et Lodi 1999 | Canarian willow woodlands on silt-rich alluvia or recent landslides and beds of irregular streams of Madeira and Canary Islands | Salicion canariensis Rivas-Mart. et al. 1993 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Osmundo-Alnion glutinosae (Br.-Bl. et al. 1956) Dierschke et Rivas-Mart. in Rivas-Mart. 1975 | Alder and willow riparian forests fo Western Mediterranean | Alnion lusitanicum Br.-Bl. et al. 1956; Caricion microcarpae Gamisans 1975; Caricion microcarpae Gamisans 1977; Osmundo-Alnion (Braun-Blanquet et al.1956) Dierschke et Rivas- Mart. in Rivas-Mart. 1975 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Rhododendro pontici-Prunion lusitanicae A.V. Pérez, Galán et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1999 | South Iberian riparian gallery forest with relict laurisilva elements | Scrophulario laxiflorae-Rhododendrion pontici Pérez Latorre, Galán de Mera et Cabezudo in Cabezudo et Pérez Latorre 2001 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Platanion orientalis I. Kárpáti et V. Kárpáti 1961 | Platanus riparian gallery forests of Eastern Mediterranean | Platanion orientalis I. Kárpáti 1962 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Populion albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou Yen-Tcheng 1949 | Riparian gallery forests o submediterranean regions of southern France and Iberian Peninsula | Fraxino angustifoliae ssp. angustifoliae-Populion albae Julve 1993 (orig. form); Clematido cirrhosae-Populion albae Bensettiti 1999; Fraxino-Quercion pyrenaicae Rivas Goday 1964; Populion albae Br.-Bl. 1931; Populion albae Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943; Populion albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou Yen-Tcheng 1948; Populion albae de Bannes-Puygiron 1933; Saponario officinalis-Populion albae (Br.-Bl. ex Tchou Yen-Tcheng 1948) Bensettiti 1999 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Species mentioned in habitat description
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 44.7 | Oriental plane and sweet gum woods | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 44.6 | Mediterraneo-Turanian riverine forests | narrower |
CORINE Land Cover | 3.1.1. | Broad-leaved forest | n/a |
BEAR Forest Types for Biodiversity Assessment | 24 | Mediterranean and Macaronesian riverine woodlands and gallery forests | overlap |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | G1.3 | Mediterranean riparian woodland | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | G1.3 | Mediterranean Populus, Fraxinus, Ulmus and related riparian woodland | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | G1.3 | Mediterranean Populus, Fraxinus, Ulmus and related riparian woodland | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | G1.3 | Mediterranean Populus, Fraxinus, Ulmus and related riparian woodland | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 | G1.3 | Mediterranean riverine woodland and thickets | same |