Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
Description (English)
Waterbodies with a low nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) content, mostly acid (pH 4-6). Includes oligotrophic waters of medium or high pH, e.g. calcareous and basic unpolluted nutrient-poor lakes and pools, which are rare in much of Europe and noted as a habitat of charophytes (C1.14). Excludes peaty, dystrophic waters (C1.4). Because of the low nutrient status, beds of vascular plants, including Callitriche spp., Potamogeton spp. and isoetids Isoeto-Nanojuncetea are often sparse and open.
EUNIS habitat classification
Interpretation Manual of the habitats targeted by Resolution No. 4
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code C1.1 |
Bern Convention | Resolution 4 habitat type (used for designation of Emerald sites) |
Relation to | Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive) |
Legal status
Mentioned in the following international legal instruments and agreements
Relation to other habitat types mentioned in legal instruments
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Name | Definition | Alternatives | Reftext |
Lobelion dortmannae Vanden Berghen 1964 | Temperate-boreal amphibious Lobelia and Isoëtes communities of nutrient-poor standing waters of oceanic Europe | Littorellion uniflorae Koch ex Tx. 1937; Lobelio dortmannae-Isoëtion Pietsch 1965; Lobelio-Isoëtion Pietsch 1966; Myriophyllo alternifolii-Lobelion dortmannae Tx. et Dierßen in Dierßen 1972; Ranunculion reptantis Tx. et al. in Dierßen 1972 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Littorellion uniflorae Koch ex Klika 1935 | Vegetation of amphibious plants in fluctuating shallow oligothrophic and mesotrophic waters of temperate and boreal Europe | Apio-Pilularion globuliferae Schoof van Pelt 1973; Elatini-Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch 1965; Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch 1965; Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch 1966; Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch 1967; Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch ex Dierßen 1975; Eu-Littorellion uniflorae (Koch 1926) Pietsch 1977; Littorellion Sauer 1937; Littorellion uniflorae Koch 1926; Littorellion uniflorae Malcuit 1929 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Subularion aquaticae Hadac 1971 | Vegetation of Subularia- and Isoëtes-rich amphibious communities of oceanic North Europe and mountain areas of Central Europe and Central Balkans | Isoëtion lacustris Nordhagen 1936; Subulario-Isoëtion Pietsch 1977; Subulario aquaticae-Isoëtion echinospori Pietsch 1977 corr. Rivas-Mart. et G. Navarro 1986 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Hyperico elodis-Sparganion Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Oberd. 1957 | Vegetation of amphibious plants in shallow mesotrophic waters on organic substrates in Atlantic region of Europe | Samolo valerandi-Baldellion ranunculoidis Schaminée et Westhoff in Schaminée et al. 1992; Hydrocotylo vulgaris-Baldellion ranunculoidis Tx. et Dierßen in Dierßen 1975; Eleocharition multicaulis Vanden Berghen 1969; Helodo-Sparganion Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 (orig. form); Hypericion elodis T. Müller et Görs 1960; Hyperico-Juncion bulbosi Pietsch 1971; Hyperico-Juncion bulbosi Segal 1968; Juncion bulbosi Segal 1968; Littorello-Eleocharition multicaulis Sjögren 1973; Hydrocotylo vulgaris-Baldellion ranunculoidis Tx. et Dierßen in Dierßen 1973 (sensu Rivas-Mart. et al. 2011: 179); Elodo palustris-Sparganion Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Oberd. 1957; Baldellion repentis (Schaminée et Westhoff in Schaminée et al. 1992) Pietsch 1995 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Sphagno-Utricularion T. Müller et Görs 1960 | Vegetation of bladderwort and peat-moss communities of oligotrophic and dystrophic peaty water pools of Europe | Scorpidio-Utricularion minoris Pietsch 1965; Utricularion Den Hartog et Segal 1964 p.p.; Utricularion intermedio-minoris Passarge 1978; Utricularion intermedio-minoris (T. Müller et Görs 1960) Julve 1993 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Species mentioned in habitat description
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 22.15 | Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 22.11 | Lime-deficient oligotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
CORINE Land Cover | 5.1.2. | Water bodies | n/a |
HELCOM Baltic Sea Marine and Coastal Biotopes 1998 | | Coastal lakes: freshwater: oligotrophic | narrower |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | G13 | Standing water: oligotrophic | same |
Milieux Naturels de Suisse 1998 | 1.1 | Eaux calmes | wider |
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 | 8211000 | Vysokohorské jazero | n/a |
Biotopes of Slovakia 1996 | 8212000 | Horské jazero | n/a |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | C1.1 | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | C1.1 | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | C1.1 | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | C1.1 | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 | C1.11 | Lime-deficient oligotrophic water bodies | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 | C1.11 | Lime-deficient oligotrophic water bodies | same |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 | 22.11 | Includes Lime-deficient oligotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 | 22.15 | Includes Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 | 22.11 | Lime-deficient oligotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 | 22.15 | Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic waterbodies | narrower |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 | 22.15 | narrower | |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 | 22.11 | narrower | |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 | 22.15 | narrower | |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 | 22.11 | narrower | |
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1991 | 22.15 | narrower | |
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1991 | 22.11 | narrower | |
CORINE Biotopes Classification 1989 | 22.11 | narrower |